5 Unique Redhead Traits That Make Them Really Special People, According To Research

Gingers are rare, and here to stay.

Redhead is really special Tengyart | Unsplash

Admit it: When you think of redheads, you think of them as being pale and freckle-faced goofballs. Your mind automatically goes to famously freckled faces like Carrot Top, Pippi Longstocking, or Alfred E. Newman of MAD Magazine.

And, recent studies show that more than 90 percent of ginger men are bullied because of their red locks! British artist Thomas Knights is on a mission to prove that point in his RED HOT series, as he hopes to rebrand redheads as attractive, confident, and strong. In addition to those attributes, research has found there are traits unique to redheads that make them really special people, too.


Here are unique redhead traits that make them special people:

1. They're less likely to get prostate cancer

Legit Reasons Redheads Are The Best To Love AlessandroBiascioli / Shutterstock

Those ginger genes are keeping his health in check. A study from the British Journal of Cancer revealed that natural red-headed men are 54 percent less likely to develop prostate cancer. Researchers think it might have to do with the way genes that dictate hair pigmentation also influence tumor development. 


RELATED: 6 Reasons You Should Date A Redhead (Because Gingers Are Awesome!)

2. They won't go gray

Rejoice — those vibrant strands will last your significant other a lifetime. Natural, red-tinted strands won't not gray like other colors. Instead, strands become golden blonde with age, and for some, they will turn white. Red hair is powerful. 

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3. They have strong bones

You can bring your red-headed date to the beach or even to a gloomy climate, because either way, they'll be able to absorb more vitamin D than you — and everyone else around. According to experts from the Scotlands DNA project, redheads have an advantage because they can create more of the essential, bone-strengthening vitamin in low-light conditions and they even receive the sun's benefits in just 10-15 minutes.


4. They're proud to be who they are

Legit Reasons Redheads Are The Best To Love Roman Chazov / Shutterstock

Want someone proud of their true colors? Of course, you do. While they're still getting picked on, redheads are a strong group who always support one another. 

Not only do redheads start campaigns like Red Hot 100 to end discrimination and give their community positive role models but Ginger Pride Walks have also gained popularity as a fun way to stick together.


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5. They're here to stay

Despite the rumor that redheads, who make up only 4 percent of the world's population, will soon be an endangered species (especially in Scotland!), they aren't going anywhere. While the recessive gene may become rare, genetics experts say our fiery friends are far from being extinct. Phew.

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Alexandra Churchill is a digital editor who currently works for Martha Stewart Living. Her work has been featured on numerous sites including The Huffington Post, Her Campus, USA TODAY College, and Northshore and Ocean Home magazines. 


Michelle Toglia is the Executive Editor at Elite Daily, overseeing the site's entertainment, news, style, dating, and experiences coverage.