11 Things Millennials Complain About That Don't Bother Other Generations At All

Caught in between generations, millennials have a long list of grievances.

confused millennial about to complain Pixel-Shot | Shutterstock

For every generation, some things feel easier than others. Boomers have a harder time adapting to rapid changes in technology than younger generations do. Gen Z struggles with in-person conversations, as opposed to their Gen X and millennial predecessors, who had to master skills Gen Z didn't have to take on, like talking on the phone.

As a generation on the cusp, millennials experience life as a balancing act. They remember what life was like before the internet, but they're still expected to be as digitally fluent as Gen Z is. There are several things millennials complain about that don't bother other generations at all, but they have no problem making the rest of the world aware of their long list of grievances.

Here are 11 things millennials complain about that don't bother other generations at all

1. Overworking

overworked millennial feeling stressed out fizkes | Shutterstock

Millennials complain about the long hours they work, but that doesn't bother other generations at all. As of 2025, millennials make up 75% of the global workforce, which means their complaints about being overworked are louder than ever. Other generations, like boomers and Gen Zers, aren't as bothered by the extra hours they spend at work

Boomers were the OG overworkers. Their professional outlook was defined by their company loyalty and the idea that success takes serious sacrifice. They raised their millennial kids to believe that their self-worth was tied to how productive they are, and it shows. Millennials are achievement-oriented, often to their own detriment.

While millennials struggle to set boundaries at their jobs, Gen Z are experts in doing the job they're paid for. They don't make their job into their whole personality. They refuse to accept the mindset that they should overcommit to their jobs, at all. As much as millennials might not want to admit it, the way Gen Z is redefining the workplace would benefit every generation.

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2. Curating the perfect Instagram feed

woman scrolling instagram on her phone Prostock-studio | Shutterstock

Curating the right aesthetic on Instagram is something millennials complain about that don't bother other generations at all. Facebook is the boomer social media platform of choice, and they don't complain about it; rather, they just sign on and share their opinions online with true abandon.

Millennials are committed to finding the right filter and posting the most perfect photo of their family standing in a pumpkin patch in matching sweaters. They still feel intense pressure to share photos that make their lives look perfect, but Gen Z doesn't bother with false perfection. They want their online presence to be authentic, more than anything else.

The relationship Gen Z has with social media is fairly conflicted, even though they grew up with it. According to the Harris Poll, 40% of Gen Z wishes social media didn't even exist. They feel some amount of pressure to be online, as almost half of Gen Z said they use social media for 2 to 4 hours every day. Gen Z complains that social media rots their brains and makes them feel lonelier than they already feel, which are way more serious than the things millennials complain about.

RELATED: 11 Millennial Habits That Boomers Think Are Quite Lazy


3. How expensive brunch is

group of millennial friends eating brunch Drazen Zigic | Shutterstock

For millennials, brunch is the best meal of the day, but their Sunday tradition isn't as affordable as it once was. They complain about how expensive brunch is, which doesn't bother other generations at all. Boomers have enough disposable income to pay an exorbitant amount of money for scrambled eggs, and Gen Z just doesn't care about brunch at all.

Food Market Hub reported that restaurant costs have gone up due to a variety of factors. Ingredients are more expensive because of inflation and supply chain issues. The cost of labor has increased, as well as the cost of commercial rent.

But millennials see brunch as their birthright. They want pitchers of mimosas and locally-sourced bacon. They want to eat waffles with their friends, and they don't want high prices to stop them.

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4. Student loan debt

millennial man looking at student loan repayment bill Trzykropy | Shutterstock

Millennials complain about their crushing student loan debt, which doesn't bother other generations in the same way. Unlike Gen Z, who challenge the idea that they need to go to college, millennials really bought into the outdated idea that a college degree guaranteed their success. Now, they're paying the cost for their misguided beliefs.

According to the Education Data Initiative, millennials carry 46% of the total student loan debt in the U.S., with Gen X following close behind, holding 35% of the total debt. Boomers have 14% of student debt, and Gen Z has 8%, although not all of them have finished college yet.

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5. Not being a homeowner

millennial stressed about renting an apartment Perfect Wave | Shutterstock

Millennials were just getting their footing as young adults when the housing market crashed, which set them back on their journey to owning a home. Now, it's one of the things millennials complain about that don't bother other generations at all.

