10 Subtle Traits Of People Who Lack Common Sense
Intelligence and common sense don't always work well together.

Having common sense helps people understand the world around them and identify what they need to do to succeed.
However, when someone doesn't have common sense, they find simple tasks more challenging, which makes it harder to reach their goals.
Here are 10 subtle traits of people who lack common sense
1. They have a rigid mindset
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People without common sense are less flexible and open-minded than others. They tend to rely on dichotomous thinking, which means they see the world in absolute terms. They don't understand nuance and tend to judge people's actions as being either totally right or completely wrong, with no wiggle room.
Carol Dweck, a researcher from Stanford University, established that there are two types of belief systems, which she described as a person's ability to develop and change over time. A person with a fixed belief system thinks that they're unable to change anything about themselves. On the other side of the spectrum, a person with a growth mindset believes that they can learn from past experiences and grow as time goes on.
People with a fixed mindset are less likely to try new things because they don't believe they're capable of change.
2. They repeat their mistakes
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Someone who lacks common sense will make the same mistakes over and over, because they don't learn from what they've done wrong in the past. They have a hard time seeing patterns and making connections, which leads them to repeat behaviors that don't necessarily benefit them.
While a person who has strong common sense can see the error of the ways and course-correct for the future, not having common sense limits a person's ability to analyze their own actions.
3. They're indecisive
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People without common sense have a hard time making decisions. They either overthink their options, which leads to what psychologists call "analysis paralysis," or they avoid thinking about their choices, which also keeps them stuck in a state of inaction.
A study published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology noted that making decisions is directly connected to evaluation, which is knowing what you like and dislike. Evaluating is a necessary first step to choosing, whether that choice is something minor, like what to eat for dinner, or something major, like what city you want to live in.
People lacking common sense often make decisions based on other people's opinions, because that's easier than forming an individual opinion and deciding something on their own.
4. They don't consider consequences
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Not having common sense means that people don't think about how their present actions will affect their future. They don't consider consequences, so they take risks that put them in tense or uncomfortable situations.
A person who lacks common sense isn't great at thinking about their long-term options. They tend to focus only on the present.
For example, a student who avoids doing homework is only thinking about what they want at that exact moment. They're unable to think about the consequences of not doing their work, which might set them back when it comes to getting into college or finding employment.
5. They're apathetic
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Another indication that someone lacks common sense is that they also lack a sense of curiosity.
Instead of wondering how things work or asking about the deeper meaning of a conversation topic, they accept what they see in front of them as the ultimate truth. They think less about the "why" than people who have a high level of intelligence or solid common sense.
According to the information gap theory, which was put forth by psychologist George Loewenstein, curiosity exists when someone recognizes the gaps in their knowledge and understanding; therefore, they seek out more information.
Other psychologists posit that the function of curiosity is to facilitate learning. Curiosity motivates people's desire to acquire knowledge, which can improve someone's performance in an academic setting and in the workplace.
Not being curious can set people back on their path to success and hinder their ability to climb the corporate ladder and advance their careers.
6. They don't listen to their intuition
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Intuition can be defined as the ability to make successful decisions without specific, deliberate analysis. People who lack common sense also lack a strong connection to their own intuitive nature.
Psychological scientists from the University of South Wales discovered a process for measuring intuition. Researcher Joel Pearson explained that people use their intuition as part of the decision-making process, saying, "We can use unconscious information in our body or brain to help guide us through life, to enable better decisions, faster decisions, and be more confident in the decisions we make."
Just as people with a lack of common sense struggle to make decisions and think long-term, they also tend to ignore what their inner voice is telling them.
7. They're not self-aware
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Having a strong sense of self-awareness means that a person has a deep understanding of who they are. They live a lifestyle that's aligned with their values. They consider the moral implications of their jobs and establish relationships with people whose ideals match their own.
On the other hand, a person without common sense is unable to think deeply about who they are and what's important to them. Yet, according to psychologist Nick Wignall, self-awareness can change and grow over time. "It's something you build through practice," he explained.
To develop a sense of self-awareness, Wignall suggested listening more than you speak and accepting your emotions, instead of forcing yourself to change how you feel.
8. They struggle to solve everyday problems
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Simple tasks are harder to complete for people lacking common sense. They tend to be less rational and logical than other people, so the little things feel like bigger deals than they actually are.
Because they struggle to see patterns and connections, they also struggle to find solutions that might seem obvious to people who do have common sense.
9. They get frustrated easily
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People without common sense also have a low frustration tolerance, which is part of why they have a hard time finding clear solutions to the problems that they're faced with.
Instead of harnessing their patience and working through complex issues step by step, they get overwhelmed and give up. They don't believe in their own capacity to do difficult things, because they don't understand commonly-accepted information that can help them out.
10. They're overly trusting
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People who lack common sense tend to trust people easily, which can lead them down paths that don't actually serve them.
They're not good at judging people's character, and they often put their faith in the wrong people. Because they don't trust their own intuition, they tend to export their trust to outside forces.
Alexandra Blogier is a writer on YourTango's news and entertainment team. She covers social issues, pop culture analysis and all things to do with the entertainment industry.