7 Spiritual Laws Silently Governing Your Life Outcome
Learn these laws to have a more joyful existence.

Life is just a placebo. Nothing is universally true. There’s no absolute right or wrong. Beauty standards are based on what sells. Each individual's life experience is uniquely shaped by an exclusive collection of events and environments that determine the filters and lenses they use to make future decisions. Aside from being human and sharing a few beliefs and values with some people, we are all extremely different. Well, in part.
One thing we all have in common is the spiritual laws we are subject to. These laws silently govern the outcomes we observe in our lives. If you don’t understand them, the chances are you feel lost, confused, and unhappy about your current circumstances. You can easily reverse these states by taking a few minutes to learn the laws governing your outcomes and leveraging them in your favor. Here are seven of them to get you started.
Here are 7 spiritual laws silently governing your life outcomes:
1. The law of Karma
An old friend was released from jail not too long ago. He received a 12-year sentence for conspiracy to rob. In other words, he didn’t commit robbery but played a role. The truth is he had absolutely zero involvement. He just happened to be walking by on his way home. These were his friends, so he greeted them and hung out with them briefly. They had just completed a robbery, and CCTV was tracking their every move. Police eventually rolled up and busted them all. His prints were on all of the loot. In a show of loyalty to his friends, he stayed silent — this got him 12 years.
One of the first questions I asked him before he was given a guilty verdict was, “Doesn’t it bother you that you’re being charged for something you didn’t do?” He smiled, looked me straight in the eyes, and said, “I can’t be mad. This is my karma.”
What I didn’t tell you was he’s done a few home invasions with the group in the past. He thought he got away scot-free until the police charged him with something that he could only get out of by breaking the street code of no snitching. He rationalized his decision by telling himself, “What I’m going through now is the payment for what I’ve done in the past.” He was right.
Every action, good or bad, has a consequence. The more good actions you take, the higher your odds of realizing a positive outcome — the opposite is true too. It was only a matter of time before these guys got caught, or worse,unlivedd someone trying to defend their home.
Anyway, he ended up serving eight years of his sentence behind bars and four on an ankle monitor. Since getting out, he’s found a job working in the community, educating youths from troubled neighborhoods on the consequences of their actions. His message is simple: “There’s a price for everything you do.” Good actions are credited to you; Bad actions are creditedtom you. Eventually, you’ll face the consequences of your actions — for better or for worse.
2. The law of attraction
James Lane Allen was an American novelist and short storyteller. His work often depicted the dialects and culture of his native Kentucky, which was common for writers in the 19th century. One of his many quotes was: “As you think, you travel, and as you love, you attract. You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.”
The meaning behind this quote is simple. You cannot escape the results of your thoughts. You will always gravitate towards that which you secretly love most. Many have taken this to mean, “If I constantly think about my favorite car or having a lot of money, then I’ll get it” — I blame The Secret by Rhoda Byrne. This is not how the law of attraction works!
The law of attraction works by amplifying one's existing thoughts. It does this by creating opportunities for you to confirm what you’re thinking is true. When you’re constantly thinking about a material item you don’t have, you’re simultaneously telling yourself, “I’m in lack,” and situations will arise for you to confirm it.
A better solution is to think positively, generally. If you constantly think positive thoughts, you’ll be more alert to the positive outcomes you encounter. This will change your perspective. You may start to believe something like, “Everything always works out in my favor,” which taps into the law of belief — more on this law later. If you’re constantly thinking negative thoughts, you’ll be more alert to negative outcomes, and the cycle continues. You attract more of what you think about most.
This is why one of the most powerful habits to tap into the law of attraction is to practice daily affirmations — you’re giving yourself a manual kick up the backside by constantly reminding yourself how amazing you are. The example of “Everything always works out in my favor” is literally what I tell myself every day. You can control thoughts by being more deliberate with the inputs you allow in. The more positive you think, the more positivity you’ll receive.
