Woman Agrees That It’s The Worst Time In History To Have Kids — But Not Because Of The State Of The World

Although what's causing it is unclear, people really do seem to feel awful about kids.

Woman says it's the worst time in history to have kids christinarosepix | Shutterstock

A lot of people think that now is not a good time to have kids because of how bad the world has gotten. In fact, 13% of adults over 50 who never had children that were polled by Pew Research Center admitted that they chose to remain childless because of “concerns about the state of the world.”

One woman was firmly against this line of thinking, instead believing that there was really no golden age to have children, so if someone wanted to be a parent, they should go for it. All of that changed when she considered people’s attitudes towards kids today.


A woman agreed that it’s the worst time in history to have kids because people just don’t like children nowadays.

A TikToker, mom and poet named Jordan Simone shared her unique perspective on why it’s really a bad time to have kids right now, and it had nothing to do with existential dread over the world’s impending doom. Instead, she pointed to most people’s behavior as the real reason society should think twice about bringing kids into the world.

Woman said nobody likes kids nowadays and that's why it's the worst time to have a family Ron Lach | Canva Pro


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“I’ve been seeing a lot of takes lately that are like, ‘This is the worst time in history to have kids. If you have kids right now, you’re selfish. The world is ending.’ And initially I disagreed,” she shared. “Because not only has the world ended before, at least as it was known at the time, [but] there’s never been a perfect time to have children.”

Simone then launched into a list that demonstrated how there really was no perfect time to have kids. “I mean, from the plague, slavery, multiple world wars, revolutions, the Great Depression, like, there’s just never been like a, ‘Oh my gosh, this is the time to have kids!’” she said. “I mean, there has almost never been, like, a golden era for having children, and yet people did it anyway because reproducing is, like, what living things do, speaking in broad strokes.”

Despite all of this evidence to back up her theory, Simone has changed her opinion. “But then I thought about it, and lowkey, y’all are right,” she admitted. “This is the worst time to have children, but it’s not because the world is in such a significant state of disrepair. It’s because y’all hate children.”


The woman argued that no one really wants to help children or be a part of their lives anymore.

There is no village,” she said. “There is no community. There is no additional support or extra care. If there are resources available, which are fewer and fewer by the day, you are picked on and looked down upon for taking advantage of those resources.”

woman with bad attitude towards kids who is annoyed with her daughter Photo By: Kaboompics.com | Pexels

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Simone also brought up “the language that y’all used to talk about reproduction as a whole,” which included things like calling people who choose to be parents “idiots,” pregnant women “disgusting” and children “sticky, loud and obnoxious.”

“If a person expresses that they need help in any capacity with their kids, y’all are like, ‘Okay, but you shouldn’t have had them if you can’t handle it. Why should I be a part of your village? What if you take advantage of me?’” she continued. Simone concluded that people try to “disguise” this behavior as caring for children, but it doesn’t work. “Children are the ones who pay the price of that,” she said.

It’s true that people really don’t tend to hold children in high esteem.

James C. Kaufman, Ph.D., shared his thoughts on the subject, saying, “What astounds me is how much, as a society, we tend to despise children.” As a father himself, he can’t believe the disrespect kids are shown.

It’s a sad truth that children are not really seen for the humans they are and the future adults they will become. And people who feel that way should perhaps reconsider becoming parents.


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Mary-Faith Martinez is a writer with a bachelor’s degree in English and Journalism who covers news, psychology, lifestyle, and human interest topics.