3 Pieces Of Advice On Work-Life Balance That’ll Actually Burn You Out More, According To A Job Coach
Exhaustion is inevitable when you don't pace yourself at work.

The most productive employees draw a distinct line between work and personal life. They understand the importance of work-life balance — that it helps them maintain their physical and mental well-being, prevents burnout, and promotes overall happiness.
However, some of the prominent advice regarding work-life balance that we see on social media does more harm than good. Job coach Julia Arndt shared some such pieces of advice in a recent Instagram post, urging employees to ignore them for their own sake.
Here are 3 pieces of work-life balance advice that will actually burn you out more:
1. 'If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.'
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Unfortunately, loving your job does not eliminate exhaustion. No matter how you slice and dice it, working is draining even when you adore your job. At times, you still face difficult tasks, long hours, and moments of frustration.
A recent survey found that 74% of employees are tired on the job, regardless of how much they love it. While having a passion for your job certainly makes it more enjoyable, it doesn't eliminate the inherent demands and responsibilities of work that can burn you out.
2. 'Just time-block your schedule better.'
If only it were that easy. No amount of time-blocking helps workers who are chronically overcommitted and have a list of never-ending tasks. The only way employees will ever be able to manage their schedules appropriately is by saying no to things that drain them.
Maybe they are being asked to perform tasks far beyond the scope of their job. Perhaps they are expected to stay well past their scheduled hours. Whatever it may be, suggesting that an employee schedule a time block for leisure will do little to keep them from burning out.
3. 'Balance means giving everything equal time.'
Even if you believe that you have a healthy work-life balance, every day is not going to consist of the exact same balance. Sometimes, work is hectic and requires more of your attention. Other times, your family or personal health may require more focus than your job.
True balance isn't about equal distribution of time, but about finding a rhythm that works for you while ensuring that each area of your life gets the attention it needs. The goal is alignment, not a perfect split.
According to recent statistics, 66% of Americans claim they do not have a good work-life balance, with 77% reporting that they experience burnout in the workplace. To combat this burnout, we should stop listening to any of the unsolicited advice listed above.
Set clear boundaries for when your workday starts and ends, and avoid working beyond these times. Take regular breaks to recharge. Don’t be afraid to use sick or vacation days when you need to unplug. There is no shame in having a solid balance between your work and personal life — in fact, it's something to be proud of.
Megan Quinn is a staff writer with a bachelor's degree in English and a minor in Creative Writing. She covers news and lifestyle topics that focus on justice in the workplace, personal relationships, parenting debates, and the human experience.