11 Simple Ways To Manifest An Abundant Life In Less Than 5 Minutes
Manifestation doesn't have to take long at all.

Manifesting is all about mindset. By living your life in an intentional way, you will welcome in the things you want and release what no longer serves you. While some parts of life are out of your immediate control, you get to decide what kind of energy you send into the universe. It might take time for your dreams to unfold, but there are many simple ways to manifest an abundant life in less than five minutes.
The more you reflect on yourself as a person, the more you’ll be able to recognize your patterns and change how you interact with the world around you. As you discover rituals that resonate with you, you’ll raise your vibration and enhance your connection to the physical and spiritual world.
Here are 11 simple ways to manifest an abundant life in less than 5 minutes
1. Positive affirmations
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More than anything else, life is what you make of it. How you see yourself impacts how you enter your own existence. Defining yourself only in negative terms holds you back from reaching your fullest potential, but if you believe you’re worthy and deserving, you can live out your dreams. Using positive affirmations to lift your spirits is a simple way to manifest an abundant life in less than five minutes.
As neuroscientist Dr. James Doty explained on YourTango’s “Getting Open” podcast, “Belief can be very powerful, but it’s not belief that there’s something outside yourself,” rather, it’s about believing in your own inner strength and capacity to transform.
“Your mind is an extraordinarily powerful instrument for changing yourself and your environment,” Dr. Doty continued.
“A lot of people are afraid to hang over an abyss without a safety net, but you have to be able to do that if you’re to move forward,” he explained. “You have to be able to try and you will fail… but it doesn’t negate the power of moving forward and being persistent.”
Positive affirmations can be a force for change. As you continue to amplify yourself, you’re more able to see your strengths, which lets you lean into how powerful you really are.
2. Crystal meditations
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You can use crystals as a spiritual tool to manifest an abundant life in less than five minutes. According to The Manifestation Collective, “Everything around us, including our own bodies, are made up of energy… When the body is vibrating at a higher frequency, this indicates we’re feeling joy, empowerment, [and] excitement. The higher we feel, the more we attract similar frequencies like a magnet.”
As you integrate crystals into your daily rituals, your energy will start to match the crystals’ vibrations. The Manifestation Collective revealed that holding crystals associated with abundance while you meditate can align your intentions with the crystals’ energy. Clear quartz amplifies intentions, while citrine kicks your imagination and your drive into gear. Green aventurine is the stone of opportunity, helping you release old habits that hold you back.
They also suggested that putting money crystals in the southwest corner of your office or desk, which is known as the wealth corner, will amplify your financial intentions.
3. Cinnamon and salt rituals
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You can welcome prosperity into your life by performing a cinnamon ritual at your front door on the first day of the month. Cinnamon attracts success and abundance and the first day of a new month is a fresh start. The front door of your home is seen as a passageway between the outer world and your inner world.
Before you can summon abundance, you first have to remove energetic blocks. Stand outside your front door with sea salt in one hand and cinnamon in the other. Announce that the salt will “perfectly, properly, safely remove all blocks and hindrances that are in my way.” After you’ve made your declaration, blow the salt over the threshold of your front door and into your home.
Next, set an intention for the next month, but make sure to focus on the positive outcomes you want to come into your life and not any negative thoughts. Before blowing the cinnamon out of your palm and into your home, announce that “when this cinnamon blows, abundance will come to stay.”
Leave the spices on the floor for the next 24 hours, to let the energy settle. Then sweep it away and get ready for your life to change.
4. Visualization
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If you can see it, you can believe it, which is why visualization is such a powerful yet simple way to manifest an abundant life in less than five minutes. Visualization is a powerful mental and spiritual tool. It allows you to use your imagination to project yourself into your future and see yourself as successful.
As manifestation expert Samantha Chung told YourTango CEO Andrea Miller on the “Getting Open” podcast, “manifestation is the art of creating your thoughts into things.”
“It’s believing that what you can see in your mind is a reality that you can taste, touch, and experience,” she said. “What keeps us in opposition to experiencing that as reality is our beliefs, our emotions, our habits, and behaviors, which are born of other beliefs about ourselves.”
The more you picture the abundant life you want, the more action you’ll take to bring prosperity and success into your life.
5. Candle magic
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You can manifest an abundant life in less than five minutes by simply striking a match and lighting a candle. Simple Path Witchery shared tips on how to use candle magic to manifest an abundant life in less than five minutes.
First, set specific intentions for your spell, deciding what you want to accomplish or gain. You can use a white candle for most intentions, but you can also use a green candle, which represents prosperity, growth, and luck. Simple Path Witchery shared that carving words, names, or symbols into the candle wax can make your spell even stronger.
Another way to amplify your candle magic is by dressing the candle with oil and herbs that match your intentions. Cinnamon is a spell enhancer, and coffee grounds can speed up your spell’s result.
