7 Subtle Signs You Have A Rare Spiritual Gift

Pay attention to what the universe is telling you.

woman with a rare spiritual gift Photos: Eugene Golovesov, Hosein Sediqi via Unsplash | Design: YourTango

There are certain aspects of living in the world that are inexplicable. We might seek practical reasons that explain away the experiences we have, but sometimes, those experiences symbolize the strength of our connection with the spiritual world.

Here are 7 subtle signs you have a rare spiritual gift:

1. You have intense visions.

One sign that you may have a spiritual gift is if you experience visions when you’re awake. These visions could be more than just having an active imagination or daydreams. They may mean that you’re spiritually advanced and you have a deep connection to the supernatural world.


These visions could hold valuable messages for you or the people around you, so make sure you’re listening to what your intuition tells you.


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2. You wake up between 3 a.m. and 4 a.m.

This period of time in the early hours before dawn often has heightened spiritual activity. It's believed that the veil existing between the physical and spiritual worlds is thinner than usual at this time. Waking up between 3 and 4 a.m. means you’re especially receptive to that heightened spiritual activity.

During this time, your intuition might be stronger than usual, or you might receive messages from your spirit guides or higher power. Make sure you’re paying close attention.


3. You have vivid nightmares.

If you have consistent nightmares that feel very emotionally intense, they could be a sign that you have a spiritual gift. This might be especially true if you’ve had nightmares since childhood. Some people find that their nightmares fade as they grow older, yet the messages their dreams hold remain resonant.

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4. You feel strong emotions at random times.

Another sign that you might have a spiritual gift is if you experience intense emotions that aren’t connected to the situation you’re in. These random emotional reactions could be responses to energetic shifts in your surroundings.

Having a spiritual gift can make you very attuned to your environment, which means you can intuitively feel when something isn’t quite right around you.


5. You have a tingling sensation in your body.

If you notice the feeling of pins-and-needles within your body, especially on the crown of your head or along your spine, that feeling could signal the presence of psychic abilities or a spiritual activation. 

It’s common to have these tingling sensations when you’re engaging with a spiritual practice or ritual, like meditation.

@sincerelychristinep A common experience during meditation is feeling different sensations in the body, including tingling, warmth, or buzzing, particularly in the forehead area. This is often referred to as the "third eye" or "crown chakra" and is associated with spiritual awakening, heightened intuition or heightened states of consciousness.While some people may interpret this sensation as a sign of progress or a heightened state of awareness, others may find it distracting or uncomfortable. Some possible explanations for the sensation include increased energy flow and activation of the pineal gland in the center of the brain. If you experience forehead buzzing during meditation, you can simply observe the sensation without judgment or attachment, and continue to focus on your breath or other meditation practice you are doing. Alternatively, you can try to redirect your focus and attention to another part of your body, such as your fingertips or toes, or to simply observe the sensation without attaching any particular meaning to it. Overall, the experience of forehead buzzing during meditation is subjective and can vary greatly between individuals, and it's important to understand that it's a natural part of the meditation process, and it can happen to anyone at any level of experience. Have you ever experienced this buzzing? #meditation #meditation101 #meditationiskey #meditationjourney #meditationpractice #meditatingmom ♬ original sound - Sincerely Christine

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6. You feel pressure between your eyebrows.

The space in between your eyebrows is where the third eye or brow chakra is located. Experiencing pressure in that spot is a sign of heightened spiritual awareness and intuition.

If the area around your third eye aches more than usual, it could mean that your third eye is opening up or working harder than usual. You can ease the pressure you feel by setting an intention and using the palm of your hand to wipe away the tension.

@themediumschool When your third eye chakra is opening up and unblocking, feeling an ache in the center of your forehead is incredibly common. Here's how you can clear this ache while still allowing this chakra to open up. Place your hand on your third eye, and with intention, wipe the energy away from this chakra. Feel the power with each movement and notice how the energy shifts right away. And if it doesn't, you've probably just not had enough water to drink. Get on that!#thirdeye#thirdeyechakra #thirdeyeawakening #thirdeyeopening #thirdeyeopen#thirdeyevision #thirdeyetribe #thirdeyewideopen #thirdeyegang #thirdeyeguide #thirdeyeactivation #thirdeyechakrahealing #energyhealing#energymovement #spiritualbeing#spiritualbeings#psychicdevelopment#psychicsenses#intuitivedevelopment#intuitivesenses ♬ original sound - Rory Walkom

Paying attention to the messages your body sends you will allow you to tune into your spiritual gifts.


7. You experience deja vu often.

Déjà vu is a strong sensory reaction that makes you feel as though you’ve been through an experience before. While scientific schools of thought maintain that it’s an anomaly of memory, having déjà vu can be associated with a spiritual awakening.

@.tmonee Deja vu is your present self experiencing the future you. #spirituality #dejavu #psychic#spiritualtiktok ♬ original sound - T | Monee'

Maybe you met the person you’re talking to in a past life or you predicted a certain situation during a dream. Déjà vu can be a sign that you're clairvoyant and your spiritual powers have been activated.

Don’t push the feeling of déjà vu away. Instead, take note of your environment: It could be the universe sending you a valuable message.


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Alexandra Blogier is a writer on YourTango's news and entertainment team. She covers social issues, pop culture analysis and all things to do with the entertainment industry.