4 Underrated Benefits Of Working At A Company That’s A Complete 'Disaster', According To A Burnout Expert

Turns out there are some perks to a chaotic workplace.

Woman with arms crossed Pavel Danilyuk | Pexels

You might think there's nothing worse than working at a company that is in a chaotic state. Overwhelming amounts of work, zero organization, and risk of burnout — why would anyone want to deal with those things? Well, it actually might not be as bad as you think. In fact, working at a company that looks like a complete disaster from the outside might actually be beneficial.

Burnout expert Emily Ballesteros shared four benefits of working at a disastrous company.


Here are 4 underrated benefits of working at a chaotic company:

1. Faster promotions

In a workplace where everything is out of control, it becomes easier to get yourself a promotion. This is because even if you're not qualified, companies like these usually need more people to step up and take on more responsibility. You might not even have the desired skill set needed for a specific promotion, but you bet you're going to get it because who else will?

"You get experience and title raises that would take you years at a more established company," Ballesteros said. 

woman celebrating a promotion fizkes | Canva Pro


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2. Freedom to try new things

While workplaces with their things in order have certain procedures that need to be met when employees want to explore different areas of expertise, there are much fewer restrictions at companies that are struggling to stay afloat. 

Ballesteros said this makes things much easier since you don't have to go through a thousand people to get the go-ahead to do what you want. You can simply begin on your own and see where it takes you. You might even learn some new skills that can help you out in the future.

According to Just IT, learning new skills improves performance by improving your current work and by helping you process new information.


3. Opportunities to learn about what happens behind-the-scenes

You're going to become a part of it all because everybody at the company is spread so thin that everyone becomes privy to every detail of the company's goings-on. "Leadership will tell you things that you're like, 'I don't even know that I should know this about the business,'" Ballesteros said. "At other companies, leadership can't even tell you that kind of information."

Stressed woman at work Mizuno K | Pexels

While the overwhelming amount of transparency may be a bit concerning, you can use it as a learning opportunity to become more aware of what goes on behind the scenes at other companies in the future.


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4. Ability to switch departments easily

If you're not really sure about the current position you have or want to try branching out to a new department, then don't worry. Here's where working at a hot mess of a company comes in handy. "If you don't really like what you're doing, it is so much easier to see another area that needs support; you are a couple of conversations away from getting to just switch to whatever that role is a lot of the time," Ballesteros said.

This can also aid you in your future because, in an unstable work environment, you can get a feel for a different kind of position without having as much pressure as if you were at a stable company. You have more room for trial and error, so you can figure out if the department you switch over to is truly a good fit for you.


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Sahlah Syeda is a writer who covers relationships, culture, and human interest topics.