When These 13 Things Start Happening, You're Close To Finding Your Purpose In Life
Are you on the path to finding your purpose in life?

You want the best life possible. There are hundreds of books out there telling you how to find your purpose in life.
Everyone is telling you what works for them — but what works for them may not work for you.
If finding your true self is an important part of your pursuit of happiness, then there are ways that knowing your Enneagram type may help you discover the real "you."
In the end, you need to figure out what you need for yourself. The good news is that you have all that it takes to find your purpose right within you. Your responsibility is to open to the wisdom of the world through your three energy centers.
The signs you're finding your purpose in life will become self-evident as you open up to your inner wisdom.
With practice, you will learn to open your heart (emotions), your instinctive (belly), and your head (thinking) center.
Practices such as yoga, meditation, and massage can help you to get in touch with your inner wisdom, especially your body and heart.
Here are 13 signs you are finding your purpose in life:
1. You're excited to get up each day
It is easy to get up in the morning. You enjoy each day.
2. You know deep inside you're on the right path
I don’t mean it is always easy. It just feels right. Even in the hard times, you have the inner confidence that it will work out.
3. You feel calm and grounded
Your body feels relaxed. You feel aware of everything happening in you and around you. Your mind feels calm. You sleep well at night. There is a sense of ease in your life. Nothing is feeling forced.
4. You are finding your rhythm in life
You know there is a time for everything. Everything seems to be happening in the way it should. Nothing is too slow or too fast. It just feels right.
There is enough time for work, family time, time with friends, and time for self. Life is busy — but not too busy.
5. You feel self-confident
You are feeling comfortable in your work and the person you are. You know you can do what is needed. You trust the people in your life. You have no shame in asking for help when it is needed. You are comfortable in your shoes.
6. You feel happy
Maybe a better way of saying it is that you have joy in your life. You have contentment. You feel a sense of inner peace even during challenging times. You trust that everything will work out in the way it needs to.
7. Life feels challenging and yet rewarding
You would never grow if never challenged. The challenges in your life encourage you to keep working hard and staying open to new ideas. You receive enough positive feedback. You feel satisfied at the end of each day.
8. Synchronicity is at work
You meet the right people at the right time. New opportunities turn up when you are ready to take them on. There is harmony in your life. Everything seems to happen at the right time.
9. Friends, family, and strangers affirm the path you are on
People you trust let you know they see a positive change in you. They affirm what you are doing as important work. They tell you you're just the right person for the job.
Not everyone is going to approve, but the people that you trust are the ones to pay the most attention to. Even comments from a stranger can be a powerful sign you are on the right path.
10. You have all the energy you need
You find new energy within you. You still get tired after long days, but it is a "good" tired. You feel energized to do what you need to do every day. Your stress level is at a healthy level just enough to keep you motivated.
11. You no longer worry about how you are going to survive
You find a new trust in life. You don’t worry much from day to day. You have an inner trust and confidence that you will have enough to live each day.
12. What you are doing no longer feels like work
Work time seems just as fun and meaningful as playtime. You no longer dread going to work, but rather look forward to it every day. You have a jump in your step. You love your job as one of your passions in life.
13. You're amazed that you get to spend your life doing something that feels so right
You get to hang out with an amazing group of people. You feel like you are making a difference in the world.
If you are experiencing many of these signs, then you are on the right path. Each new sign you experience is good news as you continue to strengthen your quality of life.
When you open yourself up to your inner wisdom, you will find the guidance you need to find your purpose in life.
You will probably have more than one passion. Your passions and interests often change throughout your life. If you stay open to your body, and emotions and have a quiet mind, you will know when you need to make a change in your life.
Don’t despair if you are still looking for your purpose. With continued inner work by yourself, you will find your purpose. It is not easy work but so worthwhile.
Roland Legge is an author, Certified Spiritual Life Coach, and teacher of the Enneagram. He helps people connect to their inner selves and find alignment with their highest purpose and values.