9 Things You Should Do For Your Brain Health Every Day, According To Psychology
Everyday things to improve your brain health, steeped in science.

When most of us think about our health, we seem to focus on our weight alone and where we may fall on the BMI index. Or oftentimes, we judge ourselves by the most demanding of critics, the one in our own mirrored reflection. Spoiler alert: those numbers have absolutely nothing to do with your brain health — or your health at all.
There are, however, numerous things you can do to better your brain health every day that have nothing to do with the numbers on the scale or the amount of cellulite on your hips, and we're happy to share these research-backed brain health boosters.
Here are the things you should do for your brain health every day:
1. Stay hydrated
When you're hydrating properly, your urine will be light yellow or clear, and that's a good sign that your kidneys are functioning as they're supposed to. Anytime you see dark urine, you need to chug a glass of water, quickly.
2. Pay attention to your cycle
If you're a woman, then you know the typical period cycle can range anywhere from 21 to 35 days, so if your period isn't coming regularly between those times, you may need to get that looked at. Regular, monthly periods that last two to seven days are a good indication that your reproductive system is working optimally.
When women pay attention to their menstrual cycle, it can positively impact their brain health. This allows them to identify and manage potential mood, cognitive function, and energy fluctuations due to hormonal changes throughout their cycle.
Research published by NPJ Women's Health found that this could lead to better mental well-being and coping strategies during challenging phases. Every woman experiences her menstrual cycle differently, so it's important to pay attention to personal patterns and symptoms.
3. Notice your emotions
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This is so easy to overlook because we're always working under the duress of stress so we don't notice when our reactions become automated and unmanageable. Using the help of a therapist counts as managing your emotional burden, by the way.
4. Wash your face
Adult acne aside, if you're having hormonal acne outbreaks or other skin-related issues, you may have some underlying health concerns. Skin is our largest organ, and if it doesn't show signs of distress, it's a great indicator of good health.
Washing your face can positively affect brain health by promoting feelings of cleanliness and self-care. This can reduce stress and anxiety, potentially boosting mood and overall well-being, especially when incorporated into a mindful routine.
Research published in a 2017 study also suggests that physical cleaning can trigger brain activity associated with reducing negative emotions and enhancing self-perception.
5. Exercise
Whether you're running marathons or doing a 10-minute foam roller stretch every morning, as long as you make the effort to move your body in a meaningful way every day, you're doing great!
6. Eat intuitively
Eating mindfully doesn't mean you have to be on a strict diet. It just means that you eat until you're full and then you stop. Also, you are conscious of eating your fruits and veggies while avoiding processed foods.
7. Hang out with friends
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Studies show time and time again that friends are incredibly beneficial to our health. So make time for those hangout nights!
8. Be healthy
It's normal to catch a virus or a cold now and then, but if you're constantly battling something or other, chances are your immune system is crying out for help. If you can't remember the last time you got sick, you must be doing something right!
9. Get a good night's sleep
If you're not having trouble falling (or staying) asleep most nights, consider yourself lucky. Irregular sleep patterns can indicate serious issues like sleep apnea, insomnia, or gastroesophageal reflux disorder.
Research published by the University of Utah explained that a good night's sleep helps the brain function properly and is essential for brain development. Sleep also helps you learn, remember, and pay attention. It enables you to regulate your emotions and control your behavior.
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