What TikTokers Trying Grabovoi Manifestation Codes Should Know About Their Dark History
It's pretty sinister.

Manifestation is a wonderful and powerful practice people use to bring their desires into reality.
Manifestation can be used to bring love, money, joy, and even luck into your life. You can manifest just about anything you want if you have the proper time, energy, and intention.
But manifestation isn't always positive or good. In fact, there are some instances where there is quite a dark history associated with it.
One example of this is the Grabovoi codes, or Grabovoi numbers.
What are the Grabovoi codes?
The Grabovoi codes are, essentially, cheat codes for the universe.
They are a series of numbers you can either say aloud, write down, meditate on, or trace in the air, and it's said this will grant you whatever you want, whether it's love, wealth, health, or really anything.
The pseudoscientific concept is that everything is energy and falls within its own frequency or vibration, which can be expressed in numerical values. The numbers help practitioners identify and treat problems from afar.
Once called radionics, the concept was further developed by Grigori Grabovoi, a paramedic, mechanic, alleged clairvoyant... and, oh yeah, a cult leader who was convicted of fraud in 2008!
Needless to say, the Grabovoi codes have a very dark history, and people should do a little research before using them.
Who is Grigori Grabovoi?
Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi was born in Russia in 1963. But though he graduated from Tashkent State Polytechnic University with a degree in mechanics, and would then go on to work for the Uzbek Civil Aviation Administration, Grabovoi has made some pretty mind-boggling claims.
What are those claims? Well, he has claimed to be the second coming of Jesus Christ, that he can cure AIDS and cancer at any stage, and can diagnose and solve problems of electronic devices remotely.
Not surprisingly, all of his claims have been proven to be falsified.
His supposed qualifications that he laid out for his followers included a good amount of memberships, accolades, and awards from numerous international bodies, as well as religious men, between the years 1997 and 2006, and were all likely inflated or flat-out untrue.
This is due to the fact there are several institutions, like the Higher Attestation Commission (Russia's academic-accreditation service), that have gone on the record saying that Grabovoi wasn't a doctor, scientist, or professor like he claimed to be.
Grabovoi even said to have been "elected" into the New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS) in 1998, though there is no election process to begin with, and anyone can get in by paying a due of $135.
Grabovoi also claimed that he fixed Uzbekistan's national airline by using "extrasensory diagnostics" and correctly predicting the engineering issues of 360 flights.
That's not the worst of it, though. Because some of his claims are even more sinister.
In 2004, Grabovoi promised to grieving mothers that he could resurrect their children who died in the school hostage gang shooting in Beslan, North Ossetia, Russia.
He said he could do this for a fee of $1,200 (about $1,000 euros) by using his codes. Roughly 330 people died — 186 of them were children.
Grabovoi continues to deny he charged the mothers any money, yet there are records or receipts showing payment for the "resurrection." The report was used for his conviction of fraud in 2008.
Grabovoi was sentenced to 11 years in prison but was released in early 2010. He's currently in Serbia where he continues to promote his pseudoscientific projects.
The Grabovoi codes have since become incredibly popular on TikTok, used as a manifestation technique.
Now, when you search Grabovoi codes on TikTok, thousands of videos pop up discussing the codes and how to use them, with hundreds of thousands of views and likes.
While this normally wouldn't be a big concern, as manifestation techniques are all over TikTok and other social media platforms, things take a dark turn when people use social media as a way to spread misinformation about a concept they don't even fully understand.
In fact, the concept is considered to be incredibly offensive and derogatory, and even antisemitic.
There are TikTokers who write certain number sequences on their arms, upsetting viewers. People are concerned that this is making a mockery of Holocaust victims, who had their identities erased by having numbers tattooed onto their skin.
The takeaway from this highly trendy concept on TikTok is that we need to be held accountable. All of us.
We need to research what we are promoting before we promote it. In basic terms, we just really need to do better.
When you promote the Grabovoi codes, you are promoting this shady individual's views and morals — that it's okay to make false claims, that it's okay to lie about having extrasensory powers, and that it's okay to take money from grieving mothers whose children were killed in a hostage crisis.
The warning here is to do the work when it comes to manifestation.
Don't look for the cheat codes, because nothing good will come from them, especially if you are unfamiliar with their seedy background. Plus, there are so many other ways to manifest good things into your life.
Deauna Nunes is an associate editor for YourTango who covers pop culture, lifestyle, astrology, and relationship topics. She's had bylines in Emerson College's literary magazine, Generic and MSN.