10 Things Gen X And Boomers Are Tired Of At This Stage In Their Lives
It's not that Gen X and boomers are old. It's just that they're tired of pretty much everything.

In today's world, Gen X and baby boomers are the motivating glue that keeps most families and workplaces going, but as they get older, there are more and more things they're simply tired of at this stage in their lives. It's tough to find one of them who doesn't say they feel absolutely drained, as they've reached the age when they're expected to take on more and more burdens with what often feels like too little reward.
From the disrespect they face online, at home and at work, to being overlooked and used as a money-making machine, plenty of aspects of their day-to-day lives have left people in these generations feeling completely burned out.
Here are the 10 things Gen X and boomers are tired of at this stage in their lives
1. The need to keep up with technology
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One thing Gen X and boomers are tired of at this stage in their lives is keeping up with technology. It's important to understand that Gen X and boomers didn't grow up like the younger generations did. They didn't have iPads or iPhones and had to rely on an actual map to get by.
As a result, both generations struggle more and more with the emergence of new kinds of tech like AI. One poll from Penn State University found that 77% of people believe society now relies too much on technology.
With the never-ending pressure to keep up, it's safe to say that these generations are sick and tired of more and more technology taking over at this stage in their lives.
2. The pressure to maintain good health
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Another thing Gen X and boomers are tired of at this stage in their lives is the pressure to maintain good health. When people think of the pressure to be healthy, most would probably think of millennials or Gen Z. However, Gen X and boomers also face mounting pressure to remain in tip-top health.
Many people in these generations have family members who depend on them for financial or emotional support. As a result, Gen X and boomers can't afford to fall apart or get sick. They need to stay healthy for the people closest to them.
3. Feeling overlooked and undervalued due to their age
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Gen X and boomers are now facing serious concerns about ageism. According to a poll conducted by the American Staffing Association, 78% of Boomers believe their age would play a factor if they applied for a new position. More specifically, 68% of boomers believe their age would put them at a disadvantage, and 53% of Gen Xers feel the same way.
It's understandable to feel overlooked and undervalued when you see others your age being passed up for job opportunities. After putting in so many decades of hard work, seeing your years of experience disregarded in favor of someone younger with more "fresh" ideas and lower salary expectations is beyond exhausting.
4. Pressure to buy into consumerism
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Unlike the younger generations, the older generations didn't grow up with access to anything they wanted at the touch of their hands. The thought of getting new clothes or other fun items was reserved for birthdays, holidays, back-to-school, and other special occasions.
Times have changed since then. Though it might seem fun, feeling a need to buy the new Jordans as soon as they come out even though your old pair is barely broken in doesn't lead to the kind of satisfaction people expect. The happiness is only temporarily, and the impact on your wallet can last way too long.
A poll commissioned by Ladder, conducted by OnePoll, and reported on by the New York Post found that Americans spend an average of $1,497 per month on non-essential items. This can tally up to $18,000 a year! So it shouldn't come as a surprise if Gen X and boomers are tired of feeling the financial burden of this kind of consumerism.
5. The limited support they get while being caregivers
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Another thing the Gen X and boomers are tired of at this stage in their lives is caring for others with limited support. Never taking a day off, these individuals stuck in the sandwich generation will run dry trying to keep their families afloat — supporting their children and parents at the same time.
Neglecting to take care of yourself can have drastic consequences. Dr. Matt Glowiak of Southern New Hampshire University notes that neglecting self-care leads to burnout, depression, anxiety, and resentment.
6. Unspoken rules and expectations
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Another thing Gen X and boomers are tired of at this stage in their lives is the amount of unspoken rules and expectations they're required to follow. In the age of the Internet, they feel they are constantly being told to keep up, from the correct words to use to the correct political views to hold.
The influx of information coming at them online and from younger friends, family members and colleagues can be overwhelming, leaving Gen X and boomers tired of having to keep up with what others expect of them.
7. Saving up for retirement
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With the success many people in these generations have experienced, you might think they have no worries in the world. However, this couldn't be further from the truth, as many Gen X and boomers are struggling with their finances.
According to Credit Karma, one in five people age 59 and older don't have a single penny in a savings account. This is dangerous, as financial insecurity is no joke.
A 2022 study found a significant association between financial insecurity and psychological well-being. Specifically, higher levels of financial worry led to higher levels of psychological distress.
All things being considered, it's unsurprising that most Gen X and Boomers are completely tired of worrying about money at this stage in their life, as financial burdens take a toll on their mental and physical health.
8. The pressure to reach unrealistic beauty standards
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Though it might not cross younger people's minds, Gen X and boomers are also tired of unrealistic beauty standards. In the age of AI, it's unsurprising that the older generation is caught up in the glam of it all.
In addition to the pressure to be as beautiful as the younger models, celebs, and social media influencers our society is so deeply obsessed, advancements in photo-retouching and AI continue to push our expectations of beauty to increasingly unrealistic levels.
Additionally, the emergence of more and more options for "age-defying" procedures makes it feel all the more emotionally draining for many to allow themselves to age naturally. Whether its keeping regular Botox appointments, working to afford beauty treatments, or feeling a need to explain why you aren't doing any of that, the drain of unrealistic beauty standards only gets more exhausting.
9. Limited job opportunities
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The next thing Gen X and boomers are tired of at this stage in their lives is limited job opportunities. Gen X and boomers are facing rejection after rejection. As they get closer to retiring, companies no longer feel the need to hire them. In their eyes, they'll only be here for a few years anyway.
People in these generations are struggling as their ability to make money becomes limited. It's sad, but some older people are even resorting to hard labor, Uber or DoorDash just to make ends meet, and ever there they are making less money than their younger counterparts.
10. Constantly experiencing grief
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The final thing Gen X and Boomers are tired of at this stage in their life is constantly experiencing grief. Younger people may not give it much thought, but Gen X and boomers are going through it in terms of loneliness.
Baby boomers are reported to be the generation experiencing the most loneliness. This is devastating, as research shows social isolation leads to early mortality and is twice as harmful to people's health as obesity.
Knowing this, it's no wonder why the older generations are feeling so down and tired.
RELATED: Young People Are Confused By What Boomer Office Workers Did All Day Before Computers & Cell Phones
Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's degree in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology topics.