6 Subtle Signs A Man Is An Emotional Psychopath, According To Psychology

Look for these disturbing, under-the-radar signs.

Emotional Psychopath. Erik Mclean | Canva

Being in a relationship with an emotional psychopath is an extremely unpleasant experience. They are very good manipulators, whose actions tend to impose emotional control over you. However, emotional psychopaths’ behavior isn’t gross all the time. On the contrary, they can be very charming and empathic. One time they talk and act as if they’re spoiling for a fight, the next time they’re gently whispering to you, “Honey, I don’t want to fight with you about this. I know how difficult it is for you to stop being such an emotional person.”

See what they did there? Instead of concentrating on the issue, they made you feel as if it was all your fault. That’s a manipulation in its purest form. That’s why you should be aware of the tactics manipulators use. This way you could reveal that they’re one more easily and break free. You can check these signs of a psychopath boyfriend which could reveal that you’re having a relationship with an emotional psychopath.

Here are 6 subtle signs a man is an emotional psychopath, according to psychology:

1. He wants to change your point of view

young couple arguing in a cafe Roman Kosolapov | Shutterstock

Emotional manipulators could try to change your perspective on life and influence you so that you start thinking and behaving in a way that suits your needs. This is one of the oldest manipulation techniques that exist. Don’t let anyone take control over you in this way.

According to the definition provided by Henry R. Hermann Ph.D., in Dominance and Aggression in Humans and Other Animals, "Psychopathy is defined as a mental (antisocial) disorder in which an individual manifests amoral and antisocial behavior, shows a lack of ability to love or establish meaningful personal relationships, expresses extreme egocentricity, and demonstrates a failure to learn from experience and other behaviors associated with the condition."

In other words, a psychopath is someone who’s not capable of maintaining a normal, healthy, humane relationship due to a disorder. Emotional psychopaths, specifically, are these people who suffer from a form of psychopathy that involves mimicking emotions, which they just cannot feel.

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2. He asserts dominance

man pointing at a woman's chest fizkes | Shutterstock

Psychopaths try to demonstrate their power and dominance in the relationship. They put you down by trying to outstand you. Such people might discredit you in front of other people so that they can feel better about themselves.

Examining the effect of dominance on romantic and intimate relationships in particular, research suggests that the dominance of one often leads to the “victimization” of the other. Feminist literature indicates that it is the man in a patriarchal society who exerts dominance, leading to victimization and violence against women, a 2023 study by the International Journal of Indian Psychology referenced.


3. He humiliates you in public

angry couple walking down street Antonio Guillem | Shutterstock

Your loved one should support and encourage you. If they are always putting you down in front of others, it means they don’t care how you feel. On top of that, they might try humiliating you in front of your closest people to stand out and feel better about themselves.

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4. He tries to isolate you

upset young woman hugging knees to chest Wasana Kunpol | Shutterstock

One of their meanest techniques of manipulation is when your partner is trying to isolate you from your friends and family. They might not let you see your close ones because they feel jealous or they don’t like them. They try to turn you against the people who you love the most. This way they could become your only friend and control you more easily.

A 2013 study reported that isolation tactics are forms of emotional abuse and include such behaviors as restricting a person’s contact with family and friends or physically confining a person. Isolation aims to undermine the victim’s life and identity outside the relationship and foster a sense of dependency.

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5. He blames you

upset man confronting confused woman fizkes | Shutterstock

Emotional psychopaths always blame others for their sins. They would never admit their fault no matter what. Even if they cheat, they would say you’re guilty because you provoked them. All bad decisions they make are thought to be your fault. They could blame you for their negative feelings or say you involved them in a controversial situation that they’d created.

Sadly, a lot of people might hurt us if we become closer to them. But despite that, we shouldn’t fear loving and building strong relationships with others. What we should know, however, is how to distinguish abusive behavior and how to set healthy emotional boundaries between us and our loved ones.


6. They throw tantrums

man overreacting and yelling at a young woman Ekateryna Zubal | Shutterstock

Your partner gets upset when you do not comply with their every need and responds by sulking so that you drop everything for them, or otherwise, you get mistreated in some way. They have abusive tantrums if you do not comply or threaten you so that they get their way.

Children, especially toddlers, sometimes struggle to control and express their emotions. As we learn our regulate emotions and verbalize our needs better, we typically grow out of having these outbursts. However, adults can have tantrums, too.

This can involve an upheaval due to frustration or anger, according to a 2021 article published by Psych Central. In some cases, an outburst might relate to mental health conditions, including personality disorders. A tirade can include ranting, shouting, and insulting others. Some parents may call this a “meltdown.” People sometimes start throwing things or slamming doors. They might threaten violence or become physically violent.

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Maria Hakki is a writer and translator who writes on love and relationships. She has been featured in I Heart Intelligence, Australian National Review, and more.