3 Tiny Little Secrets Men Often Hide From Women

He's got some dirty laundry.

Man winks because he knows the secrets often hidden from women. Cynthia_DeGrand | Canva

Although men are fairly simple creatures, there is still a side of us we try to keep to ourselves. While it may seem we are hiding something to increase our mystique, we are simply concealing several dirty little secrets that we don’t particularly want you to know.

However, I will divulge a few of these hidden truths so that you might have a better understanding of what’s going on inside a man’s head (an area you may have erroneously thought was a barren wasteland.)


Here are 3 tiny little secrets men often hide from women:

1. We may be imagining what you look like under your clothes

Since we don’t know what you look like under your clothing, our image of you is almost always quite flattering. We men are an optimistic bunch, and therefore endow you with the best possible, most flawless features we can reasonably imagine you might possess. So regardless of what you look like, in our mind, your body is as smokin’ hot as your relative frame allows.

RELATED: The 15 Biggest Secrets Men Keep From The Women They Love (And Why)

2. We don't need as much romance as you do

That is not to say we don’t do romantic things on occasion. Many of us do, with varying degrees of frequency. But for the most part, we do those things completely for you. It helps us get you in an amorous mood. And we’re all for that.


But men don’t need anything, including romance, to get us in the mood for love. We’re almost perpetually “ready for action.” 

We’re kind of no-frills when it comes to getting down and getting funky. Just say you want to jump our bones and that’s about as much romance as it takes to get us to shuck our clothes and get down to business.

tiny secrets men hide from women Pexels / Geovane Souza


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3. Some of us generally have no relationship goals

I am sure that many of you have found yourself at some point in your past, asking your boyfriend where your relationship was going. And it seemed like a fair question, given that you had perhaps been dating for quite a while.

@thematthewhussey I’ve been on 5 dates with someone over the course of a month and a half, when should I ask: “Where is this going?” #dating ♬ original sound - thematthewhussey

But you may have noticed that your guy seemed particularly uncomfortable when you posed this question to him. The reason for this is because they know they like spending time with you, enjoy being intimate with you, and would like to continue doing both, but that’s as far as it goes. They have no idea “where this is going,” and more importantly, don’t particularly care.


It’s not until they reach their late twenties and have what some sociologists have referred to as “the dawning” that men think much past tomorrow when it comes to the trajectory of their intimate relationships. Studies have shown that it takes men longer to mature than women.

RELATED: The Secret Thought Men Have When They Truly Love You

David M. Matthews is an Emmy-winning TV writer, producer, relationship coach, and author.  
