5 Uncomfortable Signs You’re Destined To Be A Multimillionaire, According To A Psychotherapist
Your destiny may hold millions.

Life can be tough, especially with financial ups and downs, leaving you wondering when things will improve. But those challenges could lead you toward a brighter future, with millions waiting for you. Keep pushing forward — your destiny may hold more than you expect.
According to psychotherapist Margot Miller, some of the most uncomfortable moments in life point to signs that you may be destined to be a multimillionaire. She recently shared the five uncomfortable signs you're on the path to wealth. All the struggles could be leading you to something remarkable after all.
A psychotherapist shared the five uncomfortable signs you’re destined to be a multimillionaire:
1. You overthink, fixate, and worry
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The first sign is that you may overthink, hyper-fixate, and ruminate. While these terms tend to overlap, there are clear and important differences. Overthinking involves repeatedly worrying or focusing on the same subject, often due to factors like perfectionism, fear of uncertainty, or lack of control, to name a few, according to Psychologs Magazine.
Hyper-fixation takes this further, where you become fully absorbed in one task, ignoring everything else around you. Ruminating, however, is when you repeatedly dwell on negative thoughts or events, often focusing on the causes and consequences of your distress and amplifying feelings of pessimism. While these traits may feel overwhelming and often uncomfortable, they could point to a future of financial security.
Miller explained that these traits can help you create wealth. When you think differently — using your overthinking and hyper-fixation to stay focused on your goals — these tendencies can lead you to become a successful entrepreneur.
2. People trauma dump their problems on you
According to Miller, the second sign you may be destined to be a multimillionaire is that “People trauma dump and complain on you.” She explained that people who grew up with the least support often become the biggest support for others, meaning you're likely built to help a lot of people because others naturally feel safe around you. But how does this lead to financial success?
Psychologist and family therapist Nelisha Wickremasinghe wrote for Psychology Today that you should ask yourself, "What is it about me that attracts or enables people to use me in this way?" She went on to say that some people share their deep feelings because they need someone to listen and understand, just like how we feel a special connection with people who help us when we're upset.
While it's important to understand why people trauma dump on you, you can also learn healthy ways to manage how much of it you allow. Miller explained that, in the long run, this gift will enable you to attract the right people who will support you in your personal life and career.
3. You've failed lots of times
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Failing multiple times can leave you feeling hopeless. After so many failures, you might wonder, "Should I even try again?" The answer is yes. As cliché as it may sound, failure is part of the journey. Those endless setbacks, toxic bosses, or missed opportunities could be leading you to something greater, with a wonderful opportunity waiting for you in the end.
As Miller explained it, all your failures are because you were called for a higher purpose. Or as she put it, "because your mission is so big, you have to quite literally build up the resiliency so that you can hold the level of impact that you're going to be creating. The only way to do that is to flop around and fail a lot."
4. You're love life is either missing or a big mess
Another uncomfortable sign you’re destined to be a multimillionaire, according to Miller, is that “Your love life is either nonexistent or it’s a hot … mess.” She explained that you won’t attract a partner who truly supports and uplifts you until you are fully aligned with your purpose and the work you're meant to do. When you're clear about your mission and put yourself out there, you’ll naturally draw in a partner who shares your vision and supports your growth. Until that alignment happens, however, you may end up attracting people who are emotionally unavailable or don’t have your best interests at heart.
5. You don't quite fit in
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The final sign you might be destined for millions is that you don’t fit in. Sometimes, it may even feel like people don’t like you. Miller pointed out that at times, you might find yourself asking, “Why the hee haw did I incarnate here.”
Feeling like a loner can be tough, especially since our support systems, like friends, help us through challenging times. However, according to career coach Marty Nemko Ph. D., it's essential to focus on your self-appraisal instead of worrying about others' opinions.
Accepting yourself, flaws and all, is crucial to building self-worth. Everyone has imperfections, but they don’t define your value. If there are things you'd like to change — like overcoming shyness or embracing your true self — make a conscious effort to improve. Ultimately, accepting both your strengths and weaknesses, while working on growth, helps you feel more at peace with who you are. And if you don’t fit in, that’s okay — being different might just make you more interesting.
These signs, while uncomfortable in the moment, could signal a bright future ahead. Consider these roadblocks as preparation for a rewarding financial outcome. Along the way, you’ll learn important lessons that will equip you to face any challenges life throws your way. In the end, you’ll be stronger and ready to embrace your success. Enjoy the journey.
Mina Rose Morales is a writer and photojournalist with a degree in journalism. She covers a wide range of topics, including psychology, self-help, relationships, and the human experience.