Woman Receives Message From Airbnb Host Revealing They Had Hidden Cameras In The Shower

It's time for Airbnb to put an end to this nonsense.

Woman receiving text from Airbnb host revealing there were hidden cameras in the shower Krakenimages.com | Shutterstock

Security cameras are pretty standard nowadays, and most people wouldn't be alarmed if an Airbnb had a Ring camera or other device used for safety. Inside the house is an entirely different story, however.

A woman named Charlotte recently took to TikTok to share a disturbing and alarming experience after receiving a message from her Airbnb host, which revealed that hidden cameras had been placed in the bathroom area of the rental property. The incident has sparked widespread outrage, and deservedly so, as the guest was made aware that her privacy has been violated in the most intimate of spaces. 


A woman got a text message from her Airbnb host admitting there were hidden cameras in the shower.

Charlotte expressed both anger and fear after receiving a message from her Airbnb host that she never expected. The message, which seemed entirely too casual for the serious nature of the violation, revealed that the host had been reviewing "security footage" and noticed "forbidden activities" in the shower and pool areas. If you're immediately saying to yourself: Why would there ever be a camera in the bathroom? To that we say, there shouldn’t be, and poor Charlotte had been using the shower and bathroom without any knowledge that she was being watched.


Well that was unexpected…

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"Since when did Airbnb’s include cameras in the bathroom areas?" Charlotte questioned. And the answer to her question is — which you probably guessed — they don’t. 

On the Airbnb website they specifically mention that hosts are not allowed to have security cameras and recording devices that monitor any part of a listing’s interior. The most important part of the Airbnb policy on security devices is that hidden security cameras are strictly prohibited.


What makes this situation so disturbing is that it goes far beyond a simple misunderstanding or mistake — it’s a serious violation of privacy. 

When people book an Airbnb, they expect to feel safe and respected in every part of the property, especially in spaces like the bathroom. It’s one of the most private areas of any home. For Charlotte, knowing that someone was secretly watching her shower without her consent made her feel utterly violated — and who could blame her?!

As one commenter wisely stated, "Call the police; they can not have cameras in the house, and that is illegal." At the very least, Charlotte should certainly reach out to corporate and report this host, immediately. No one should have to worry about hidden cameras in their rental, and this incident clearly shows how much that trust can be broken.

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Airbnb needs to do more to protect guest privacy.

Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time that hidden cameras have raised red flags for Airbnb guests, but it highlights how much more the platform needs to do to protect its users. While Airbnb has policies in place that ban surveillance devices in private spaces like bathrooms and bedrooms, the fact that this violation happened means those rules aren’t being enforced effectively. 


Airbnb must take action to ensure hosts are complying with the platform’s privacy standards. Guests also deserve to have a clear set of instructions on how to report such violations and expect quick responses from Airbnb to take care of the issue. Additionally, clear disciplinary actions need to be laid out for hosts who do not comply. 

Airbnb’s reputation depends on its ability to provide safe and secure stays for everyone, and this situation shows just how much more it needs to do to live up to that promise. It’s time for the platform to take privacy issues seriously and put stronger safeguards in place to ensure something like this never happens again.

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Erika Ryan is a writer working on her bachelor's degree in Journalism. She is based in Florida and covers relationships, psychology, self-help, and human interest topics.