11 Ways To Spot An Insecure Person By The Way They Dress, According To Psychology
Insecure individuals will go to great lengths to hide their self-consciousness.

Dressing ourselves is something we do everyday, and most likely don't even think twice about. But for people who struggle with self-esteem, especially insecurities about their body, getting dressed can feel like one of the most difficult parts of the day. Whether it's body image concerns, pressures of societal beauty standards, or fear of judgement, dressing oneself can seem like a dreadful chore on most days.
For outsiders looking in, there are certain ways to spot an insecure person by the way they dress, according to psychology. People often express their insecurities with the way they dress, whether it's intentional or not. Their clothing choices reflect deeper psychological needs to either avoid standing out or concealing their true self.
Here are 11 ways to spot an insecure person by the way they dress, according to psychology
1. They wear oversized clothing
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People who are insecure often want to hide their bodies from the rest of the world. They may do this by wearing articles of clothing that are much larger than their actual size. Wearing oversized clothes avoids drawing attention to themselves and specific areas of their body they feel particularly self-conscious about.
Psychotherapist Deborah Klinger revealed that people who struggle with insecurity often express it through their clothing choices.
"Body-shame is commonly focused on specific regions of the body. I've had people tell me, 'I don't show my legs,' or 'Nobody sees my arms.' Clothing choices aren't based on physical comfort but, rather, psychological comfort: the comfort that comes from knowing their legs or arms or stomach are covered, even if it means wearing jeans in 95°F weather."
2. They dress in dark or muted colors
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The color of our clothing often has different connotations that affect how we view ourselves and how we are perceived by others. Those who experience insecurities about themselves are often seen wearing dull or muted colors such as gray, black or navy since these colors are less attention-grabbing, allowing them to blend in and appear invisible to everyone else.
According to World Fashion Channel, the color gray, specifically, is often viewed as a "depressive color" and that those who wear gray want to avoid attention. For them, the dull color shields them from "public censure" and gives them a sense of peace and security.
3. They avoid trendy styles
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One of the ways to spot an insecure person by the way they dress is noticing if they avoid wearing clothing that's currently trendy. Insecure people may shy away from bold fashion choices and ones that most people will certainly recognize. They stick to "anti-fashion" styles, avoiding anything trendy.
When an accessory or a certain clothing item becomes trendy, people often feel pressure to pull it off. But insecure people fear that their attempt will fail miserably, and they will be ridiculed by others. Therefore, they often steer clear of things like choker necklaces, cropped cardigans, and bomber jackets to avoid drawing eyes toward them.
Research from Behavioral Sciences shows that individuals with low self-esteem and insecurities tend to have a heightened fear of social evaluation and criticism, which often leads them to avoid current trends in order to prevent judgment if they feel unable to pull them off as effortlessly as their peers.
4. There's a heavy use of accessories
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Over-accessorizing oneself can be a sign of deep insecurity. While we may assume that they feel confident in their own skin and aren't afraid to experiment with hats, shiny jewelry, or scarves, this fashion choice may be a method of diverting attention away from their perceived flaws.
Jessica A. Boyce, a psychology researcher at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, revealed that accessories are a popular way to enhance attractiveness without drawing attention to a person's figure, as clothing trends do. Insecure people use over-accessorizing to mask their true identity, with women, in particular, relying heavily on accessories to conceal their flaws.
5. They make conservative clothing part of their wardrobe
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To avoid judgment of their bodies, insecure people may opt to wear modest and conservative clothing choices that cover nearly every inch of their body. Long sleeves, turtlenecks, or dresses that go down to their ankles offer them a sense of protection.
When women wear modest clothing, many of us may assume that it's to avoid being the recipient of unwanted male attention. However, research says that it's also to avoid being scrutinized by fellow women who make them feel insecure.
Jaimie Arona Krema, an assistant professor of psychology at Oklahoma State University, shared her findings in the Social Psychological and Personality Science. A cohort of 584 women were asked to access which kinds of outfits they would choose to wear to different kinds of social gatherings.
