9 Signs You Have High Standards And Don't Associate With Mediocre People

If you have high standards, you can't stomach spending time with people who will never meet them.

woman with high standards Shutterstock / dmitriynesvit

If you have high standards, you likely avoid associating with mediocre people. Unlike most people, you understand that surrounding yourself with less stellar influences is a recipe for disaster. Whispering into your ear, these mediocre people who don't want to strive for greatness the same way you do might fill you with self-doubt if you spend time with them.

If you want some reassurance that your high standards shouldn't be compromised, look no further.

Here are 9 signs you have high standards and don't associate with mediocre people

1. You’re detailed oriented

woman looking through notebook Songsak C | Shutterstock

One sign you have high standards and don't associate with mediocre people is being detail-oriented. Most people can't be bothered to go over the finer details. In their eyes, it's too much work and a waste of time. But if you're someone who has high standards, however, you always take the time to look things over carefully.

The importance you put on paying this type of attention translates to the people you associate with. In your eyes, you can't be bothered to associate with someone who isn't as thorough as you are. It's utterly frustrating and a waste of time.

Unfortunately for these individuals, they likely don't know how incompetent they truly are. A study published in Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes found that incompetent people believe that they're on par with their peers. This leads to a false confidence that can drive someone with high standards up the wall, which explains why they refuse to associate with incompetent people in the first place.

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2. You’re consistent

man smiling and on tablet insta_photos | Shutterstock

Another sign you have high standards and don't associate with mediocre people is if you're consistent. In your relationships, friendships, and work life you're able to show up and be your best self. It doesn't matter if you're having a bad day or can't catch a break. Your mood never falters and your work ethic never changes. 

But due to these high standards, you probably have a hard time associating with mediocre people who are inconsistent. From the people who show up late to those who can't file a report correctly, you can't stand someone who lacks consistency. 

Highly perfectionist people who are highly concerned with perfectionism tend to experience burnout and stress due to repetitive thinking and not being able to get a grip on their negative thoughts.

Unfortunately, associating with mediocre people who are highly inconsistent will only worsen your concern with perfection due to their proven inability to meet your strict standards. This explains why you avoid mediocre people who can't quite reach your high expectations.


3. You’re ambitious

woman writing in notebook fizkes | Shutterstock

One sign you have high standards and don't associate with mediocre people is if you're highly ambitious. Known as a certified go-getter, you don't have time to mess around with those who don't strive to be on your level. This is why it's utterly frustrating when someone who lacks ambition tries to sneakily slide into your life. 

Ambitious people do their research, so they're likely to be aware that, as Carlin Flora explains, "friendships with people who aspire to the same goals as you do... can lead to more successful endeavors than embarking on solitary efforts."

For this reason, if you are someone who is ambitious and has high standards, you probably don't want to associate with people who are mediocre.


4. You remain confident in tough situations

woman explaining something to other woman fizkes | Shutterstock

If you have high standards and don't associate with mediocre people then you likely remain confident in tough situations. To you, appearance is everything and can make or break your future opportunities. This is why you make sure to keep a level head even in the most difficult situations.

This is also why you refuse to associate with mediocre people who allow their emotions to get the better of them. You understand that their actions can reflect poorly on you.

Anger has been shown to lead to dominance-seeking and aggressive behavior. If you have high standards, you're likely to stay away from overly emotional people who can't keep their feelings in check so their negativity doesn't spill over onto you.

5. You actively seek depth in your relationships

man and woman talking on couch LightField Studios | Shutterstock

If you have high standards then you don't associate with mediocre people that lack depth. This is because you actively seek depth and connection in your everyday relationships. In your eyes sitting down and discussing your inner thoughts is the perfect Friday night.

Research psychologist Dave Smallen, Ph.D., explains that when people are allowed the opportunity to open up and get vulnerable it leads to cultivated closeness in their relationships.

For someone who has high standards and only wants the best, this is essential. You actively choose not to waste time on people who are unwilling to open up and get vulnerable. Instead, you pick people with the same standards as yourself and seek to develop more authentic connections.

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6. You're actively growing

woman breathing in air outside Rido | Shutterstock

If you have high standards, the thought of your personal growth crosses your mind often. Every day you look for ways to push yourself and step outside of your comfort zone.

One recent study found that people with a growth mindset "are less prone to mental health problems than individuals with a fixed mindset."

This is exactly why you refuse to associate with mediocre people who aren't interested in challenging themselves to improve. Not wanting to be dragged down, you find yourself cutting off people who don't fuel or inspire you.

7. You have high emotional intelligence

woman comforting upset friend on bench Daniel Hoz | Shutterstock

Another sign you have high standards and don't associate with mediocre people is if you have high emotional intelligence. You don't run away from problems and you don't get defensive when people approach you with concerns. Instead, you calmly sit down and say, "Please tell me how you feel." Listening intently you don't try to interject or correct the other person. You simply let the other person talk then use "I" statements to describe how you feel.

With this kind of maturity and understanding, it's unsurprising that you refuse to associate with mediocre people who don't have high emotional intelligence. Unfortunately, these types of people can bring the worst out of you.

This is why people with high standards save themselves the headache by ditching people who can't have a mature conversation.


8. You’re curious and love to learn

man studying in library fizkes | Shutterstock

If you have high standards and don't associate with mediocre people then chances are you love to learn. You're naturally curious and likely find yourself researching and discussing your findings with your close friends.

This is a great habit to get into. The University of Montana explains that researching helps you gain hands-on experience, hone your problem-solving skills, and challenge yourself.

Unfortunately, those who are not into research might find themselves getting left behind. As you become more aware of the world around you, someone else's ignorance or refusal to learn might get on your nerves. This, in turn, causes you to distance yourself and stop associating with mediocre people who refuse to change their close-minded ways.

9. You don’t tolerate excuses and believe in accountability

woman comforting man fizkes | Shutterstock

Finally, if you have high standards and don't associate with mediocre people, you probably don't tolerate excuses and firmly believe in accountability.

You believe that excuses are a waste of time. You'd rather use that energy toward working on yourself and holding yourself accountable for past mistakes.

In your eyes, taking accountability is another form of growth and maturity that can teach you great things and help you move forward.

Unfortunately, mediocre people aren't big fans of accountability. They struggle to admit they were wrong in order to keep their ego intact.

Not holding yourself accountable will inevitably lead to the downfall of most of your relationships.

This is why, if you have high standards, you save yourself the trouble and cut people like that off immediately. Their lack of maturity is bound to impact your relationship, so you might as well get a head start and end things now. 

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Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's degree in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology topics.
