Wife Books A 'Girl's Trip' The Same Day As Her 10-Year Wedding Anniversary — 'It's Been A Long Year'

She claims that due to her friend's work schedule, it is the only time they can do the trip.

woman, girls trip NDAB Creativity / Shutterstock

After a long year of battling a health crisis, a woman decided to treat herself to a tropical vacation with one of her best friends.

However, the trip fell on the same day as her 10-year wedding anniversary. Since it was the only time her friend would be able to travel, the woman went ahead and booked the trip and informed her husband that she would not be home to celebrate with him.

Now, her husband feels hurt that his wife seemingly blew off their big day for a girls’ trip.


The woman scheduled a girls’ trip that fell on her 10-year wedding anniversary.

Sharing her story to Reddit, the 37-year-old woman revealed that the past year has been a difficult one for her and her 42-year-old husband.

“I was diagnosed with cancer and have been dealing with the treatments for the past year,” she wrote. Thankfully, the treatments were successful, and the woman was declared cancer-free.

“During the treatment my husband was amazing and used almost all of his vacation time to make sure that I was being taken care of,” she shared.

While the couple was planning on doing something big for their approaching 10th wedding anniversary, they had to reconsider since her husband had exhausted all of his paid time off during the woman’s cancer treatment. 


wife, husband, cancer treatment fizkes / Shutterstock

Still, the woman wanted to do something fun to celebrate beating cancer. She decided to book a tropical getaway with one of her best friends since her husband wouldn’t be able to travel.

The trip fell during their anniversary due to her friend’s work schedule. “I figured this would be fine since my husband couldn't take any time off to go anywhere anyway,” the woman wrote. 


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After booking the trip, her husband was hurt because his wife would be gone on their anniversary.

“He ended up getting very upset and saying that taking the trip on our anniversary date and not discussing any of the plans with him prior to booking,” the woman shared. “Everything made him feel like he didn't matter.”

Of course, the woman said his hurt was unfounded. She loves her husband more than words could describe.

“I still love him but I really wanted to get away and have some time to have fun again,” she wrote.

“I told him that once he has some vacation time saved again that he can book us a trip and we could enjoy some tropical time together then.”


Still, the woman worried that her decision to be gone during their actual anniversary was shortsighted.

Most people believed that it was selfish of the woman to take a vacation without her husband on their anniversary.

They argued that her actions were especially brutal, considering her husband used all of his vacation days to be by her side during her cancer treatments.

“So he was an amazing husband during your illness and used up all of his vacation time caring for you — and you unilaterally booked a tropical vacation over your anniversary with a friend? This is sending a big message to him that he doesn’t matter to you,” one Redditor commented.

“He sacrificed for you but you are willing to ignore his hurt feelings for your own benefit.”


“It’s not about the vacation, it's about you going away on a milestone anniversary and leaving your partner alone,” another user noted.

“He probably still wanted to go out to dinner or do something tiny, smaller than a trip to celebrate. You didn’t even talk to him first and now he is going to be alone on a milestone anniversary,” another wrote.

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After the year they’ve had, the woman’s husband likely didn’t care if they spent their anniversary going on a romantic getaway or not.

Since he couldn’t use any more of his vacation time at work, he was probably planning on spoiling his wife with a fancy dinner, tickets to see their favorite artist, or simply staying in and catching up on their latest binge-watch to celebrate their big milestone. 


celebrating anniversary Lucky Business / Shutterstock

As long as they were together on their anniversary, the man likely knew it didn’t matter how they spent it.

Learning that the love of his life would be in another country with another person on a day they were meant to be celebrating together must have felt like a knife to the heart.


Thankfully, after reading through people’s comments, the woman reconsidered her decision.

The woman ended up moving her trip dates around so that she could spend her wedding anniversary with her husband.

She followed up with her original post to share the good news, adding that she apologized to her husband for not considering his feelings. According to research, this was a good decision. A study from 2020 found that couples who are willing to be flexible during times of conflict, especially when a partner's feelings have been hurt, signals the desire to resolve the misunderstanding. Simply stepping into the other person's shoes goes a long way to understanding each other — which is actually a pretty awesome gift for a 10th anniversary.

“My friend is obviously upset with this as she has to reschedule her days off as well as parts of the trip that she contributed to, but I hope she understands the situation,” she wrote.


The woman also reported that the rescheduled girls' trip was a success and that they had a great time; her husband even appeared to be happy for them when he picked her up from the airport.

While there is nothing wrong with taking time to go on a vacation with your friends, you should avoid scheduling it during important days in your relationship.

There are 365 days in a year. Only one of them will be your wedding anniversary.

That gives you 364 opportunities to plan a trip that will not interfere with the day.

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Megan Quinn is a writer at YourTango who covers entertainment and news, self, love, and relationships. 
