Ukrainian Dad Shares Everything His Daughter Loves Most About Her American School — 'We Never Had This In Ukraine'
Pajama day was at the top of her list!

We often hear about the negative sides of American schools, from inadequate teacher pay and concerningly low literacy levels to disruptive student behavior and bullying. But in a heartwarming TikTok, a foreign father shed light on the bright side of attending school in the States, starting with pajama day.
The Ukrainian dad shared everything his daughter loves most about her American school.
Oleg Karakash is a proud father and content creator known on TikTok as @family_from_ukraine. He recently shared a sweet video of himself walking his young daughter, Dasha, to her bus stop during Spirit Week. His enthusiasm for "different outfit day" was something we Americans should all strive to embody.
"I don't know why we don't have it in Ukraine," he said, walking hand in hand with Dasha. "Today is pajama day!"
His daughter appeared to be just as ecstatic about getting to wear her favorite pj's to school. "She's always excited to have all these cool days," Karakash said.
As the adorable father-daughter duo continued their walk, Karakash asked Dasha what some of her other favorite things about her American school were. Of course, her friends, recess, snack time, and lunchtime made the list.
After Dasha got on the school bus, Karakash began his walk back home, all the while gushing about his daughter's teacher and the events American schools offer, like science fairs, art shows, and field trips.
The father’s perspective on American education serves as a reminder that many of us need.
Karakash's gratitude and excitement are certainly infectious. “You have such a refreshing outlook! You make the world a better place,” one TikTok user commented.
“As a teacher, THANK YOU for recognizing and being appreciative of all of the FUN we try to incorporate into the day and school year for our students!” another commenter wrote.
Oksana Shufrych | Shutterstock
"I love looking at America through your eyes," a third user added.
While having to construct complicated costumes for school spirit week and signing countless permission slips for field trips can feel like a burden, it’s important to appreciate all of the activities that are available for our kids.
A positive learning environment has countless benefits.
For many children, school is more than a place they go to learn — it's where they build some of the most important relationships and memories of their lives. Field trips and themed school events are something many Americans take for granted, but they work wonders to create a positive classroom environment that kids want to spend time in.
"A positive school climate — where students feel a sense of safety and belonging and where relational trust prevails — improves academic achievement, test scores, grades, and engagement and helps reduce the negative effects of poverty on academic achievement," Linda Darling-Hammond and Jennifer DePaoli wrote for the Journal of the National Association of State Boards of Education.
Even if you as a parent do not find pajama day all that exciting, there are parents and children out there who would truly appreciate the opportunity to attend such events.
Megan Quinn is a staff writer with a bachelor's degree in English and a minor in Creative Writing. She covers news and lifestyle topics that focus on justice in the workplace, personal relationships, parenting debates, and the human experience.