5 Simple Things A Woman Did To Completely Change Her Life In 2 Years — 'I Went From A Life I Hated To My Dream'

Minor changes can transform your life into one you truly love.

Happy woman who completely changed her life Jacob Lund | Shutterstock.com

Two years ago, Marisa McGrady was in a dark place, struggling with ADHD and PTSD. Today, she lives in her dream housing situation, has a solid group of friends, and is a published author.

She shared online the tips and tricks she used to improve her life. None of them involve expensive therapy sessions or medications that will break the bank. Rather, they are all simple adjustments made to daily habits.


Here are the 5 little things you can do to change your life:

1. Improve your mentality and outlook.

While it's easier said than done, McGrady swears that minor changes to her thought process drastically changed her life.

When something you want or need to do seems complicated, rather than telling yourself, “I can’t do it," try saying, “Maybe I can do it; I won’t know unless I try.” This little spark of optimism makes all the difference in the world.

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“Shifting from ‘I can’t’ to ‘Maybe I can’ leaves you open to possibilities and encourages the mindset that you might be open to learning something new or hearing a new perspective instead of immediately shutting it out,” McGrady explained.

She added that mistakes are natural and you will not be perfect at everything you do. Give yourself some grace when you mess up, and don't let the possibility of mistakes prevent you from trying something again.

So, if you have any goals in mind that you have yet to pursue, like running a marathon or going for that job promotion — what are you waiting for? You’ll never know what you can achieve if you don't try. And even if you can’t make it to 26 miles or don’t get that promotion, don’t let it discourage you. Let it motivate you to work even harder. 

2. Hydrate and eat healthy.

As much as we hate to hear it, water, nutritious foods, and vitamins make a difference in our daily lives.


“I’m not talking about anything crazy. You don’t need to go on some crazy diet or count your macros,” McGrady said. “I mean your basic vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.”

Aim to drink enough water every day, incorporate some fruits and vegetables into your diet, and eat some proteins, like grilled chicken, eggs, fish, and cheese.

“The world has made it so confusing, and it does not need to be that confusing to make a delicious, nutritious meal,” Claire Sorlie, a certified nutritionist, claimed in a TikTok video. 

According to Sorlie, all you need are four things: a healthy fat, a carbohydrate, a protein, and two to three different colored pieces of produce.


Healthy eating and hydration are beneficial not only for your physical health but also for your mental health.

According to a Harvard Health study, proper nutrition contributes to stable mental well-being overall, reduces the risk of anxiety and depression, and significantly improves focus and motivation.

3. Choose your hard.

"It's really hard to feel like you're stagnating in an environment you don't like. It's also hard to put the effort into changing your life," McGrady said. "It's gonna be hard either way. You need to choose which hard you wanna deal with."

While making changes to your life can be challenging, remaining where you are is also just as difficult if you're unhappy. 


You must choose whether you are willing to make an effort to make positive changes or deal with the life you already have. Both options will be difficult, so pick one.

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4. Fix your circadian rhythm.

In other words, adjust your sleep schedule if you find yourself tired often.

Our circadian rhythm refers to the 24-hour internal clocks in our brains that regulate cycles of sleepiness and alertness by responding to light changes in our environment.

While some people have demanding jobs or schedules that prevent them from getting their eight hours every night, others need to adjust their nighttime routines — and often cut out pre-bedtime phone scrolling


Woman on her phone before bed Monster Ztudio | Shutterstock

“If you’re like, ‘I’m an insomniac,’ but you’re just staying up on your Nintendo Switch for the entire night, I see you!” McGrady warned. "Stop!"

Establishing a consistent routine is important for improving your circadian rhythm and sleep schedule. Try to eat and go to bed around the same time each day. Avoid daytime naps, especially in the afternoon. Get regular physical activity. Ensure that you have a restful and peaceful sleeping environment.


Following these steps directly contributes to better sleep, which in turn fosters steady mental health and improved focus throughout the day. This allows you to work toward your goals without having to battle constant exhaustion.

5. Move a little each day and eat regularly.

As busy as life can get, McGrady urges people to get in a little movement and eat three meals daily.

Your physical activity does not even have to be strenuous. “You don’t have to go to spin class, go for an hour-long jog, or have a gym membership,” McGrady said. “I just mean move for 10 to 20 minutes each day or however long you can stand it.”


Engaging in physical activity increases the release of endorphins in the brain and improves mood, energy levels, and overall happiness. 

Woman exercising to change her life Drazen Zigic | Shutterstock

Additionally, if you really want to improve your mood, ensure that you eat three meals a day.

“Nutrition is important, but what matters the most is just consistent food,” McGrady said. “Food is energy.”


As someone who struggles with ADHD, McGrady knows how easy it can be to skip a meal, especially when you have a hectic schedule. However, you should consciously eat three meals a day to ensure your body gets all the nutrients it needs.

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Megan Quinn is a writer at YourTango who covers entertainment and news, self, love, and relationships.