Worker Says She’s Close To Having A Full Breakdown Because She Doesn't Take 'Random' PTO Days

She stressed the importance of having a healthy work-life balance.

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If there's one thing that working adults need to take into consideration, it's work-life balance and being able to detach from the stresses of the office to recenter themselves and recharge. 

In a TikTok video, a content creator named Jasmine Hope admitted that she's been neglecting her mental well-being and has reached her boiling point after not taking much-needed time off from work.

Jasmine said she's close to having a full breakdown because she never uses PTO days to rest.

Jasmine explained in her video that she felt she'd already messed up the remaining months of her work year and was extremely close to having a bit of a breakdown that would possibly result in her being sent to her company's HR department. The main reason why? Jasmine never used her available PTO days to find peace outside the office.


"What people should do if they can afford it is to take PTO throughout the year," Jasmine advised. "Just random days to rest and recharge. I get 10 days PTO, so that's what I should have done."

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Jasmine admitted that she hasn't taken a single random day of PTO this year. 

During holidays, she'll spend her long weekends hanging out with her friends who also have off, but it's not exactly restful. While it's good to be social and interact with friends, especially since it can become quite normal to go stretches of time without interacting because of work, it's equally as important to use some of those days off to spend by yourself.

Unfortunately, Jasmine isn't alone in neglecting time to recharge. 

A majority of employees often don't utilize their PTO, and according to research from the Pew Research Center, nearly 46% of American workers aren't taking all of their allotted paid time off. 

Researchers surveyed 5,902 working Americans to understand what they think about their current jobs, including their workplace benefits like paid time off.


Female worker sitting at desk with hand on her head feeling overworked Nuttapong punna | Canva Pro

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Fifty-two percent of those who don't take all of their paid time off said they "don't feel they need to take more time off," while 49% worry about falling behind at work. 


Workers under the age of 50 cited concerns that taking more vacation days could hurt their chances of career advancement, and 12% of workers say their managers or supervisors discourage them from taking time off

Jasmine admitted that it's only a matter of time before the lack of PTO days catches up to her.

Considering the fact that Jasmine hasn't been able to take some time for herself, it's understandable that she feels burnt out, stressed, and probably mentally exhausted from having to be at work all the time. 

We should dedicate as much time to working as we do to taking care of ourselves and our mental well-being, although that's not always practical. Still, some time away is better than none.

"It's just a matter of time," Jasmine insisted, referring to her impending breakdown. "I wish I could have self-control and practice meditation and chill. I'm not a chill person."


Thankfully, Jasmine pointed out that she will be using some of her PTO days in August. 

Relaxation doesn't have to involve meditation, yoga classes, or face masks. Self-care isn't a singular experience and can look different depending on the person. 

For some, spending the entire day in bed with takeout is a form of self-care, while for others, it's hanging out with friends and being outside.


As long as you're prioritizing what's important to you, it shouldn't matter. 

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Nia Tipton is a Chicago-based entertainment, news, and lifestyle writer whose work delves into modern-day issues and experiences.