Millennials complain about getting shut out from being homeowners, which they fully expected to become. Boomers had a much easier time buying homes, back in their younger years. Gen Z doesn't really want to get locked into buying a house and they're fine with renting for now.

Yet the tides seem to be shifting for millennials who still dream of owning a home. A 2024 report from the National Association of Realtors revealed that millennials made up the largest portion of home buyers for the year. Even though millennials complain about the cost of buying a home, data shows they're still diving into the housing market at a fairly high rate.

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6. Feeling stressed out

stressed out millennial man Prostock-studio | Shutterstock

According to the 2024 Deloitte Gen Z and Millennial Survey, millennials have high stress rates, as 35% said they always feel stressed out. One-third of people surveyed said their jobs and the lack of work-life balance directly impacted how stressed they feel.

Boomers accepted work stress as unavoidable, declaring that "It's called work for a reason" to anyone who would listen. Gen Z believes jobs shouldn't be a source of stress at all. Millennials were taught to see stress as proof of how hard they're working, but they don't actually want to be on edge about their jobs, which is why they're so focused on work-life balance.

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7. Wearing high socks

millennial woman putting on ankle socks Davor Geber | Shutterstock

When it comes to fashion, every generation defines their own trends. Millennials had no problem saying goodbye to low-waisted flares, yet there's one specific marker of millennial style they don't want to give up, at all: ankle socks.

The moment Gen Z decided that wearing socks that go up to their knees is the only cool way to wear socks, millennials started complaining. Yet they're the only generation who's bothered by this sock trend. According to a YouGov survey, "the youngest and oldest American adults are much more likely to favor taller sock styles."

Gen Xers don't really seem to care about sock height, and high socks might be the only thing boomers and Gen Z agree on. Millennials don't want to accept it, but the ankle sock era has been over for a long time.

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8. Not being on trend

trendy millennial woman taking selfies BublikHaus | Shutterstock

Millennials can't deny that they've reached middle age, but they can still complain about new trends and how much they don't understand them. They complain that Gen Z makes fun of their emoji choices and the way they make hearts with their hands. They complain that Gen Alpha's slang and sense of humor is completely outside of their realm.

Not being on trend might be a hard realization for millennials to face, but instead of complaining, they should accept it with grace.

RELATED: 6 Ways Millennials Refuse To Follow In Their Gen X & Boomer Parents' Footsteps


9. Expensive events

millennial women at music festival dancing Drazen Zigic | Shutterstock

Millennials are known for spending money on experiences instead of things, but now, expensive go-to experiences have become one of the things millennials complain about that don't bother other generations at all.

The high cost of plane tickets has made traveling even more expensive than it usually is. Concerts and movies cost way more than they used to. Even going to the gym is expensive, as a gym membership has essentially turned into a luxury purchase.

Boomers aren't bothered by the high cost of entertainment because they have the money to cover it. Instead of complaining, Gen Z finds ways to entertain themselves that don't cost much money. But millennials remember a time when seeing their favorite band in concert didn't break the bank, which is why they complain so much about expensive events now.

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10. The high cost of having kids

stressed millennial man holding upset baby Prostock-studio | Shutterstock

Of all the things millennials complain about, the high cost of having kids is a very valid one. For many millennials, affordability is a major factor in making the decision to have kids or not. A lot of millennials are childfree by design, because having a baby is out of their budget.

According to one financial report, the average annual living cost of a two-adult household without kids is $55,166. But if those adults have just one kid, their living cost goes up to $77,469. Boomers don't have to care about the cost of kids, because their kids are already adults. Gen X is less bothered by it, because their kids are on the older side, too. Gen Z isn't bothered because they're not as deep into that stage of their lives yet.

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11. Getting older

millennial woman looking at wrinkles in the mirror Nicoleta Ionescu | Shutterstock

While it's not an especially unique complaint, millennials complain about getting older, which other generations aren't as bothered by.

Aging doesn't bother Gen Z because they're still young. Boomers have made their peace with older age and the inevitable passing of time. Gen X is on the other side of their midlife-crisis potential.

But millennials are crossing that threshold now, and it isn't easy for them. Still, the more millennials accept their age, the more fulfilled they'll be.

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Alexandra Blogier, MFA, is a staff writer who covers psychology, social issues, relationships, self-help topics, and human interest stories.
