Watch Sassy 4-Year-Old Flower Girl Steal The Show At Mom's Wedding
Insanely adorable!

Michelle Hall and Anthony Palmer were ecstatic to be celebrating their big day, as all couples are. And although all eyes are usually on the new bride at a wedding, at these nuptials, someone, unfortunately, stole the spotlight right away from Hall — and it was her own daughter!
Then four-year-old Anderson was the flower girl at her mother's summer 2015 wedding but wanted to be just like her mom and be a bride, too. Dressed in a white dress much like her mother, little Anderson surprised the entire wedding party when she leaned in and gave the ringbearer, Ike, a big kiss.
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Wedding photographer Leah Bullard said, "She was calling herself the bride the whole day."
The jaw-dropping moment came when Bullard was preparing to take a photo of the wedding party altogether.
"I set up the entire wedding party for a formal shot as I do with every wedding, and then asked the bride and groom to kiss," Bullard said. "Since Anderson had been calling herself the bride the whole day, she assumed I was referring to her and went in for a kiss too. It was a memorable moment that had everyone in tears laughing."
Then, Anderson planted a big smooch on Ike. And Bullard had been able to capture the hilarious, incredible moment.
"That was my wedding too! Guess what! When momma kissed, Ikey and I kissed!! I was trying to get Ikey to kiss me..." said Anderson at the time. And of the ring-bearer himself, she said, "He was the best ring-bearer ever! And he thought I was the best flower girl ever! We're best friends."
The kiss was extra special, not only to the wedding party who all looked surprised and delighted but to Bullard as well.
"I strive to capture the moment of the day, so for me to be able to capture that moment, that's a moment the families can look back on for years to come and laugh and relive it over again," Bullard said.
And when Bullard tried to recapture the moment minus Anderson's kiss this time, the little girl once again astounded the whole wedding party when she went in for one!
Bullard said, "I said... 'Okay, let's try that again, one more time bride and groom kiss...' and she really went for it that time, and it was hilarious!"
Bullard is right. Anderson probably won't ever be able to live this memory down. We're sure that her mother will be reminding her of this epic photo for years to come.
But it's also good to know that Anderson will probably grow up to be a strong, assertive woman who, when she wants a kiss, won't be afraid to take the initiative and go for it.
Christine Schoenwald is a writer and performer. She's had articles in The Los Angeles Times, Salon, and Woman's Day.
Editor's Note: This article was originally posted on April 20, 2016.