The World Tarot Card Meaning, Explained
You have the world at your feet.

If the world is what we make of it, the World tarot card is there to let us know that it is up to us to create our own personal worlds as we wish them to be.
Any reading that has this card in it is a blessing. It is a sign that we have the world at our feet, and that opportunity abounds if we are aware.
If you are a person who believes in and uses the Law of Attraction, this is the card that symbolizes that kind of thinking.
The World Tarot Card Meanings
Upright meaning keywords: Great achievement, positivity and good feelings; the power to manifest and create; travel, success, fulfillment, and belonging
Reversed meaning keywords: Failure, loss, boredom, burden, lack of enthusiasm, stagnation; efforts gone stale, laziness and lack of involvement
The World tarot card is the last Major Arcana card in the Tarot deck. After the Major Arcana set, the next four sets of Minor Arcana cards come in.
The World card represents the earth element. Its ruling planet is Saturn, which has everything to do with structure, organization, and justice.
If you get The World card, you have everything you need. Your life feels complete because you are connected with yourself and your surroundings.
It's great to have validation, especially in times when you're questioning if what you're doing is right, and this card says it is and to keep going.
The World Card Description
The World depicts a woman wrapped in purple cloth holding on to two wands while she floats in mid-air magically. She floats within a circular wreath, symbolizing completion.
Around her, in each corner of the card, are four figures: an angel in the upper left corner, an eagle in the upper right, a bull in the lower-left corner, and a lion in the lower right.
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She is goddess-like and is often recognized as Mother Nature, the creator of all living things.
She is completing what the Magician card lets us know can be done. His tools are laid out on the table, and she has apparently used those tools to create the world.
The woman on the card is the symbol of the cycle of life, and the progression of life events we all must go through. She is the promise of return and the gratification of a job well done.
The World Upright Meaning
When the World tarot card shows up in a reading upright, it is always a good sign.
Lessons have been learned and put to good use, and the success you have strived for is here (or about to be here), depending on where it sits in the spread.
An upright World is a card of great opportunity, as well as an affirmation for you to know that you have done well.
It confirms your ability to make the right decisions and lets you know that you can indeed trust your gut. It is a spiritual card as well, assuring you that you are on the right path.
In health, this is an excellent sign that you are on the mend and are looking good. You did the right thing for yourself and it is paying off.
The World Reversed Meaning
When we see the World card in reverse, it is not time to panic — it is just a heads up that lets us know we are slacking and have to get back on track.
Reversed, the Wpr;d card is associated with energy and the lack of it.
If you are concerned about something in your life and get this card, you're being told to snap out of it and get your life back together, because you are the only one who can save yourself.
The World is also an important card in terms of health and healing. If you have noticed that your health is not improving, this card says to try something different, making changes if you are not getting what you want or need.
The World Meaning in Love & Relationships
If you are curious about your love life and you get the World, consider yourself very lucky. It is a great show of stability and solid family life!
Love and Relationships: Upright World Meaning
Receiving the World upright in a love reading means that if you are not partnered and wish to be, you will be. And if you are married, it represents marital bliss.
Drawing the World tarot card upright lets you know that everything in your relationship is balanced and working well. You can trust your mate and they can trust you.
All things feel comfortable, and with proper respect and honest communication, you can count on longevity and trust within the partnership.
The upright World tarot card means your current relationship is giving you fulfillment and complete happiness. This card could also suggest that you take the next step in your relationship and look towards the future.
Love and Relationships: Reversed World Meaning
If you receive a reversed World card in a love reading, it is most definitely about laziness and lack of focus.
Perhaps you have been in a relationship for a long time and there is no longer any spark of excitement. This one's on you, friend.
The World card tells you that you can have more. You can put in the effort to mend your tired relationship and renew it into something marvelous.
You could also be lacking love if you get the reversed World, and this could be a sign that something is missing in your love life. Something in your love life feels incomplete and once you address it, you will then be able to be happy in your relationship again.
The World Meaning in Career
Depending on the position of the World when drawn in a career reading, it can indicate either a fulfilling workplace or career choice, or a feeling that something is missing in your current job.
Career: Upright World Meaning
Upright, the World is probably one of the best tarot cards you can get if you are concerned about your career. This card says that you can rest a bit, and that you do not have to work yourself to the bone, because you have already done so much and come so far. It is okay to take a break.
The World drawn upright indicates that you should be proud of your accomplishments and how far you have come in your career. After all the difficulties you have faced, you can finally relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor!
Though you may continue to think about the future in terms of your career success, be sure to stay present in the moment and savor the end results of your hard work.
Career: Reversed World Meaning
Reversed, the World serves as a good career wake-up call, letting you know that you need to put in the effort to get out of a ruinous job situation, or to simply get up on your feet and move. Make things happen; do not become complacent with your own life.
A reversed World card indicates that you may have worked extremely hard for results, but aren't satisfied with them. Perhaps you aren't living up to the goals you have set for yourself; in this case, consider the steps you need to take to fill in the missing pieces.
Take the time to really think about your goals, where you see your career path taking you, and how you can reach ultimate fulfillment.
The World Meaning in Finance
In a financial reading, an upright or reversed World card means the difference between the completion of a specific goal, or the failure.
Finance: Upright World Meaning
When drawn upright, the World card indicates a sudden attainment of wealth, but also means that it's essential to take a step back and realize all the success you have had as it relates to your financial growth.
Rather than using this windfall to make big purchases or make investments, be proud of your accomplishments. The wholeness associated with the World is giving off vibes that are encouraging you to appreciate your financial security.
Overall, this card upright in a financial reading is a very good sign that your finances are in an excellent place.
Finance: Reversed World Meaning
A reversed World card in a financial reading isn't always a good sign. In fact, receiving this card reversed means you may be feeling unfulfilled or unhappy, even if you have a lot.
Not only does this mean you must take a deeper look at your possible materialism, but that now is not the time to take any risks with your money. Instead, focus on what is most important: ambition, consistency and hard work.
Only after you have thought about your connection to material items will you understand that money isn't everything.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.