To The Really Pretty Girl Who Stopped To Hug Me When I Was All Alone At The River

You never know how desperately someone needs basic human interaction.

brunette standing by a river with a slight grin Janie Airey | Canva Pro

A woman was left in tears of gratitude after a stranger noticed her standing alone at a river and offered to give her a hug.

Unbeknownst to the kind stranger, the hug and brief conversation had more of an impact on her than she would ever know.

The stranger offered the woman at the river a long hug after she saw her standing alone.

As Meryl stood along a river bank in Sacramento, she said a “really pretty girl” approached her and asked her why she was by herself before pulling her in for a long hug.


After their interaction, Meryl took to TikTok to thank the girl and tell her just how much her act of kindness meant to her.

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“Thank you so much,” she said in a video that has been viewed over 270,000 times. “I was too ashamed of my existence to ask if you wanted to connect and meet up at the river again.”

“So I’m making a TikTok 'cause you were so sweet and gorgeous. I hope you find me, and I hope we can connect. You know who you are.” 

While the stranger likely went about her day after interacting with Meryl, the impact of her actions will likely stick with Meryl for a lifetime.

Meryl will always remember the stranger as the person who demonstrated compassion to her while she was experiencing a hard time.

Her actions have also inspired others to do the same, and many of them have encouraged Meryl to reach out and connect with them.


woman reading a book next to a river Immortal shots | Canva Pro

“She just inspired me to do something I always wanted to do when I see someone alone,” one TikTok user commented.

“Awe, sweet Meryl!! I checked out your page & you seem so kind and genuine! I'm in the Sacramento area too and I'm totally down for new friends and helping you find connections if I can,” another user shared.


“You are clearly also so sweet & gorgeous. I hope you find her!” another user wrote.

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In the comments section, Meryl added that she was feeling particularly down when she headed to the river that day.

She didn’t know how long she would have to wait before receiving her next hug or just feeling the connection and support of another person.

“So to just be offered one made me sob with gratitude,” she wrote. “Loneliness and touch deprivation [are] debilitating.” 

Touch deprivation usually follows an absence of human contact which can leave a deep longing for the physical connection that comes with just a supportive hand on the shoulder or a warm hug. A study from 2020 found that touch, especially for single adults, can have a significant impact on feelings of loneliness and overall well-being. The study noted that touch, in its basic form, is bond-building for humans. It offers us a way to communicate without speaking. It gives us the ability to offer love, support, trust, and camaraderie without saying a word.


friends sharing a warm hug RgStudio | Canva Pro

While some of us may crave affection, touch, and basic compassion when we are navigating through a particularly lonely time, we may not always have access to it.

We may have crippling anxiety and have trouble asking for help or making friends. We may have low self-esteem and feel unworthy of others’ time and attention. Or some of us may just not have the support of close family and friends around.


When a person doesn't have access to touch, there are other options to help soothe the stress and sadness that can follow. A study from 2021 found that self-soothing touch can have wonderful benefits, and it's as simple as placing your hand on your heart or wrapping your arms around yourself. 

Better yet, consider adopting or fostering a pet. Psychiatrist Dr. Edgar Hernandez told Forbes, “Pets increase feelings of social support, a sense of meaning and improve their owners’ lifestyles by increasing physical activity and adding structure to daily routines.” And any pet owner can confirm that they are wonderful snugglers, especially when you are feeling down.

Loneliness and isolation can be absolutely crippling during a time when we just need a hug or a conversation from someone who cares. 

Those of us who choose to extend a helping hand, a conversation or a hug to someone can change the trajectory of a stranger’s life forever.

While it may only be a few moments out of our day, it could be the most meaningful moments in someone else’s life. 


Just a simple hug can have lasting positive effects on our bodies, including the release of dopamine and serotonin, reducing stress and anxiety, and alleviating pain. 

In a world where women are constantly pitted against each other, it is heartwarming to know that there are those who truly care about the well-being of others and fiercely look out for them.


We never truly know what others are experiencing. It doesn’t cost anything to offer someone a smile, a brief chat, or even a hug.

We are all deserving of basic human kindness and compassion and we never know when someone needs it the most. 

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Megan Quinn is a writer at YourTango who covers entertainment and news, self, love, and relationships.