12 Signs You Might Be A Genius Without Even Realizing It, According To Psychology

There are subtle indicators you have high-level intellect.

intelligent woman unaware of genius level thinking GaudiLab | Shutterstock

If you've ever wondered about your intellect, you aren't alone. Whether it's because of grades, perception, or everything in between, everyone wants to better understand what truly defines a genius.

Thankfully, there are strong indicators you can use to figure out if you're really a genius, or if it's all in your head. 

Here are 12 signs you might be a genius without realizing it, according to psychology

1. You ask lots of questions

man teaching woman something on computer Gorodenkoff / Shutterstock

If you've been told you ask too many questions, it's a sign you're a genius. Asking questions shows your willingness to learn and explore the things you don't understand.

One study backs this up, showcasing that having an eager mind and a willingness to learn is associated with higher academic achievement.

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2. You daydream

woman daydreaming while looking outside Antonio Guillem | Shutterstock

People who are geniuses often find their head in the clouds. So, if this is you, it's a good thing that you daydream, as it's an indicator that you're more intelligent than you think.

Research has found that intelligent people daydream because they have too much brainpower to stop their minds from wandering. Don't take daydreaming during class or even at work too seriously. As long as it isn't affecting your performance, having your mind wander from time to time isn't a bad thing.


3. You're single

woman with pink hair smiling Yuricazac | Shutterstock

It can be difficult to be single when all your friends are in a relationship or happily married. You might think you'll never find love or that there's something wrong with you. But if you're highly intelligent, there's a reason behind it.

Highly intelligent people take a longer time to get into relationships, according to studies. And it shouldn't be too surprising, as people with genius-level thinking like to date others on their level. So, finding a partner to match you in intelligence might take just a while longer, which is why you're still single.


4. You're messy

woman in messy room sitting on bed New Africa | Shutterstock

Most people can't stand the sight of messiness. But for intelligent people, they just can't help themselves. It turns out that messy environments encourage innovative thinking.

If you find yourself with a messy house, don't feel too bad. This might just mean there's an intelligent mind at work.

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5. You talk to yourself

woman looking at herself in mirror InesBazdar | Shutterstock

Talking to yourself has long been stigmatized as weird or strange. But if you have a habit of talking to yourself, embrace it, as this is a sign you're a genius.

Self-talk helps you process things faster and can help you finish tasks earlier. In fact, one study determined that self-talk helps with self-direction, leading people to find grocery items faster. 


6. You enjoy solitude

intelligent woman looking outside Muhamad Luth | Pexels

Most people enjoy alone time every now and then, but intelligent people truly value this time to themselves the most. It's easy to call these people anti-social, but they are just highly intelligent.

According to research, introverted people have more activity going on in the frontal lobe compared to extroverts. This tends to be associated with executive functions such as cognitive skills, planning, and organizing. So, it's no surprise that if you like solitude, you may as well be a genius.

7. You're anxious

anxious woman sitting on couch thinking fizkes | Shutterstock

It's estimated that 4% of the global population suffers from an anxiety disorder, but if you are highly anxious, it may just be because you're intelligent. Research shows that those with higher intelligence tend to suffer from mental disorders, including anxiety.

If you find yourself struggling with anxiety, it might be worth engaging in calming activities to ease it. Activities such as meditation, deep breathing, or exercise are all great methods to lessen anxiety and improve your overall mental health. 


8. You listen more than you talk

woman whisper in other woman's ear Ann Rodchua | Shutterstock

If you tend to be more on the quiet side, you're not alone. Highly intelligent people are usually listeners rather than talkers.

Psychotherapist Jenny Maenpaa adds that those who are highly smart all have one thing in common: being an excellent listener. She explains that highly intelligent people can perceive interactions holistically rather than atomistically, which indirectly makes them the best listeners out there.

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9. You stay up late

man staying up late working on stuff Evgeny Atamanenko | Shutterstock

When you often find yourself staying up late, it's not necessarily because you suffer from sleep disorders, are stressed out, or are just a night owl. Rather, your high intelligence may be a factor.

One study determined that people who are night owls tend to be more highly intelligent than early birds. And while this is great for people who stay up at all hours of the night, getting a restful sleep is just as important, as a lack of sleep decreases our cognitive performance


10. You're eager to try new things

woman exercising and trying new things Ground Picture | Shutterstock

Wanting to try new things and experiences is likely because you're a curious person, and curiosity has long been associated with intelligence.

This might explain why you're eager to do fun or risky things, and have a bit of an adventurous streak. Your mind is at work and is yearning to see, learn, or experience anything and everything new. 

11. You're creative

genius woman painting and talking to teacher fizkes | Shutterstock

Having a creative streak is an incredible thing! Whether it's painting or writing or anything in between, being creative helps to get your brain moving and allows you to see things from a different perspective.

According to one study, "A significant relationship was found between the intelligence and creativity scores of the bright students."


12. You swear

woman yelling at man Tavarius | Shutterstock

If you're creative and find yourself swearing a lot, it's a good indicator of intelligence. Research has found that those who did great at verbal fluency tests also did well at swearing fluency tests. Additionally, people who tend to swear have larger vocabularies.

Now, that doesn't mean you should swear every few seconds, but swearing from time to time shouldn't be such a huge deal. And if your swear words are creative, you're likely more intelligent than you think.

RELATED: 11 Ways To Show Your Intelligence Without Saying A Single Word

Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's degree in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, and family topics.
