Take This 'Walk In The Woods' Test To Find Out What You Value Most In Life

According to relational psychology, your answers to these questions about a walk in the woods reveal your deepest thoughts.

woman taking a walk in the woods Shutterstock / maxbelchenko

The following is what's known as a relational psychology test, a type of quiz that asks your subconscious mind to reveal answers about yourself that you may otherwise not be aware of.

Unlike Freudian psychoanalysis, which credits our thoughts and behaviors mainly to instinctual drives, relational psychotherapy explores "the role relationships play in the shaping of daily experiences," using this information "to help people understand patterns appearing in the thoughts and feelings they have toward themselves."


Based on that theory, your answers to the questions asked in this "Walk in the Woods" test reveal what you value most in your personal life.

Let's get to it.

Picture yourself walking through a beautiful forest. The sun is out, there's a perfect breeze. It's just beautiful.

Who are you walking with? 

walk in the woods test who are you walking with Shutterstock / MDSherman


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As you continue on in your walk through the forest, you come across an animal.

What kind of animal is it?

You come up to the animal.

What does the animal do?

You're walking deeper into the woods yet, and you come to a clearing. There's a house in the middle of the clearing.


How big is the house? Is it fenced in or no?

You walk up to the door of the home and it's open a bit. You enter and see a table.

What's on the table?

You finish looking around the house and leave out the back door. There's a huge lawn, and in the center is a garden. In the garden, you find a cup.

What is the cup made out of? What do you do with the cup?

As you walk to the end of the garden, you find yourself at a body of water.

What kind of body of water is it? A lake? River? Pond?

You must cross this water in order to get home.

How wet do you get?

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So, are you ready for some answers?

The person you were walking with is the most important person in your life.

The size of the animal you come across is a representation of the size of your problems.

If your action was more severe, it means you tend to be more aggressive. If it was peaceful, then more passive.

The size of your home is representative of the size of your ambition.

If there was no fence around the home, it means you tend to be more open.

If what you saw on the table wasn't food, people, or flowers, it indicates some unhappiness.

How durable the cup you found was is representative of how strong your relationship is with the person in the first part of the story. What you do with it is representative of your attitude toward them.


The size of the body of water is related to the size of your libido.

If you became very wet, it indicates that physical intimacy is important to you. If you were not very wet, it means it's less important.

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