What You See First In This Visual Test Reveals What Secretly Makes You Weird

Research shows that no one is truly normal.

visual personality test reveals what secretly makes you weird

If you've ever wondered if you're weird, the answer is yes — and this visual personality test will reveal the specific thing about you that secretly makes you that way.

The reason we can so confidently say that you are weird is because research backs that up. A review written by Avram Holmes and Lauren Patrick of Yale University's psychology department argues that "there is no universally optimal profile of brain functioning. The evolutionary forces that shape our species select for a staggering diversity of human behaviors."


In other words, we're all normal because we're abnormal.

The truth of the matter is that no matter how cool and collected you might be in some areas of life, there are going to be times in your life when you're going to wind up coming across as, well, a little bit weird or awkward.

What you see first in this optical illusion-based personality test reveals what it is that secretly makes you weird.

All you have to do is look at the picture below and pay close attention to what you see first. Then, scroll down to find out what the image you saw first reveals about just how weird you are.

visual personality test what secretly makes you weird


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1. If you saw the man's face...

If you saw the man's face first, what secretly makes you weird is your tendency to share your opinion without being asked for it.

You think you're helping when you share your words of wisdom, and sometimes you actually are but, by and large, doing this makes people feel you don't respect them, or worse, as though you think they aren't living the life the way they should.

If this is something you want to change, try asking more questions when talking to new people rather than making definitive statements. You'll learn more and get points from new acquaintances for being so curious about others.


2. If you saw the woman and two figures standing at the front...

If you saw the woman and the two figures standing at the front of the train first, what secretly makes you weird is that you share way too much about your personal life way too quickly.

To you, there's nothing odd about this. You consider yourself an open book, and you don't mind telling anyone who asks even the most personal details of your life.

Being open and honest is a wonderful way to be. But sharing private, personal things with people you've only just met can seem off-putting. There just isn't a bond of trust in place yet, and that can make the other person feel pressured to open up just as much. Give them time.

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3. If you saw the two seated figures in white...

If you saw the two seated figures in white first, what sexretly makes you weird is your silence when meeting new people.

You feel more comfortable standing in silence until you have something you actually want to say. In your opinion, saying nothing at all is better than taking part in mindless small talk, and you assume everyone else around you agrees.

They don't. Small talk exists for a reason. It might not be the most riveting conversation you'll ever have, but it helps establish the rapport necessary to delve into deeper issues.

4. If you saw the people on the sides of the train...

If you saw the people on the sides of the train first, what secretly makes you weird is your nosiness.


It's totally normal and natural to be curious about what's going on in other people's lives, but you would be wise to remember that you're not entitled to that knowledge unless the person in question wishes to share it with you.

While it's tempting to share gossip you've learned as a means of connecting with others, try and resist the urge whenever possible. Your desire to feel included will be satisfied in due time. In fact, minding your own business and staying out of others' affairs may help people trust you more readily.

5. If you saw the train...

If you saw the train first, what secretly makes you weird is your lack of manners.


You think manners are for the birds, and yes, while some of them can feel performative and silly, others are not. Interrupting others when they are speaking and saying whatever pops into your head at any given moment without regard for the feelings of those around will send people running and leave you feeling lonely.

Some manners are silly If you don't want to put your napkin in your lap, fine! But if what you crave is a social connection with your peers, try and do your best to adhere to protocols created with other people's feelings and sensibilities in mind. It won't steer you wrong.

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Rebecca Jane Stokes is a freelance writer and the former Senior Editor of Pop Culture at Newsweek with a passion for lifestyle, geek news, and true crime.
