9 Ways To Radiate True, Feminine Beauty (And Make Him Fall For You)
Find out what it really takes.

How to be more feminine in such a masculine-oriented world is more important than ever.
Knowing how to awaken your feminine power during these transformational times is important, especially if you want to feel centered and calm in your life. Feminine energy is a powerful, healing force.
Do you truly know how to be feminine? Being more feminine doesn’t only mean being pretty, wearing dresses, using perfume, or getting your hair done.
The feminine ideal of a woman’s youthful beauty is a sought-after commodity. Youthful looks have a short shelf life, however the pressure for a woman to stay beautiful no matter what her age is tremendous.
But true femininity is within you.
Knowing how to be more feminine is really about knowing how to honor your feminine qualities. Becoming more feminine is a process of tapping into the softer, more subtle, nurturing, and even joyful sides of yourself.
If you want to know how to awaken feminine energy in yourself, you need to learn how to slow down. The female body responds well to subtle energy. Tuning in to the subtle energy of your body has many benefits, like decreasing stress and increasing self-awareness.
Awakening the healing power of your feminine qualities requires knowing how to reach in instead of reaching out in unhealthy ways.
There are things you are probably doing that block your access to this healing energy. Become aware of this.
Here are 9 ways to radiate true, feminine beauty (and make him fall for you):
1. Love your unique beauty
No matter what stage of life you're in. Learn to allow your inner light and radiance to shine through. You can do this by increasing emotionally nurturing practices.
There are profound yet simple ways to increase your inner radiance as your outer radiance begins to fade.
As you age, all you have is your inner radiance. Nurture it! That’s how you let your true femininity shine.
2. Slow down
Feminine energy is receptive. When you're in your feminine energy, you're relaxed. With that said, you may not even realize all the habitual ways you stay busy.
Many of these behaviors are taught, socialized, and ingrained in you. However, they don’t create the sense of inner peace you long for. Instead, they create just the opposite.
Slowing down, tuning inward, and creating inner peace is how to be feminine. This is true divine feminine power.
Self-care practices help you to slow down. They also relax the feminine spirit.
These are healthy things you can do to stay receptive. Rather than always looking for something to do, i.e., shop, work extra hours, start an outdoor project, clean, date online, etc., turn inward instead.
3. Up your self-care
Good self-care practices are imperative for maintaining inner radiance. And it’s at the core of how to be feminine.
It’s a way to give to yourself what you so readily give to others — nourishment. This is a way to turn your feminine energy and innate ability to nurture and nourish inward, instead of always outward to others.
They are a way of letting you know that you're there for yourself.
Loving another can be vulnerable. The more you’ve gotten hurt, the less likely you are to open up. And opening up and being receptive is a feminine quality.
If you’ve been hurt, you emotionally protect yourself. That’s why self-care practices are so important. You don’t want to shut down, armor up, and not let love in.
There is a danger of defensiveness in relationships. Cultivating a lifestyle where self-care becomes normal is better protection than walling off emotionally and isolating yourself from love.
4. Become emotionally aware
Are you emotionally aware? And what is a healthy emotional expression?
Many obsessive-compulsive behaviors come from your emotions being out of balance, like overeating, drinking, working, etc. More specifically, this comes from repressing your emotions.
If you want true fulfillment, inner peace, and happiness, you'll only find it within. Learning to go inward and process your emotions is a skill that will enhance your feminine power.
5. Connect to your body
Connecting to your body connects you to your feminine side.
"H.A.N.D.S." is a great tool for this. This stands for "Healing, Awakening, and Nurturing Done Sensually."
Your hands are your healers. Put them on your body often.
The best self-care exercises for women must have an element of sensuality in order to be most effective. The reason is that this connects you to the sacredness of your body and the healing power of your divine feminine energy.
Sensuality is part of self-care. Being sensual is very feminine. You just haven’t given yourself permission to be sensual. You’ve focused more on looking sensual and appetizing to others.
True sensuality is something you experience within yourself. Place your hands on your body. A kinesthetic relationship with yourself is healing.
With your hands, consciously touch your heart, belly, breasts, face, etc. This type of connection is profound and precious. This type of self-care is a big part of awakening feminine energy in yourself and a key secret of how to be more feminine.
There are many creative ways you can enhance your relationship with your body and cultivate a sense of the sacred feminine with you.
6. Honor your sexuality
Female sexuality has been more of a commodity than a sacred aspect of your female body. And this has wounded women. They have armored themselves up. You’ve had to for protection.
Learning to honor your sexuality is a powerful way to be more feminine. And I mean honoring your true feminine sexual response system, not using sex in exchange for security or material gain.
Your womb is longing for healing. Women have carried sexual wounds throughout the centuries.
What I want to leave you with is the idea of honoring your Yoni. "Yoni" is a Sanskrit word for your female anatomy that means “sacred space.”
7. Be more playful
Somehow growing up means you need to become more serious about life. Yes, you need to be a responsible adult, but don’t lose your sense of playfulness.
Life isn’t fun when you’ve lost connection to your playful side. Playfulness is a softer, more receptive energy. When you're playful, you're light-hearted.
Being playful is divine. Connecting to your playful side helps you access the subtle realm beyond the physical world and mundane life.
A great way to use playfulness to be more feminine is to wiggle your hips! Your hips hold your feminine energy. Are your hips tight? Loosen them up with a joyful wiggle and dance.
Belly dancers and their exquisite art of feminine expression may not show outright playfulness, but having fun with your hips is a great way to get in touch with your feminine side.
8. Listen more, talk less
I’m a big women’s advocate, and I want you to have a voice and feel heard and understood. It’s important for you to be able to ask for what you need, speak your truth, and free yourself from the “disease to please.”
I don’t want you to be someone in the background that’s going along to get along and not feel seen. But that’s not what I’m talking about.
If you want to know how to be more feminine, it’s important to listen. Listen to your body, heart, intuition, and people.
Listening is a receptive behavior. You're receiving what the other person (or situation) is telling you.
Women have very active minds. If you put women together, there will be lots of conversation! Women love to talk. But the shadow side of that is what I call "the frantic talker."
These are women who talk a lot. They have the true gift of gab. Men can have this, too. You try to get a word in edgewise, but it’s hard to do.
If you really want to know how to be more feminine, notice how much you're talking in a conversation compared to the other person. Are you “talking their head off?” Is there a balanced back-and-forth in the conversation between the two of you?
When you can listen more and talk less, you’ll be accessing your feminine energy. Again, this doesn’t mean don't speak up for yourself or become passive.
And that’s true for good communication, as well. It takes fewer words to be a better communicator. Often, speaking too much gets you in trouble and can even put the other person on the defensive. And that’s not a feminine quality.
Feminine energy is about nurturing and connection. Listening to those you love is a beautiful feminine quality.
9. Connect with nature
Mother Nature is feminine. When was the last time you went out in nature?
Nature is your great healer. But living in such a fast-paced world has left many of us disconnected. As women, we are disconnected from ourselves, each other, and this beautiful planet.
When you connect to nature, you connect to a part of you that is divine. It slows you down, soothes, and nurtures you.
Anna-Thea is an author and Certified Divine Feminine Educator. She educates people on how to claim their bodies as sacred.