The Tree You're Drawn To Reveals Your Dominant Personality Traits — And How They Help And Hurt You

The tree you choose first will reveal those parts of your personality that make up the core of who you are.

tree personality test dominant traits

There are multiple theories psychologists use to explain what it is that makes up our personalities, and something as simple as this "pick a tree" personality test is a fun way to understand the dominant traits that make up yours. 

Take a moment to think about the people in your life. Maybe your mother is obsessed with control, your landlord is very detail-oriented, and your best friend is super-creative but a little disconnected from reality. Once you get to know a person, identifying the traits that make them who they are isn't as hard as you might think.


Choosing to look deeper and get a clearer picture of who you yourself really are can to lead a happier, more successful life. According to Kendra Cherry, MSEd, learning more about your personality type is a great way to understand other people better, identify your likes and dislikes, know which situations are ideal for you, and recognize your own strengths and weaknesses.

One way to learn more about your dominant personality traits is as quick and easy as looking at a picture.

The tree you choose in this visual personality test reveals your dominant personality traits, and how they might be helping you or holding you back.

There are six trees shown in the picture below. Decide which one is the most appealing to you.


pick a tree personality test

Once you've done this, scroll down to find out what the tree you picked reveals about your dominant personality traits.

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If you chose tree #1

pick a tree personality test 1


Your personality is cool and responsible.

How it helps you: When it comes to getting the job done, you have totally got this. You are reliable and trustworthy, and unlike other folks who make a big deal about making themselves martyrs for other people, you do it all with a smile, because helping out makes you feel like the best possible version of yourself.

How it hurts you: You love to avoid conflict wherever possible and exist in a laid-back state as often as you can. Sometimes this means that you don't stand up for what you believe in, because ultimately, keeping the peace and calm that nourishes your spirit takes priority over everything else, whether it should or not.

If you chose tree #2

pick a tree personality test 2


Your personality is cooperative and considerate.

How it helps you:  You have a natural gift with people. Getting along with everyone you meet — and, in turn, helping them get along too — is a huge part of who you are. You are likely patient and people-loving, which makes you very often the first person sought out when someone needs a shoulder to cry on.

How it hurts you: You work hard to spare other people's feelings, and while this is very kind of you, it can sometimes leave you feeling like you aren't too sure of who you even are. Make sure you take time away from your efforts to connect the world to recharge yourself.

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If you chose tree #3

pick a tree personality test 3

Your personality is brainy and giving.

How it helps you: Chances are in your lifetime, more than one person has asked you if you are psychic. What they're picking up on is your intellect. You're smart enough that you are usually a few steps of everyone else. This doesn't make you psychic, but it does make you smart and intensely useful to know.


How it hurts you: Your intellect doesn't make you cold, either. You are a generous person — possibly to a fault — giving freely of your possessions, heart, soul, and time in equal measure as needed. The well probably won't run dry, but make sure you surround yourself with intelligent and loving people who deserve your gifts.

If you chose tree #4

pick a tree personality test 4

Your personality is creative and sensitive.


How it helps you: You tend to stand out even in a massive throng of people. Why? Because you are that creative and unique. Your creative focus is what drives you, centers you, and comforts you more than anything else. If you aren't creating something is seriously not right.

How it hurts you: You are also tremendously sensitive, which helps you stay focused and motivated on success. This can help you develop deep and meaningful relationships with the people in your life, but it can also leave you prone to feeling easily hurt or offended.

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If you chose tree #5

pick a tree personality test 5


Your personality is hardworking and efficient.

How it helps you: You're one of those people who never stops working, and you love every single second of it. You were designed to labor, and you'll do it non-stop until you achieve the end result. What's more, you won't cut corners in order to get it done either. You're as effective as you are efficient.

How it hurts you: Your compulsion to always be working is admirable, but it can also leave you feeling physically exhausted. Learn when and how to take breaks so that you can keep on giving your all in the way that you so love to do.


If you chose tree #6

pick a tree personality test 6

Your personality is imaginative and on-point.

How it helps you: While everyone else is taking the most obvious path, you are most likely found trying to build a totally unique new path in an area that you happen to think is more attractive than the given path, even if it might be a little bit more difficult to climb.


How it hurts you: You do everything with precision and class without losing that child-like delight in retreating into an imaginary world. Everything you imagine tends to become reality, which is wonderful, but remember there's already a world out here, and we'd love you to be a bigger part of it.

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Rebecca Jane Stokes is a freelance writer, editor, former Senior Editor of Pop Culture at Newsweek, and former Senior Staff Writer for YourTango. She has a passion for lifestyle, geek news, and true crime topics. Her bylines have appeared on Fatherly, Bustle, SheKnows, Jezebel, and many others.
