11 Traits Commonly Misunderstood About Highly Intelligent People
Highly intelligent people often struggle with being off-putting when they simply have a unique way of thinking.

Intelligence is something that most individuals covet and admire, whether it's with others or within themselves. It's often associated with personal growth and finding success in life. However, what many people fail to notice is the traits commonly misunderstood about highly intelligent people. They can come across a certain way, but it's just a reflection of how they process information and move about in this world.
They rarely ever have nefarious actions or intentions, but their unique ways of thinking and interacting can be quite off-putting to people who are not aware that it's just the way their personalities and minds work. Whether you're able to recognize some of these traits within yourself or within someone you know, hopefully understanding the reasoning behind them can allow for more connection.
Here are 11 traits commonly misunderstood about highly intelligent people
1. They overthink everything
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Overthinking is often seen as a negative trait associated with both anxiety and indecisiveness, but for highly intelligent people, overthinking is just how they're able to analyze every corner of a problem or situation. While others might make a quick assessment about something, highly intelligent people take their time to turn over every possible solution and outcome before deciding on something.
"People are more effective problem solvers when they merely consider more ways of doing something. This could be as simple as considering three potential subject lines for an important email or, even better, generating five versions. The person who considers more options before deciding on one will tend to end up with the better product, the better decision," explained psychologist Alice Boyes, PhD.
Their tendency to overthink and ruminate may come across as them being unreliable or indecisive, but in actuality, it's just one of the traits commonly misunderstood about highly intelligent people.
2. They seem distant or aloof
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When people are interacting with highly intelligent individuals, they may come to the conclusion that they seem distant or aloof because they appear to be disengaged or aren't contributing in an expressive way.
Of course, this is just a misunderstanding about them because highly intelligent people's brains are often working in overdrive to assess any situation they're in. When faced with social interactions, they may take more time to process the information being said to them or just end up becoming quite absorbed in their thoughts.
"People with high IQ often have difficulties connecting with others on a meaningful level. Despite bringing enthusiasm, excitement, and a multi-passionate nature to the table, these qualities are often not reciprocated," explained psychotherapist Imi Lo.
3. They struggle with small talk
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Highly intelligent people don't struggle with small talk because they're rude and entitled, despite the misconception. Instead, they struggle with small talk because it often feels tedious and even frustrating to be involved in surface-level conversations.
Their minds are automatically wired to look deeper at everything around them and conversations are only interesting when they're stimulating their brains and making them think.
However, small talk is often quite a rewarding endeavor, as explained by psychologist Andrew Beer, PhD, saying, "Incorporating the beneficial habit of small talk into your life requires practice."
4. They often prefer solitude
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When they crave alone time, it doesn't come from a place of them being lonely or not having anyone in their lives to spend time with; rather, because it's one of the traits commonly misunderstood about highly intelligent people, this tendency to spend time in solitude comes from a place of them needing to recharge.
These individuals will get their best ideas and inspiration from spending time with their thoughts and it has nothing to do with needing to escape the company of others. Alone time in general is key for a person's mental health as well.
Psychology educator Kendra Cherry explained, "Becoming comfortable in your own company can give you the time and freedom to truly explore your own passions without interference. It can be a way to explore new things, research topics that interest you, gain knowledge, and even practice new forms of self-expression."
5. They're highly sensitive
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Not only are highly intelligent individuals incredibly good at problem-solving, but they're also very much in tune with their emotions. In fact, they're particularly sensitive to things that happen to them and around the world. Because they experience emotions so intensely, it can be hard for them to sometimes articulate or manage their emotions.
They might start to retreat within themselves because they need time to sort through their feelings, which only further pushes the misconception that they're detached people. "To be sensitive means to think deeply and carefully in any situation. The more sensitive a person is, the more connections they see — connections that others frequently miss," explained educator and journalist Jenn Granneman.
6. They get bored easily
Nicoleta Ionescu | Shutterstock
For highly intelligent individuals, when they get bored, people might often mistake that as them being lazy or uninterested. Instead, it's one of the many traits commonly misunderstood about highly intelligent people. It's just a reflection of their need for constant stimulation and challenge.
Their minds are just always wired to seek out complicated matters that capture their attention, and it's not a reflection of how they feel about others around them. Unfortunately, their need to always be engaged can end up with them feeling disconnected from the world because of their constant search for an experience that meets their intellectual standards.
7. They have an unusual sense of humor
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Highly intelligent individuals will often have a unique sense of humor that can come across as being dry, witty, or sarcastic. Their jokes can even be interpreted as being "dark humor" or just misunderstood entirely because people might not be on the same intellectual level as them to be "in" on the joke.
As psychologist Leon F. Seltzer, PhD explained, "Not only do they get a joke's punch line more quickly, but what others find amusing to them may seem insipid, strained, or trite. Still, in their efforts to gel with others, they may (resentfully) feel obliged to fake laughter anyway."
8. They see multiple perspectives
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Highly intelligent individuals have the ability to look at something from every angle, and their way of being able to take in multiple perspectives might come across as them not being able to take a stance. In reality, their careful consideration is actually their superpower despite it constantly being misunderstood.
They mull over every possible outcome because they would rather take their time than come to a conclusion that is either wrong or doesn't align with their morals and values. Their patience is something they cherish, even if it doesn't always come across that way.
9. They struggle with authority figures
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Intelligent individuals often have quite a complicated relationship with following the rules and listening to authority figures. Their defiance means they can come across as troublemakers or reckless, but they just struggle to acquiesce.
Their instinct is to always question and prod when they're told to do something because they need to have an answer that makes sense for them. It doesn't mean they don't have respect or understanding of authority, they just require a deeper understanding before deciding to fall in line. And though it may seem rude, it's just another behavior that sets them apart from normal people.
10. They can be highly forgetful
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Since intelligent individuals often have a lot going on in their minds, it's easy for certain things to slip through the cracks. Their forgetfulness can come across as they simply don't care enough to remember or that they're just being disorganized, but it's just a reflection of their mental energy being put into other things that are more important to them at that moment.
Rather than them being absent-minded or neglectful, their minds are just not wired to focus on mundane things, and this ends up causing them to forget things that may be essential to others.
11. They talk to themselves
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Others might find it odd that highly intelligent individuals need to talk to themselves, but it's just their way of being able to process their thoughts, walk through problems they may be having, or just simply try to sort through complex ideas.
To someone who may not realize this, it could seem strange or even concerning, but these individuals talking to themselves means they're able to work through their thoughts in a more structured manner.
At some point or another, we've all had conversations out loud with ourselves because it helps clarify our thoughts. For highly intelligent people, this process may happen more frequently but doesn't mean they're disconnected from reality.
Nia Tipton is a staff writer with a bachelor's degree in creative writing and journalism who covers news and lifestyle topics that focus on psychology, relationships, and the human experience.