4 Tiny Intimacy Secrets Men Often Keep From Women
Blow his mind in the bedroom with these secrets.

Believe it or not, there are aspects of intimacy that your man will rarely talk to you about. So, today I want to explain these secrets to you so that you can better understand your man's wants and needs.
Here are 4 intimacy secrets men often keep from women:
1. They want you to bring the fire to the bedroom
Perhaps you even feel the same about your man? Perhaps you wish that every once in a while he could really 'bring the fire' in the bedroom? Now, when I say this, I just mean being more passionate, enthusiastic, and amorous with your man than usual. So how can you bring the passion? Here are a few tips:
- Initiate: If your man is the one that usually initiates intimacy, then surprise him every once in a while and put the moves on him first. Initiate intimacy or kiss him extra seductively.
- Use toys: Another great way to spice things up is to add some toys to your love life. This can start with something as simple as a massage oil, but don't stop there. Toys, and restraints, can heat things, too.
- Dress up for him: I probably don't even have to mention this (I'm not even sure this classifies as a secret), but guys are massively turned on visually. So, use this to your advantage. If you usually wear pajamas or other 'regular' nightwear, why not try out something spicier, slinkier, and more revealing? It's one of the easiest and quickest ways to turn your man on, especially if he's not expecting it.
- Talk Dirty: Talking dirty to your man is a fantastic way to make intimacy way, way hotter. Being explicit isn't required. Expand your comfort zone gradually here. Your man will love you for it.
2. They like it when you take control, but...
Most guys like it, from time to time, when their girlfriend or wife is the one in control, 'calling the shots.' Not all the time, but around 10 percent of the time is perfect to keep things interesting. You may feel a bit nervous at the idea of trying this, but once you do, and you see how well your man responds to it, you'll be so glad you did.
3. Guys hate when you act like a starfish
I know the first secret I revealed is about being crazy in bed every once in a while for your man. And maybe you aren't comfortable with that idea. That's fine, not everyone is. However, one thing that you absolutely must avoid is being a 'starfish' for your man. Imagine a starfish in the ocean right now. When you look at it, what is it doing? Pretty much just lying there, staying where it is, almost completely still. Lying in bed and barely moving will destroy your love life with your man. So, if there's one thing you take from these secrets it's to never just lie there. Get involved — it's incredibly attractive if you do.
Pexels / Taryn Elliott
4. They really can't read your mind
This last secret is important if you want to keep your love life interesting and fun for both of you. You see, men are terrible at picking up on the signs that there's something wrong or even picking up on the signs of how you're feeling. So, rather than hope your man understands what you want, need or how you're feeling, it's far more effective to be direct about it. The notion of "Praise what you want to see more of" works well with men. So, if there is a position or technique you love or something he does when kissing you that you like, don't be afraid to explicitly say so with praise: "I love it when you do that" or "That is so hot!"
Sean Jameson is a writer, relationship expert, and creator of the Bad Girl's Bible.