Why Demanding Respect Can Be A Tough But Necessary Task
Grow self-respect and demand it from others.

Experts reveal that nearly 79% of Americans say a lack of respect and courtesy is a serious national problem. On top of that, 60% of Americans say it’s getting worse.
There could be many reasons why it’s happening. Maybe it’s because the world is getting meaner. But the more likely explanation is that we as individuals don’t prioritize self-respect.
Therefore, we must give a better effort to both if we want respect and courtesy to be more prominent in our world.
Here are five tips for growing self-respect and demanding it from others.
1. Nurture your mental health.
Nurturing your mental health is the key to developing self-respect.
Good mental health and a solid emotional foundation will help you get closer to yourself and understand what you need and how to get it. Because of that, you’ll be able to pinpoint which actions communicate respect and which don’t.
However, for more curated actions, seek advice from a professional. A mental health professional, like a therapist, counselor, psychologist, or psychiatrist, can help you work on your mental and emotional wellness.
For example, they can help you unpack why you have trouble being assertive and offer you ways to become more confident. They can also help you learn to recognize situations when you aren’t being respected and advise how to navigate those circumstances.
However, not every professional is suited for every situation or set of needs. As such, research what each mental health professional does, determine which is best for your needs, and schedule your first appointment.
As you strengthen your mind and emotional well-being, self-respect and respect from others will follow.
2. Build confidence.
It’s also essential to build confidence to grow self-respect and demand it from others. When you’re confident in who you are and what you bring to the table, others will feel that and respect you.
To build confidence, be authentic. Stay true to who you are and what you say you will do. Be vulnerable and transparent. Don’t be afraid to show people all of who you are — whether they accept it or not has nothing to do with you.
You don’t need anyone’s validation or permission to be who you are. Stand firm on that and be proud of how far you’ve come.
3. Treat everyone with respect.
One of the best ways to get respect is to give it. No matter who the person is, where they work, or how much money they make, you should give everyone the respect you would like to receive.
To do that, have meaningful conversations with every caliber of person. Practice active listening to ensure you’re giving everyone your undivided attention and fully hearing and absorbing what they’re saying.
Respect each person’s perspective, even if you disagree with it.
4. Be intentional in your relationships.
You can’t expect respect from others if you aren’t purposeful in your relationships. You’ll have a much better chance of getting respect from the people in your life if you show them you’re serious about growing a meaningful relationship with them.
So, set expectations about how you want to be treated and what you can offer from the beginning. Be clear about what respect means and looks like to you, whether it’s a professional or personal relationship. Listen to the other person's take on respect, too.
When you’re intentional in your relationships, you can manage them better. Plus, you’ll also be more inclined to walk away from them when respect is no longer a part of their foundation.
5. Stand up for yourself.
Although it may seem like nonsensical logic, you greatly influence the respect you receive from others. Of course, everyone should generally treat others respectfully. But ultimately, you’re responsible for teaching people what that respect may look like to you.
When you don’t stand up for yourself when necessary, you teach people they can handle you however they want to, rather than how you want them to. As a result, you may experience more disrespect than you deserve.
For example, let’s say you’re entering a new stage in your romantic relationship and are moving in with your partner. Don’t forfeit your personal boundaries and needs to accommodate the other person, as many couples do.
Instead, stand firm. Speak up about what you need and want in the living situation and your partner to ensure the experience is equally fulfilling.
There isn’t one person in the world that can’t benefit from growing self-respect.
When you respect yourself, you inspire a healthy relationship with yourself. And that, in turn, improves your relationships with others.
So gain respect from the people around you by using the tips above to grow self-love, confidence, and respect for yourself.
Unwritten is a website for millennials written and run by millennials.We’re committed to giving Generation-Y the discussion they need, whether it be a source of news, a much needed laugh, a comforting shoulder to cry on, or a place to have their own stories heard.