3. The law of abundance
The other day, I was on a date with a girl. Well, I was supposed to be. After waiting 20 minutes, I called her to check if everything was good on her end because she hadn’t turned up and hadn’t given me notice she would be late. When she picked up, I asked her where she was, and she said, “I’ll be there at 7.” This was an hour after our agreed meeting time, so I told her, “Don’t worry about it. I’m leaving.” At first, she was nonchalant about it. Then she called back, pleading — “Please, Kurtis, it’s our first date. I’ll be there at 7. You know I’m a lady; we take time to get ready.”
I stuck to my guns and left. She still decided to turn up, but I was long gone. Two weeks later, she contacted me again. She apologized for the last time and said she wanted to meet. People usually don’t do this after what happened, so I gave her the benefit of the doubt. One of the first things she said to me when we met was, “You know, nobody has ever done what you did to me.” Confused, I asked, “What did I do?” She replied, “Nobody has ever put me in my place like that. I felt so stupid that day because what you did was right. I was in the wrong. If the shoe were on the other foot, I would’ve left too.” Without realizing it, I displayed to her an abundance mentality.
According to many dating experts, women respond extremely well to men with this trait. But not just women; the universe responds well to it too. Note an abundance mentality is the mindset that there’s enough for everyone. As the popular adage goes, “You get more of what you tolerate.”
Someone who’s in abundance doesn’t put up with crap because they know there’s better out there. By rejecting the crap, they tell the universe they don’t tolerate it, so it brings them something else. When I refused to wait for the girl who was gonna show up an hour late, I subconsciously communicated to her, “I didn’t need to spend time with you, but I wanted to.” This was likely interpreted in her brain as, “I’ve got a lot of women to pick from, but I chose you, and you blew it.”
No wonder she came back all apologetic. From then until the time I concluded this wasn’t a relationship I wanted to take further, she was never late again. Once you realize there’s enough in the world to go around, you’ll no longer compete with people or experience feelings of jealousy. You’ll constantly strive to be better and reject anything that doesn’t meet your standards.
4. The law of resilience
Even if I don’t know you personally, there are two guarantees I can make to you about your life: You’re gonna die one day. You’re gonna experience adversity. The first is pretty well-known and accepted, but the second is often overlooked. Adversity is part of life.
Most people don’t take risks or leave their comfort because they fear the unknown. In other words, they’re scared of the adversity they may face. The problem with this rationalization is what I said above — Adversity is part of life. Regardless of whether you take risks or not, you’ll experience adversity. The law of resilience simply states that resilience is the key to bouncing back from difficult challenges. If you lack resilience, you’ll constantly feel stuck or as if you’re a victim of life.
Many in this state often turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms like drugs, alcohol, or other risky behaviors to drown out the discomfort temporarily. The way to tap into the law of resilience is to change how you see adversity. It’s not supposed to push you down; it’s supposed to make you rise. Difficult times are an indication an update is due. See your adversity as an opportunity to improve. It’s similar to a game…
Whenever you complete a challenge, you progress to the next level. This doesn't mean you must go through it alone. Seek support from friends, family, and mentors during difficult times. The more resilient you are, the more proactive you’ll be. This will result in you continually advancing.
5. The law of persistence
Failure is another one of life’s inevitabilities. But here’s the catch: “The person who fails the most wins,” as Seth Godin once said. Failure is a new opportunity to learn what doesn’t work. Of course, you don’t set out to fail, but you know you can, so you use your attempts as learning opportunities.
For example, of the last six Medium stories I wrote, only three currently have more than 200 views. On the surface, they’ve failed. But if you look deeper, they’ve told me three topics people don’t wanna read about from me. I now know what not to create.
This is the law of persistence. The law of persistence emphasizes that consistent effort leads to success. Many often take this to mean, “I just have to keep showing up and swinging the bat...” Einstein already told us that’s not how it works when he said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Consistent effort is about generating tons of rapid feedback. This allows you to learn quickly and constantly iterate your approach.
