Woman Refuses To Invite Family With 8-Year-Old To Her Home Ever Again After Destroying Her House While His Parents Did Nothing
He cost her over $50 in damages.

After a woman was kind enough to host a holiday dinner for her friends, she was appalled after one of them left her house in shambles.
Even though her friend’s son was the real culprit, his mom did not even attempt to stop him from disrespecting her friend’s house. Now, she will no longer be opening her doors to her friend and her son.
A woman is no longer inviting her friend’s family over after their son destroyed her house by leaving it nearly impossible to clean.
In a TikTok video viewed over 70,000 times, a woman who calls herself Mrs. Messy captured the aftermath when her friend’s eight-year-old son left a mess after she had them over for dinner.
Not only were there dirty food dishes and drink cups scattered all over the kitchen counter, but the boy managed to get into the woman’s supply closet and get ahold of Play-Doh and slime.
“He mixed them together and got it all over my beige carpet,” Messy revealed. “He also spilled juice all over my $3,500 sofa.”
Oh, but there's more. The boy smeared slime all over the woman’s bathroom counter and sink. “Slime does not come out easily,” the woman noted as she attempted to wash out her sink.
Perhaps what was even more infuriating was the fact that the little boy’s mother did nothing to stop her son’s behavior.
Photo: michellegibson / Canva Pro
According to Messy, the boy’s mother simply “sat there smiling” while her son destroyed her friend’s home.
“You have to tell your kid something,” she said. “If you’re not telling your kid anything and you’re acting like it’s my job to be a bad policeman, then I’m not inviting you over again.”
Mrs. Messy has no plans to welcome her friend and her son over to her house again.
In a follow-up video, she expressed her disbelief over her friend’s poor parenting while at her house.
“How can you just come to someone’s house, and they cooked for you and they cleaned the house before you arrived, and you just sit back and relax while your kids are destroying that person’s house?” she asked.
The little boy damaged Messy’s sofa, blinds, and bathroom furniture. He even smashed her son’s toys with a rock, all while his mother was reportedly drinking wine and relaxing in the kitchen. “She was just laughing and acting like he wasn’t her kid,” Messy said.
When the woman asked her six-year-old son why he let the boy break all of his toys, he replied that since the boy was older than he was, he wanted to copy what he was doing, believing that it was impressive.
“I work really hard for my money,” she explained, noting that the broken toys cost $50.
Many people sided with the woman and agreed with her decision not to have her friend and son over her house again.
“It’s insane to me how parents can just sit back and do nothing while their kids do this,” one TikTok user wrote. “Eight-years-old is old enough to know better,” another user noted. “Our friends literally changed their son’s diaper on our dinner table … with food on it nearby … they’re banned,” another user commiserated.
Mrs. Messy thought that her friend may have allowed her son to destroy her home without attempting to stop him out of jealousy.
“By watching our stuff being destroyed, it actually made her happy,” the woman claimed.
While parenting young children certainly is not easy, it is essential to supervise them while visiting someone else’s home.
They must be mindful of the host’s belongings and space.
If parents spot their child misbehaving or touching other people’s belongings in their house, they should correct their behavior and ensure they adhere to house rules and etiquette. At the very least, they should offer to clean messes or pay for any damages caused by their children.
Not only will they maintain a positive relationship with the hosts, but they will also always be welcome back into their homes.
Megan Quinn is a writer at YourTango who covers entertainment and news, self, love, and relationships.