Melissa Lowenstein, MEd
Since 2016
1 Articles
About Melissa Lowenstein, MEd
Melissa Lowenstein (formerly Block), M.Ed., is AHA!’s Grant Writer, a Core Facilitator in the in-school and after-school programs, and co-leader of the after-school Creative Discoveries group. She holds a BA in Theater and Dance from the College of William and Mary in Virginia and a Master’s in Education from the University of Virginia. Melissa has worked as a freelance writer and editor since 1997 and has authored, co-authored, and ghostwritten over 25 books on topics including education, psychology, parenting, relationships, social-emotional learning, intentional community, and health.
Melissa is certified as a parent coach, and has also been an actor, theater director, choreographer, contemporary dancer, and yoga teacher. She brings her parenting experience (parent to two, step-parent to three, born between the years of 2003 and 1993) and extensive personal work in compassionate communication, council, andconscious relationship to her work as a facilitator.