11 Ways To Spot An Old Soul By The Way They Dress, According To Psychology
You can easily spot one of the old souls in your life by paying close attention to their appearance.

According to energy expert Cindy Theodore, old souls generally battle feelings of isolation and a lacking sense of belonging in our modern world, drawn to higher purposes that are seldom reflected in our society's current values and norms. Despite struggling to fit in from a big picture perspective, they do cultivate connection, empathy, and compassion in their individual lives, habits, and interactions, leveraging the power of intuition and self-awareness to connect with themselves and others.
Considering they're generally more sensitive than the average person, they also make intentional choices — with their appearance, career, or relationships — that help them to feel comfortable and authentic on a daily basis. In fact, there are several ways to spot an old soul by the way they dress, according to psychology experts on self-expression, that reflect these guiding principles and help them to live a more grounded and present life.
Here are 11 ways to spot an old soul by the way they dress, according to psychology
1. They opt for vintage and secondhand clothing
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Clothing has the power to hold energy and memories, whether you're deliberately conscious of it or not. Old souls, who are innately drawn to connection, nostalgia, and spirituality, use their closets as a reflection of their open-mindedness to these memories and experiences.
Whether it's hand-me-downs from their own families or second-hand clothing from a thrift store, the pieces they choose to clothe themselves in often tell a story much deeper than just self-expression or creativity.
2. They wear family heirlooms and gifted jewelry
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Being an old soul has a lot to do with embracing authenticity and genuinity. In their daily lives, making choices about their appearance and self-expression through clothing, many old souls choose to reflect themselves in pieces that remind them of who they are — whether they're pieces of family heirloom jewelry or vintage pieces passed down from older generations.
Their ability to be compassionate and empathetic to the people around them often reflects in their ability to make deep connections with others. Outside of simply communicating or catching up with the people in their lives, they make deliberate choices in their daily lives as well to live with their presence, thinking about them.
From wearing grandma's necklace to their partner's favorite color, the choices they make about something as simple as what they're wearing in the morning all tie back to that practice of connection and connectedness.
3. They have favorite staple pieces
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Many of the signs of a person who is an old soul revolve around their deep sense of empathy and spirituality. Not only do they appreciate their memories, the past, and deeply sentimental things, they often feel a deep connection to things — like clothing or photographs — that help them to channel that sense of sensitivity.
Considering many old souls are less materialistic and less committed to keeping up with trends influenced by our modern day consumerist culture, one of the ways to spot an old soul by the way they dress is their tendency to rewear their clothing a lot rather than buying new pieces.
Whether it's a hand-knit sweater or an old "hand-me-down" shirt, they often grow bonds with pieces of clothing that help them to connect with the past and their previous experiences.
4. They carry trinkets and items that empower connection
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From little notebooks to card games, an old soul's purse or backpack is typically filled with things that allow them to connect with other people. While they may have favorite staple items and cherished heirlooms, they tend to value people and connection over material items.
According to psychologist C.C. Cassell, people with old souls focus more on intangible things like knowledge, connection, or compassion that drive their relationships with themselves and others. The things they intentionally choose to carry with them are typically a reflection of that.
You may see them journaling quietly with a little notebook in public or reading a book that inspires them, rather than polishing up their makeup, scrolling on their phones, or putting a great deal of effort into accessorizing with material things.
5. They favor natural and sustainable fabrics
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According to intuitive reader Jocelyn Joy Thomas, many old souls have special intuitive and spiritual gifts that allow them to both connect with the past and find intentionality in the present moment.
Whether it's teaching, seeking wisdom, or building thoughtful connections, old souls often lead movements of equality, environmental sustainability, and community, according to Thomas, in ways that bring people together.
This commitment to sustainability can be reflected in the ways to spot an old soul by the way they dress, according to psychology, as their commitments and interests align with how they choose to present themselves and live.
From natural sustainable fabrics to steering clear of "fast fashion" clothing productions, old souls intentionally make choices in their individual lives that promote their larger, big picture beliefs about the world.
6. They wear simple pieces, rather than trending styles
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By pursuing contentment in their daily lives rather than simply happiness or fulfillment, which psychologist Daniel Cordaro, PhD says is highly valued by many cultures, many old souls live more presently, making intentional choices that help them to stay grounded and self-soothe amid the chaos of their daily lives and responsibilities.
While their mindsets certainly reflect this prioritization of simplicity, their clothing and appearance choices often do as well. This means they choose simple staple pieces, rather than eccentric trendy ones.
7. They appreciate classic silhouettes and old styles
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While having an old soul isn't always about chronological age, there are certain ways to spot an old soul by the way they dress, according to psychology, that revolve around their appreciation for the past.
Whether it's a 1950s neckline or a vintage-inspired dress, many people who are old souls find comfort in bringing back old styles that remind them of a person, memory, or time period they feel spiritually connected to. At the end of the day, the way an old soul dresses has more to do with intentionality and connection than a perfectly curated materialistic style.
8. They value comfortable styles
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Seeking peace and stability, both in their life goals and their daily lives, old souls tend to dress themselves in accordance with their daily routines. Whether they're working or meeting new people, they tend to value clothes that help to facilitate better conversations and comfort rather than keeping up with trends or trying to convey a certain image.
While they still value individuality like anyone else does, according to a 2022 study on fashion aesthetics, and use their clothes as a vehicle of self-expression and creativity, the choices they make to fill their closets and dress themselves everyday are a reflection of their values — comfort, sustainability, connection, and intentionality.
9. They're not afraid to mismatch styles and patterns
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Considering old souls are generally more intuitive and self-aware about their own desires, needs, and favorite things, they're not afraid to mismatch or challenge traditional fashion standards and norms to wear things that they genuinely enjoy.
As long as they're comfortable and empowered in their clothing, helping them to make more genuine connections and live in the present moment as they navigate their day, they're going to choose clothing items, patterns, and colors that they truly enjoy.
10. They often wear their favorite colors and fabrics
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Similar to their fearlessness challenging traditional clothing and fashion norms, many old souls have no problem prioritizing the things they find beautiful and enjoy — whether it be their favorite texture, color, or style. They're more worried about living authentically, channeling the beliefs and feelings they hold closely, and being empowered in what they wear, rather than fitting in.
One of the ways to spot an old soul by the way they dress, according to psychology experts, is their eccentricity of appearance. While they may sometimes steer towards comfort or simplicity on certain days, they also don't completely shy away from challenging fashion expectations with mismatched colors and fabrics, as long as they're a reflection of their personal style, identity, and appreciation.
11. They wear a lot of layers
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Whether it's comfort, sheer functionality, or their desire to help others that encourages these kinds of intuitive people to layer up, it's one of the ways to spot an old soul by the way they dress, according to psychology. Experts like the author of "Anatomy of a Calling," Lissa Rankin, PhD, argue that a person's innate desire to help others and lead their lives with compassion starts with self-respect and self-worth.
Although old souls struggle to find practical belonging with their higher purpose and intuition, they harbor a sense of self-compassion, respect, and awareness that encourages them to spread kindness in unconventional ways.
So, yes, their vintage flannel coat is comfortable and likely holds a lot of memory, if they're willing to wear it, but it could also serve as a vehicle for their compassion and desire to help others who might need extra warmth and protection on the right day.
Zayda Slabbekoorn is a staff writer with a bachelor's degree in social relations & policy and gender studies who focuses on psychology, relationships, self-help, and human interest stories.