12 Unfortunate Signs You're Stuck In The Past
When you're stuck in the past, resolve to move forward.

One of my former colleagues was not known for his brilliance, diligence, or humility. Instead, he was known for complaining perpetually. Every time he raised his hand and opened his mouth, we knew that he was going to spew negativity while complaining about everything under the sun but himself.
When I joined the company, he was already 3 years in the system. When I left 8 years later, he was still in the same job grade and blaming everyone for everything.
From this experience and many others of a similar nature, I came to realize that most people are their own worst enemies and remain stuck in the past, hoping that some angel will come and rescue them from their misery. I turned inward and thought to myself, how do I know if I'm stuck in the past?
Well, if you are someone who tends to whine about your circumstances but makes no effort to change, the following signs may explain that you are, in fact, stuck in the past and need to move forward.
Here are 13 signs you're stuck in the past.
1. You complain constantly.
Groaning and griping are part of a regular day for constant moaners. If it’s not the scorching sun, then it’s the rainy day that messes up your life. If it’s not about traffic, it's the kids and the spouse who messed up your day. You complain about the neighbor's dog and even about your own shadow.
Moaners are energy zappers and take away the oxygen in the room. Because you're stuck in the past, you never contribute any solutions because, for every solution, you have nothing good to say.
2. You thrive on negativity.
People who thrive on negativity look for and stir conflict because they don’t want to be alone in misery. Peace and constructive engagement are foreign to their lives.
If this sounds like you, you derive pleasure when others are frustrated because that is how you build a company of "losers" similar to you. You thrive on having others singing the same chorus and beating the same drum as you do.
3. You bury your head in the sand.
When you are stuck, you reject any information or feedback that challenges your status quo. You may react violently to fair and constructive feedback because you want to stay in your comfort zone. You bury your head in the sand because that is not what you want to hear.
I recall talking to my colleague about how his reaction and constant moaning was having a negative impact on his reputation. I suggested among other things that he either make peace with the situation, identify a mentor, or look for alternative employment where he could flourish.
Instead, he insisted that the management of the company needed to jump ship and not him. He even suggested that I was sent by company management to fire him.
4. You reject opportunities.
People who are stuck deny opportunities presented to them — not because of the opportunities themselves, but because they take issue with who made the suggestion.
You tend to think that opportunities are presented to undermine your "intelligence." In fact, you would rather pretend not to have understood what the opportunity is about so that tomorrow you present it as your own.
5. You don't ask for help.
You might be stuck in self-pity or in fear if you are unable or unwilling to ask for help. No one under the sun is self-sufficient or independent of others, and people who don’t ask for help are hurting and won’t admit it.
As Barack Obama said, "Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. I do that every day. Asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness, it's a sign of strength. It shows you have the courage to admit when you don’t know something, and then allows you to learn something new."
6. You hold onto grudges or unresolved issues.
Holding grudges, yearning for revenge, and wishing the worst on others are signs of lack of forgiveness. Forgiving is not about minimizing the hurt or transgressions visited upon you, it's about liberating you.
When you are stuck, you don't realize that not forgiving yourself or others is like standing on top of a sinking hole slowly nearing your demise. Forgive and let go so that you can have traction in your life.
7. You have regrets about the past.
People who are stuck in the past tend to fixate on what they didn't do, rather than all the accomplishments they've achieved over the years. Because of this, you constantly dwell on past mistakes or missed opportunities and find it difficult to let go.
Additionally, you frequently replay events in your mind, wishing you had done things differently and feeling a sense of disappointment in yourself. By obsessing over your regrets, you are unable to embrace the present.
8. You frequently reminisce about 'how things used to be.'
You tend to live in nostalgia and find yourself reminiscing about the past, longing for the way things used to be. Your mindset isn't focused on the present moment; rather, you dream of a time you can't go back to.
You frequently bring up memories or stories from the past, comparing them to the present and romanticize a time when life seemed better. By thinking this way, you hinder your ability to appreciate where you are now and the opportunities that come with it.
9. You find it challenging to adapt to change and prefer things to stay the way they were.
Without change, your life can become stagnant and dull, but to you, because you're dwelling on the past, you are adverse to any type of change in your life, whether it's big or small. You have difficulty adjusting to new circumstances and resist change
You prefer things to remain familiar and find it challenging to embrace new technologies, ideas, or ways of doing things. This resistance to change even the tiniest part of your life, for the better, limits your personal growth.
10. You haven't made plans for the future.
While everyone around you has made plans for the near future and far ahead, you refuse to. Instead of envisioning and working towards a better future for yourself, you're content with staying in your current situation or relying on past achievements.
If you continue to lack a forward-thinking mindset, your life will not only become stagnant, but unfulfilled.
11. You blame yourself for everything.
Yes, you may complain a lot about anything and everything that goes "wrong," but you also have a tendency to place blame on yourself for situations outside of your control.
You blame yourself for every negative outcome or setback, regardless of the circumstances, and hold onto guilt or regret because of this. You have difficulty forgiving yourself for past mistakes as well, constantly analyzing what you could have done differently.
When you continue to blame yourself, you are essentially paralyzing your progress to become a better person. You become unable to take risks or accept new opportunities.
12. You feel unmotivated.
People who aren't stuck in the past are ambitious, always looking forward to the next chance to get ahead. But if you're stuck in the past, you lack drive, enthusiasm, or a sense of purpose in your daily life.
You find it challenging to feel motivated because you're living with the weight of past experiences. And with a lack of motivation, any chance you have of pursuing new interests, personal growth, or exciting opportunities in the present and future go right out the window.
How To Move Forward From The Past
While it's certainly difficult to move forward after being stuck in the past for so long, it's entirely possible.
First, it's important to accept and acknowledge the past and the role it has played in your life. Recognize that the past cannot be changed, but by accepting it, you can shift your focus to the now.
Take the time to reflect on what you have gone through in the past and think about the lessons you have learned along the way. From those lessons, you can begin to set goals and aspirations for yourself for the future, giving yourself a clear direction of where you want to go.
Next, let go of any guilt you're holding on to. Realize that failure and mistakes are just a part of life, and that once you forgive yourself, you can move forward. Once you accept your mistakes, prioritize your well-being by engaging in self-care activities like exercise, relaxation techniques, or taking on new hobbies.
Additionally, to move forward, keep supportive people around you and remain open to new experiences. Surround yourself with individuals who encourage your personal growth, and step out of your comfort zone frequently.
If you find it challenging to overcome the past on your own, consider seeking the assistance of a therapist or counselor. They can provide guidance and support tailored to your specific needs.
Remember that moving forward is a gradual process, and it's important to be patient and compassionate with yourself. Focus on the present moment and the positive changes you can make!
Tex Hlalele is a life coach and inspirational speaker. He specializes in body image, addiction, change management, self-esteem, forgiveness, stress, and communication issues.