Woman Explains The Unfortunate Reason Why Those 'Destined For Greatness' Are Often The Loneliest

Feeling lonely is hard, but it may just be worth it to reach your full potential.

successful business woman writing on dry erase board Christina Morillo | Pexels

Oftentimes, the most successful people also find themselves being the loneliest. Is it some kind of curse that comes with doing big things, or is there more to it? One woman thinks she has it figured out.

It's lonely at the top is an expression for reason, and according to this woman, sometimes success and aptitude make others feel inferior.

A woman shared the reason that those who do great things are also lonely.

TikTok content creator @dbawisdomtree shares insight on how to protect yourself and your energy. Recently, she discussed just why anyone who is “destined for greatness” likely also feels lonely.


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“People will isolate you from the rest of the group when you highlight how inadequate they are by just being yourself,” she argued.

“Why do you think, in a classroom setting, if you’re always raising your hand, you’re the know-it-all, but if you weren’t constantly answering all the questions, no one else is participating anyway, and class would just move slower?” she asked.

She pointed out that people simply don’t want to be around those who make them feel like they are inferior. This isn’t something you’re doing purposefully but something that happens automatically because of the effect you have on others.

However, as the woman quickly pointed out, when you’re in this situation, there does come a point when everyone acts like they want to be your closest friend.


“And you’re the know-it-all until it’s five minutes before the exam, and everyone’s asking you to explain the concept,” she said.

In fact, people actually feel like they need you, even though they act like they don’t like you.

“People love to say that you act like you’re better than everyone, but if you took your [expletive] home, who would they have to pedestalize and compare themselves to?” she asked.

successful looking business woman making notes Anna Shvets | Pexels


She continued, “In a leadership position, everyone wants to call you bossy, but if you weren’t constantly doling out tasks, nothing would get done. Funny how that works.”

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The woman argued that others are intimidated by you just because of who you are. Because of that, they will try to be around you less and less.

“When you’re the type of person who reminds people on a regular basis that they need to step their game up by just being you, a lot of these same people are not going to mess with you,” she said.

Despite what may seem like bad news, there is an upside to keep in mind.


“You are destined for greatness, I’m telling you,” she concluded. “You’re probably already doing a lot of those great things right now.”

@diaryofaceoclip Millionaire @Codie Sanchez explains why success can be lonely at times when you’re on the path to success. Go watch the full episode on The Diary Of A CEO podcast with @Steven BartlettAre you on the path to success slowly falling away from people and have you felt this? — \#foryoupage #fyp #diaryofaceo #stevenbartlett #podcast #podcastclips #podcastclip #viral #explore #video #2024 #interview #doac #clip #opinion ♬ i see dead people - my head is empty

There is some evidence to back up her theory that people who are successful face more loneliness.

While some could just write this off as a theory someone had on TikTok, there seems to be some truth to it.

Forbes said, “The path to success can be extremely lonely. You may have people around you, but despite that, sometimes you might feel lost and lonely. This happens because the lives of most successful people are different from those of the masses.”


Even if you haven’t been completely isolated from the people around you, there’s a good chance you could still feel lonely. When you’re destined for greatness, you’re required to take a very different path than others.

Writing for Next Big Idea Club, Ben Casnocha said, “Walking on your own path means … you are walking alone. It’s hard to become close to people, primarily because shared experiences are the lifeblood of relationships, and if you’re leading a non-conventional … life, you’re probably accumulating unique experiences.”

business woman working in the backseat of a luxury car Tima Miroshnichenko | Pexels


Those who are pursuing greatness are on their own path.

If you’re destined for greatness and success, then you're doing something very different from most of your peers. You’re on your own journey, really. No one else will be doing exactly what you are.

Only you can decide if the trade-off of loneliness for greatness is worth it, and the answer will be different for everyone.

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Mary-Faith Martinez is a writer for YourTango who covers entertainment, news and human interest topics.