Two Single Moms Decide To Move In Together To Show Up For Each Other After Men Didn’t Show Up For Them
Never underestimate the power of women!

Rather than waiting for a man to save her and her daughter, a single mom decided to move in with someone who would truly understand her struggles — another mom. In what she dubbed “the greatest social experiment ever,” the pair of moms opted to navigate motherhood together as a team under one roof.
The two single moms moved in together after their men didn’t show up for them.
Content creator and mom Chanel Wolf shared on TikTok that she and her new parenting partner just moved in together.
“We did it,” she proudly announced. “We’re gonna save money, we have a family house with a yard!”
Wolf has big plans for her new home, including raising chickens in the yard and converting the garage into a pink playroom for the kids.
“Men didn’t show up for us, but you know what? We’re showing up for each other and we’re gonna figure it out,” the mom said.
She encouraged her viewers to follow along on her newest journey. “It’s gonna be a [expletive] show. It’s gonna be fun!” Wolf promised.
Although this wasn't part of her initial plan, Wolf believed this new arrangement would benefit her daughter.
“Trust me, being a 36-year-old single mom myself, having a roommate was definitely not part of the plan,” she admitted in a follow-up video.
“My daughter turns 3 next week, and to be completely transparent, I've spent the first three years of her life completely in survival mode. I've been hustling, living paycheck to paycheck, working multiple jobs, accumulating debt,” Wolf shared. “During all of this, I've had to show up with a smile on my face and still be mom, ensuring every single day my daughter felt safe and loved.”
Over the past three years, Wolf rarely dated or allowed anyone into their “bubble.” However, she knew this was unsustainable and decided that moving in with Amber, another single mom, was the best course of action for her family.
“Amber and I both don't have family in the state or anywhere near us,” she explained. “It also give us an opportunity to finally have some help and support.”
A couple of weeks after moving in, Wolf shared a heartwarming update on how she and her daughter were adjusting.
“The girls are starting to get along, and it’s really cute watching them play and seeing how they’re starting to bond,” she said. “And I for the first time since my daughter has been born, am starting to realize what it’s like to have support.”
Wolf added that the way she and Amber show up for each other is nothing like she could have ever imagined.
“We don’t need to ask, everything just gets done. And I’m starting to realize every single time that I have felt unconditional love and support in my life, it’s come from a girlfriend,” she said
Wolf hopes her story will inspire other single moms to stop waiting around for a man to save the day and start turning to their fellow women for support.
Megan Quinn is a writer at YourTango who covers entertainment and news, self, love, and relationships.