The Animal You See First In This Visual Test Reveals The Kind Of Wife You'll Be

Know for sure what kind of wife you'll be before you even tie the knot.

visual personality test reveals the kind of wife you'll be

From the time they're little girls, many women grow up wondering about the kind of wife they'll be, and this visual personality test can help you figure it out!

Getting married is something they've looked forward to for as long as they can remember.  It isn't just the big wedding that they dreamed about, either. They dreamed of meeting a man with whom they could form a loving partnership they could watch grow and change throughout the years in the bonds of matrimony.


They say getting married changes people, and they're not wrong. Research conducted by a team from the University of Georgia and UCLA found that, over the first 18 months of marriage, "On average, husbands showed significant declines in extraversion and agreeableness, and a significant increase in conscientiousness. Wives showed significant declines in agreeableness, neuroticism, and openness."

Marriage is a study in compromise. We all have to learn to adapt to our partners' quirks, and they have to learn and adapt to our own. So the question remains: once those changes happen, what kind of wife will you be?


This visual personality test can give you insight into the kind of wife you'll be when the times comes.

All without having to tie the knot just yet!

All you have to do is look at the image below and make a note of the animal you see first. Then, scroll down and to find out what it reveals about your future as a spouse.

visual personality test reveals the kind of wife you'll be

RELATED: The Image You See First In This Visual Test Reveals Who You Become When You're In Love


1. If you saw the lion first

If you saw the lion first when you looked at this image, you're going to be a loyal wife. You've always been a loyal friend, someone who is ride or die. It goes to follow that when you get married, that's going to be a positive trait you bring to your union.

2. If you saw the cat first

If you saw the cat first when you looked at this image, you're going to be the kind of wife who creates a home of creature comforts. Your home is your domain and you want everyone who comes into it to feel comfortable, safe, and at home. Your spouse will appreciate it, too!

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3. If you saw the dog first

If you saw the dog first when you looked at this image, you're going to be the kind of wife who is always up for an adventure. Some folks might need a night to themselves or prefer staying home and the comfort of their routine, but that's not you. You bring fun, passion, and new experiences to the marriage.


4. If you saw the swan first

If you saw the swan first when you looked at this image, you're going to be the kind of wife who prides herself on keeping up appearances. You might be upset or maybe you forgot to pay the power bill that month, but no one is ever going to see you sweat. You let your partner do the freaking out for the two of you while you get down to business to set things to rights once more.

5. If you saw the horse

If you saw the horse first when you looked at this image, you're the kind of wife who makes it all happen. To those on the outside, you're the one who makes the social connections and makes the house run, but the truth is you couldn't do it at all were it not for the support of your loving partner behind the scenes.

RELATED: This Year Of Marriage Is The Hardest, According To Research


Rebecca Jane Stokes is a freelance writer, editor, former Senior Editor of Pop Culture at Newsweek, and former Senior Staff Writer for YourTango. Her bylines have appeared on Fatherly, Bustle, SheKnows, Jezebel, and many others.