12 Tiny Practices Of People With Incredibly High Emotional Intelligence

Only the most emotionally intelligent people know how to take care of their mental health.

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When it comes to self-care, do you skip the steps that might involve emotional work? Many people don't realize that emotional intelligence is a big part of self-care, happiness, and overall mental health. What is emotional intelligence? Emotional intelligence is defined as "...is the capability of individuals to recognize their own emotions and those of others, discern between different feelings and label them appropriately, use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior and manage and/or adjust emotions to adapt to environments or achieve one's goal(s)," and was popularized by Daniel Goleman in a book of the same name.


The truth is, emotional health is a huge contributor to our overall sense of well-being and happiness; so if you're ignoring negative feelings burying them, or refusing to deal with them, you're impacting your mental health every day. So in order to practice proper self-care, here are 12 easy steps you can take to improve your emotional intelligence and increase your happiness.

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Here are 12 tiny practices of people who have incredibly high emotional intelligence:

1. They communicate how they're feeling

Talk about your emotions with a trusted friend, or write them down. You’ll feel lighter, and that way your feelings get validated.




2. They don't fixate on the negatives

Staring at a roadblock won’t move you forward … focus on what’s positive and possible to reduce stress, increase motivation, and create positive change.

3. They make an action plan to problem-solve

Break down the stressful situation into small steps that are doable and take action to get each step sorted.

4. They take self-care seriously

it’s not an "airy fairy." It’s a scientifically proven skill to decrease stress and enhance well-being, and it starts with taking care of your sleep, diet, exercise, and alcohol intake.


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5. They stay connected with friends and loved ones

Hiding away doesn’t fix anything and will only make things worse.



6. They acknowledge the issue

Denying there’s a problem doesn’t make it go away. It just prolongs the resolution.


7. They're #TeamYou

Don’t wait for others to encourage and uplift you … Be that person for yourself to and watch how your emotional state improves.

8. They remember their brilliance

Remind yourself of the times you did great — because guess what? You’ve done it before and you can do it again.

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9. They know that laughter is the best medicine

It’s not a cliché. It’s supported by extensive research. Watch funny YouTube videos or stand-up comedy … It’ll elevate your mood when you’re feeling down.

10. They stop being so tough on themselves

Self-compassion is a better motivator than self-criticism, so treat yourself as you would your best friend.


11. They factor in fun

Life isn’t just about work or study. Make time in your daily schedule to do things that bring you joy and your productivity will increase.

12. They get professional support

That’s an act of courage, not weakness. You’ll get valuable information and insight to better deal with situations now and in the future.

RELATED: 8 Tiny Habits Of People With Highest Emotional Intelligence

Miya Yamanouchi is a writer in South Eastern Europe whose words appear in magazines, books, textbooks, news outlets, and literary journals across the globe including Europe, North America, the Middle East, and Africa.