Spend a few minutes sitting with your candle and setting your intentions, imagining your spell coming true. Then, light your candle and let the flame burn. Chanting your intentions out loud can also enhance your spell’s power.
6. Practice gratitude
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It’s hard to manifest an abundant life if you’re not grateful for the ways abundance appears in your life already. According to spiritual coach Gabby Bernstein, “We have to heal our money mindset in order to be abundant.”
Before you can reach financial freedom, you have to let go of your mental blocks. Having a scarcity mindset keeps you stuck in a space of lacking, while being grateful unlocks the abundance you want to manifest.
Bernstein suggested a practice she calls the “Choose Again” method to move from a fearful financial mindset to an abundant one. Instead of pining after the things you don’t have, express gratitude for what you do have. As Bernstein explained, this “simple shift redirects your energy and amps up your gratitude and positivity. In an instant, you remember that you really do have a lot of abundance around you, and you know that more than anything, true abundance is a feeling.”
“True abundance is an inside job,” she concluded.
7. Shift your subconscious beliefs
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Financial success isn’t the only aspect of an abundant life. If you want a prosperous, nourishing romantic life, you have to welcome it in. You can absolutely have a life full of love, but first, you have to release the limiting mindset holding you back.
Relationship coach Virginia Clark shared just how important it is to align your conscious mind with your subconscious mind to truly let love in.
“No matter how much we think we want a relationship, if our inner beliefs don’t agree, it will keep love away,” she explained. The first step to finding love is to “explore and unearth your underlying beliefs about relationships.”
“The subconscious doesn't know the difference between what's real and what isn’t,” Clark revealed. “When we visualize being in our ideal relationship, it creates a corresponding emotion. That emotion activates the subconscious mind and will go about the business, manifesting that situation for you.”
“The most important tool we have to manifest true love is our imagination,” she concluded.
8. Create sacred space
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No matter what your living space looks like, you can create a sacred space for manifestation. This space could be a quiet corner of your apartment or an especially sunny spot in your backyard. What matters most is what you bring into that space. According to spiritual coach and psychic Polly Wirum, “A blank slate is required to manifest intentionally.”
Removing distractions from your physical space clears out your mental space, which lets you release old patterns that hold you back from manifesting an abundant life.
“Allow yourself to settle into the mood and the peacefulness,” she advised. “Notice what begins to grow in the emptiness of your mind.”
As you tune into the quieter side of yourself, pay attention to the thoughts that float through and the images that keep resurfacing. Fill your space with symbolic objects, like flowers, crystals, and other spiritual touchpoints, and welcome their energy into your space. Wirum pointed out that “the crucial element is to nurture your physical space and mindset to be open to experiencing something beautiful as it grows.”
“You are designing your life,” she concluded. “As you change, everything changes with your perspective.”
9. Set intentions
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Much like positive affirmations, setting intentions is a simple way to manifest an abundant life in less than five minutes. We exist in a world of our own making, which means that we have the power to change how we think, which will change how we act. If you set your mind to open yourself up to abundance, you’ll shift how you act, as well.
Maybe the intention you want to set is to travel and see the world. If you keep that in mind as you go about your day, you’ll take small, everyday actions that help you reach your goal. Instead of spending almost 7 dollars on an oat milk latte each morning, you consider your intentions and start making coffee at home. Being intentional is an investment in your future, one that costs you nothing to get started.
10. Altar work
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The symbolic parts of our lives hold meaning, which is what makes altar work a simple way to manifest an abundant life. Do some deep diving and decide what’s important to you and what form you want your abundance to take. After engaging in some serious self-reflection, set up your altar as a special place to cast spells, meditate, and manifest.
Find objects around your home that represent your values and wishes. Design your altar as a touchpoint to the life you have now and the life you want to welcome in the years to come.
11. New Moon rituals
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Manifestation is about connecting with who you are, how you live, and who you want to be. Once you realize that a major part of life is governed by the rhythm of the universe, you can tune into that energy and step into your power.
Astrologist Cara Ivana revealed how to harness the magic of the new moon to manifest an abundant life. She shared that new moons are “the best time for new beginnings,” as new moons “mark the beginning of a new lunar cycle, symbolizing fresh starts and renewal.”
“New Moons invite us to reflect on our desires and visualize our aspirations with clarity and optimism,” she explained. “It's a time to cleanse our spaces and minds, creating room for new manifestations to flourish.”
When you spend the night of each new moon setting new intentions, you’ll begin to see the interconnectedness of everything. Your spiritual practice will come into focus, and abundance will enter your everyday life.
Alexandra Blogier, MFA, is a staff writer who covers psychology, social issues, relationships, self-help topics, and human interest stories.