The key to tapping into the law of the law of persistence is to define a clear objective and create a well-defined plan to get there. Take steps daily to move you closer to where you wanna go. Yes, you’ll fail a lot, but these are just lessons. Like Thomas Edison said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
6. The law of belief
One person believes he can’t make money on the internet. Another person believes she can make millions on the internet. Guess what? They’re both right. Stephen put it best:
“Each of us tends to think we see things as they are, that we are objective. But this is not the case. We see the world, not as it is, but as we are — or, as we are conditioned to see it. When we open our mouths to describe what we see, we in effect describe ourselves, our perceptions, our paradigms. When other people disagree with us, we immediately think something is wrong with them. But, as the demonstration shows, sincere, clearheaded people see things differently, each looking through the unique lens of experience.”
TLDR: Nobody has an objective view of the world. This means your belief system is the only mechanism available to shape your reality, hence the law of belief.
Whatever you believe is true to you. These beliefs can also become a self-fulfilling prophecy. The person who believes he can’t make money on the internet will never make money on the internet, and the person who believes she can make millions on the internet will make millions. If your life isn’t going how you want it to, check your belief system — that’s usually the problem. Find people who’ve achieved what you want and hang around them. Your beliefs about what’s possible will change faster than you can imagine.
7. The law of reflection
The law of reflection is a concept from the field of natural sciences. It stated: The angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence where the incident ray, the reflected ray, and the mirror, which both reflect off, all lie in the same plane. Both angles are measured concerning the mirror.
This law is often used throughout spiritual circles, mainly to emphasize that anything that resides in you is merely back-reflected to you in others. In other words, traits you see in people are reflections of your inner reality. For example, when there’s someone you can’t stand, it’s usually because they possess a trait you hate about yourself. An attempt to “change” or “fix” them is a form of denial — what you’re subconsciously trying to do is change the reflection.
Here’s another example — There’s a guy on Instagram called Biggroove. He’s a bodybuilder who enjoys dancing. If you go through the comments of any of his IG videos, you’ll find a bunch of comments like, “Something about this guy irritates me.” Even though I never wrote it on his page, I subscribed to this camp — I just thought he was too big to dance the way he does. One day, I took a minute to watch the video fully. The guy was just enjoying himself. It irritated me so badly. Then I thought, “Why am I so bothered by this guy? I don’t even know him personally, and he doesn’t know me.” No answer came to me, so I got back to work. That’s when it hit…
I hated the work I was doing. Biggrove gets paid to do what he loves and has fun with it. I envied that. If I had known him personally, I probably would’ve tried to change him — “Yo, bro, you’re too big to be dancing like that.” Once I realized this was why it bothered me, I quickly backtracked. I’ve never followed him on IG, but whenever his videos pop up, I always like them and go to the share menu to indicate to the Instagram algorithm I like the content so it can be distributed further.
People in your life are just reflections of you. Those you hate show you aspects of your life you’re uncomfortable with. Those you like are mirroring the parts of you that you love and respect. Those you admire are showing you how your life could be.
Not to push religious beliefs down your throat, but this concept is also a powerful scripture from the Bible. In Matthew 7:3-5, Jesus was educating the disciples about judging others, and he said, “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.”
Regularly assess your actions and emotions toward people. If they make you sick, you’ve encountered an aspect of your life you’re uncomfortable with. A person who understands the law of reflection has no qualms with anyone.
Every one of us is subject to the spiritual laws governing the earth. If you don’t understand them, you may feel like a victim because everything goes against you. In this story, I told you about seven:
- The law of Karma
- The law of attraction
- The law of abundance
- The law of resilience
- The law of persistence
- The law of belief
- The law of reflection
Learn them to have a more joyful existence.
Kurtis Pykes is a professional writer and author of the free e-book Don’t Just Set Goals, Build Systems. He's had articles featured on Medium, Nvidia blog, DataCamp, and neptune.ai, among many others.