Researchers determined that most women ended up choosing more modest outfits when they had to attend all-women gatherings as compared to those attended by both men and women. This is because women are more likely to prey on each other's insecurities. A conservative outfit won't leave them with much to pick apart.
6. They stick to logos or brand names
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People who are financially insecure may wear expensive or branded clothing in an attempt to signal to others that they belong to a certain social group. They may want others to think that they are financially wealthy enough to afford Gucci and Prada, even if they are on the brink of bankruptcy. It paints a false picture of stability and the hope that they will be validated by external credibility.
Cognitive-behavioral therapist Mandy Kloppers believes that wearing designer clothing is a sign of deep insecurity.
"Many many times, I have met wealthy successful people and they have arrived in old well-worn clothing. This is a sign of someone who is comfortable with themselves and who does not need to impress others. They feel good enough as they are — designer clothing or not. That's true self-esteem, something we should all strive for," Kloppers said. "My theory is that, the more designer clothes you buy and wear, the more insecure you are."
7. They repeat outfits
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If you notice that someone is repeating their outfits, it's one of the ways to spot an insecure person by the way they dress. Repetitiveness can provide safety for those who are insecure. Wearing a style they are comfortable and familiar with means they avoid having to take the risk of trying something new and failing to pull it off.
Your bestie who wears the same Under Armour pink sweatshirt every time you're together may not just be wearing it for optimal physical comfort. Rather, people who wear the same outfit over and over again reduce the anxiety of having to make daily fashion choices and potentially being judged. For insecure people, familiarity often equals safety.
8. They prefer comfort-first attire
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Comfortable clothing such as sweatpants, sweatshirts, and oversized T-shirts are not just warm and fuzzy. They could be an indication of a desire to remain as unnoticed as possible.
People who wear outfits that contain a lot of bling and bright colors are often the first ones who grab the attention of others. A baggy sweatshirt and dull colored sweatpants, on the other hand, are more likely to be unnoticeable.
For insecure individuals, wearing comfortable clothes may offer them safety and relief. Rather than feeling self-conscious in clothing that's heavy, hot, or simply not flattering, they choose comfortable attire for every occasion.
9. They wear clothing that avoids skin exposure
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A survey conducted by Mederma found that three in five respondents experienced insecurity surrounding their skin. Skin continues to be a bodily factor that people are often self-conscious about, whether it's the color of their skin or certain skin issues that affect their self-esteem.
Some opt to avoid showing any of it in their fashion choices. People who are especially insecure about their bodies may avoid tank tops, shorts, shirts or sleeveless tops that would expose any part of their skin, choosing instead to dress in long-sleeves, turtlenecks, and pants.
10. They wear clothes that hide their imperfections
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While high-waisted pants and long-flowing tops may seem to be a bold fashion choice that people are comfortable in, some people opt to wear them due to insecurities about their imperfections. And it's a way to spot an insecure person by the way they dress.
High-waisted pants help elongate the legs and define the waist, drawing attention away from the stomach area for people who are self-conscious about these areas. Long or loose tops can cover the hips and draw attention away from those areas since the fabric allows them to drape over the body without clinging to it.
These choices allow people who are insecure about their imperfections to feel more comfortable and confident about their appearance.
11. They opt for layered clothing
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Layers act as a physical barrier between insecure people and the rest of the world. It gives them a sense of comfort and security, and they may feel less exposed and vulnerable as long as their perceived imperfections are concealed by multiple layers of clothing.
Layers also put insecure people in a position where they can avoid potential judgement from others, and manage both the perception of their body and the anxiety that often accompanies those insecurities.
Megan Quinn is a staff writer with a bachelor's degree in English and a minor in Creative Writing. She covers news and lifestyle topics that focus on justice in the workplace, personal relationships, parenting debates, and the human experience.