4 Undeniable Signs You Are Leveling Up In Life
If you notice these signals, things are finally changing for the better.

2024 is here and if you are like me, you want to change things for good. You are done with hiding in the shadows and downplaying your blessings and have finally decided to shine in your light. So you take up that course, start studying investing or walk out of the relationship or friendship that was nothing but sucking the spirit out of you.
It may take months or even years to see the results of the efforts you have started making, but the positive signs are always there. Being aware of such signals ensures that we are steering our proverbial lifeboat on the path to self-fulfillment and bliss. Here are a few signs you are headed to the next level in your life...
Here are 4 undeniable signs you are leveling up in life:
1. People react differently to your presence
People around you sense the energy shift. The reactions can go from happy, and confused to outright anger at the glow you unknowingly emit. This could be people going out of the way to help you or you getting rude reactions out of nowhere. This is the early sign to keep going. The green light that we are ready for the transformations ahead.
2. You always seem to have much more time than you thought
When you eliminate doom-scrolling, gossiping, and binge-watching you will be amazed at the hours available to you. You have realized that being with our time and energy is not only a skill to level up but is the ultimate expression of self-care. With a couple of hours freed up now, you start seeing reading even for 15 minutes consistently and watching a 10-minute video on the stock market is a valuable use of your time. The kind of satisfaction you get in doing things for our betterment is second to none. Life is short for those who fail to look at adding depth to it and you have all the time in the world to do it.
3. You notice your lifestyle changing
James Clear had said all the best things good habits can bring to us. A good habit like eating healthy just one time a day means you need to plan that weekend or wake up 15 minutes earlier than usual. Waking up early gives a positive boost and it is reflected in getting ready to work, and in caring for your loved ones. As you keep the positive ripple going forward, you notice your life vibrating in alignment with your positive efforts. Good habits when they find a place in your life, also bring along their friends of 2–3 more good habits which ultimately build into a strong tribe for your level-up journey.
4. You have zero tolerance for energy drainers
That includes:
- Your friend who had always put you down yet you held on to the friendship due to your fear of being lonely
- That late-night binge-watching fascinates you no more because a good sleep is the foundation for having a solid day
- That conversation with a friend from childhood left you thinking how sad the world was every time you ended the call
Your boundaries are strong and you have no excuses for anyone who steals your energy.
There was once a world-famous sculptor who was questioned what was the secret to the stunning statues he created.
He replied: “ I take a rock and just start removing everything that is not the statue and that is my secret”
Creating a life of meaning, with value starts with eliminating anything and everything that blocks life from being that. Protecting your energy spiritually, physically, and emotionally is the first step and you are a pro at it now. Your no-tolerance policy for anything that brings your vibration down, and your ability to say no without guilt is a clear sign that you are growing as a person and adding value.
In the level-up journey we take, we need pit-stops and signs to motivate us now and then. So pat yourself on the back and keep going in the direction of your dreams. All the best to you!
Rashmi Govindaraju is a writer and volunteer teacher. Her work has been featured in Medium, LinkedIn, and Vocal Media. She writes about inner child healing journey, life, relationships, and navigating the world as an empath.