10 Things Classy People Do Constantly (But Never Talk About)

Classiness is all about action, not just words.

smiling classy woman Andrii Nekrasov | Shutterstock

Most people are unaware of how classy people tend to charm others, likely because there are certain things classy people do constantly but never talk about. 

From their good manners to their polite tone, classy people find it easy to attract others to them. For them, first impressions can open doors most people didn't dream were possible.

But being classy isn't quite that simple, as most people don't have the proper resources to get started. Thankfully, there are a few simple characteristics of classy people that can teach everyone around them to follow suit.


Here are 10 things classy people do constantly but never talk about

1. They stay true to their word

two women talking on the beach Pheelings media | Shutterstock

Classy people always stay true to their word and don't break promises. They won't commit to plans and then bail at the last minute; to them, this type of betrayal is rude and classless.

According to a study published in the journal Behaviour Research and Therapy, betrayal leads to feelings of shock, grief, loss, anger, and damaged self-esteem. Researchers noted that this is made worse for people suffering from anxiety, OCD, and PTSD.

For classy people, they commit to the promises they make for the sake of their relationships and reputation, which can become strained or tarnished if they don't remain true to their word.

RELATED: 10 Signs Of A Genuinely Classy Person That Can't Be Faked


2. They keep their composure

women talking to coworker fizkes | Shutterstock

Classy people constantly keep their cool in stressful situations. They don't let their anger or frustration overwhelm them or allow them to snap at others. Instead, they take a deep breath and move through the circumstances.

Not only can lashing out affect their career prospects, relationships, and reputation, but most people find temperamental individuals unattractive and unstable. Lacking self-control also makes a person appear classless and unreliable. And, according to research from the Journal of Personality, people with good self-control have fewer mental health issues, stronger relationships, and have less impulsive tendencies.

For individuals wanting to become classier, it's important to recognize their bad behavior. They should take the proper steps to emotionally regulate and ground themselves.


3. They listen more than they talk

man listening as woman talks BongkarnGraphic | Shutterstock

People who listen come off as charming and likable, and for classy people, they want to make others feel like their words matter. They will sit up straight, keep direct eye contact, and nod as their friends or loved ones talk. When they do talk, they ask questions that keep the conversation going and are genuinely interested in what the other person has to say.

According to a study published in the journal Current Opinion in Psychology, people who listen better tend to be viewed as more trustworthy. Additionally, speakers are increasingly likely to open up when they feel heard, which can lead to better relationships and social connectedness.

So, it won't hurt to talk a little less and listen a little more. Not only will it help people appear charming and classy, but it can lead to stronger relationships as well.


4. They're mindful of body language

woman looking confident while crossing arms insta_photos | Shutterstock

Many people don't realize that the way they present themselves and move can affect another person's perception of them. Crossing their arms, rolling their eyes, or tapping their foot can all be signs of disinterest and will unconsciously make people believe they're purposely upsetting others.

Research from the journal Neuron found that body language, like facial expressions, triggers emotional responses in others. This is because people understand emotions from gestures, which are linked to their own feelings.

However, people might withdraw and grow meek if they notice passive-aggressive body language. Unfortunately, emotional suppression has been shown to impact mental health. A study published in Current Opinion in Psychiatry found that emotional suppression leads to an increase in depression, personality disorders, somatoform disorders, and other psychopathological symptoms.

Classy people are well aware and mindful of their body language when talking to others. They make sure they don't unintentionally come off as aggressive.

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5. They pay attention to the small details

woman giving older woman gifts and hugging her Studio Romantic | Shutterstock

Something classy people do constantly is remember the small details that someone has mentioned in passing. A friend or even acquaintance will mention they like red roses once, and a classy person will remember it forever. This trait makes other people feel important and cherished.

Not only that, but this type of kindness and thoughtfulness is contagious and can influence others to behave similarly. One study published in Scientific American found that people were increasingly likely to donate their bonuses generously when they believed participants before them did the same, showing just how much thoughtful actions impact others.

Whenever people have the opportunity, they should be more mindful of what other people around them say, recognizing the tiny details. It will then encourage others to do the same.


6. They're continuously learning

woman reading book in library Arthur Bargan | Shutterstock

Classy individuals make a point of continuing to learn and expand their knowledge as they move through life. They don't need degrees to prove they are well educated; rather, they tend to read a lot and use their life experience to expand their horizons.

Reading has a lot of benefits besides making someone classier. One study published in the journal Social Science & Medicine found a 20% reduction in mortality for those who read books compared to those who didn't. An additional study from Child Development found that reading increases general knowledge and vocabulary, improving verbal knowledge.

For people who want to be seen as classy, they should read a book as often as they can. Though time-consuming, it provides a lot of benefits that shouldn't be underestimated.


7. They refrain from gossip

group of women gossiping about someone PeopleImages.com - Yuri A | Shutterstock

Classy people put their foot down when it comes to gossiping about others. Unlike many, they don't get a kick out of demeaning people they barely know. They understand how damaging gossiping can be for a person's self-esteem and mental health. As such, they refuse to entertain others by joining in on the drama and will simply exit the conversation.

This behavior earns them the respect of others and dissuades people from taking gossip past the line. This fosters a positive environment built on encouragement instead of negativity.

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8. They uplift others

woman hugging other woman while smiling insta_photos | Shutterstock

Classy people don't feel the need to tear down others. Because they are confident in themselves, they uplift others to their level. They cheer on their loved ones or celebrate successes and wins; they loudly express their admiration and admit how proud they are.

Moreover, when their friends are going through something challenging, they don't put them down; instead, they offer empathy and understanding.

They make it a point to offer words of encouragement or hugs for support. And, in turn, they have better relationships. Being classy means supporting others by being positive of their accomplishments, and not acting out of jealousy. 


9. They practice gratitude daily

woman journaling in seat practicing gratitude Ground Picture | Shutterstock

Classy people practice gratitude on a daily basis, though they never talk about it. Not only does it help them look inward and reflect, but it's also great for their mental health.

According to a 2020 study, practicing gratitude led to improved mental health. Additional research published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships found that gratitude leads to greater relationship satisfaction in couples.

Classy individuals experience a plethora of positives in their lives because they give thanks for the little things. And in order for others to follow in their footsteps, they should start off by writing down the things that make them grateful. It doesn't need to be much, but writing down three small things is a great place to start.


10. They offer help without being asked to

woman helping older woman up Dmytro Zinkevych | Shutterstock

Classy people take the initiative to help others rather than waiting for someone to ask. When they notice an older person crossing the street, they rush over to offer assistance. If their friend is struggling to hold something, they step in and take the literal weight off their shoulders.

Genuine kindness has many more benefits than just improving relationships. A study published in the Journal of Positive Psychology found that kindness can alleviate depression and other mental health disorders. Additionally, research published in the Journal of Happiness determined that kindness increases people's happiness.

It doesn't hurt to be kind, and classy people truly grasp this concept.

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Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology topics.
