Kind Woman Drives Hours Away To Rescue An Injured Poodle Puppy Let Loose In The Heat With A Rubber Band Tied Around It’s Snout

"This makes my heart hurt."

poodle puppy laying in the grass Linas T / Shutterstock

Animals are sweet and largely defenseless creatures that we have the honor of co-existing with. 

Unfortunately, there are some people who do not understand this and harm animals who can do little to defend themselves. 

A woman rescued a poodle puppy injured by a rubber band around her snout.

A Florida woman received praise after doing everything in her power to help a poodle puppy who had been injured at the hands of another person.


The owner of Florida Little Dog Rescue, who is known as Mama Jan on the nonprofit’s Facebook page, played a key role in making sure the injured dog was taken care of, along with one of her employees.

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The employee shared the dog’s rescue story in a Facebook post. The post included disturbing photos of the puppy’s injuries.

“If you live in Central Florida, I would gather that, like me, there are very few things that would make you grab your keys and head out the door without hesitation in the middle of rush hour, with severe thunderstorm warnings going off, to travel down I-4 all the way towards Tampa, then onto 75,” she said, detailing just how far she traveled to help this dog.

“Today, that new thing was [a] picture that was sent to us from one of our rescue coordinators at a shelter of a poodle puppy — a sweet little four-month-old girl with a severe injury to her nose,” she continued.

“How did she get that injury?” she asked. “A rubber band wrapped tightly around her nose, most likely to stop her from barking … This was intentionally done, and then the puppy was put outside by herself in the heat, unable to open her mouth to pant or properly … eat or drink.”

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The employee explained how the puppy was able to get the help she needed. “Thankfully, after this happened, she wound up with Animal Services. They got her stabilized and began looking for a rescue that would be willing to take her in and take on her medical care,” she stated.

The employee said that she was with Mama Jan at the time she got the message about the pup. The woman was insistent that they help her despite the distance.

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“I looked over at Mama Jan and showed her the picture, and her first words to me were, ‘Looks like you’re going on a road trip today,’ and she was not wrong,” she said.

The employee made the hours-long trip and brought the sweet dog back to Florida Little Dog Rescue’s facility, where she is being cared for by vets.

The statistics surrounding animal abuse are heartbreaking.

USA Today shared data regarding animal abuse that would make even the coldest of hearts break.

According to the outlet, “An estimated 10 million animals die from abuse or cruelty every year in the United States.” Adding, “We’ll never know exactly how many animals get abused each year because not all cruelty cases get reported.” However, we do know that “globally, at least one animal is abused every 60 seconds.”


It’s truly heart wrenching to know just how frequently animals are purposefully hurt. Thankfully, there are people like the employees at Florida Little Dog Rescue who are willing to help.

The rescue is accepting donations to help the injured puppy.

The employee concluded her post by saying, “Summer has left us pretty strapped — with low adoptions, low donations, fosters on vacation — it’s been more than a perfect storm for us, but we leapt on faith and are hoping some of you can lend helping paws.”

Donations to the rescue to help the puppy can be made on their Facebook page (link above) and their website. So far, they have raised over $2,000 on Facebook.


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Mary-Faith Martinez is a writer for YourTango who covers entertainment, news, and human interest topics.