15 Signs Of A Genuinely Annoying Person, According To Psychology
We all have that friend that irritates others, even if they don't realize they are.

An annoying person has many traits and qualities that contribute to them being viewed as irritating. An annoying person constantly complains and nothing helps make the situation better, even when people try to correct or solve the issue. They may be gloomy, interrupt often, and are extremely unreliable.
Annoying people will also break social norms, like taking a phone call in the library or trying too hard to make others laugh. They are typically incompatible with others. If you notice the following signs and characteristics, you may want to find new friends who are more compatible with you and like you genuinely for who you are.
Here are 15 signs of a genuinely annoying person:
1. They're never invited to parties, and people don't show up to any events they put together
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When people don’t want to voluntarily hang out with them, it could potentially mean they don't like them. It’s just that simple.
According to research from The Society For Personality and Social Psychology, a big indicator that someone is unliked is that no one will make eye contact with them. Unfortunately, if they come across as annoying to others, they likely won't be invited to hang out very often.
2. They don’t ever end up in group photos on social media
Alina Rosanova / Shutterstock
According to data from the Pew Research Center, people use social media primarily to stay in touch with people and share information and their lives, and if they rarely ever share a photo with you, despite posting myriad snaps with others, it may mean that they're not proud to be seen with you.
3. They’re always the last to know
In high school, I had a friend who was the last to know that one “friend” got an award in science and had a party to celebrate. When I asked why they were told or invited, it was always, “Because they forgot.” Nowadays, when this happens, they just stop talking to people and wait to see how long it takes until they've been dumped.
4. They’re always the first person to reach out
This can also be a sign that communication is not the best in their group of friends. Many times, people do just forget or self-isolate, so be sure their friends aren't just going through an episode before confronting them. According to the American Medical Assocation, people self-isolate when they're depressed or want to be alone.
5. Inside jokes go over their head
Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels
The reason why none of the inside jokes make sense is that they’re really not on the inside. Harvard University research confirms that inside jokes are a sign that people are close.
Inside jokes often exclude others and make people feel like an outsider. If their friend group constantly uses them, this can be a sign that they are an outsider.
6. Everyone knows where to go when they head out ... except them
Kaboompics / Pexels
When people tell them to “meet up,” they don’t know where they're meeting up. The reason one person may know and the potentially annoying friend doesn't is because they’ve gone there regularly, and they just never invited them before.
7. They try to buy friends
Kaboompics / Pexels
If someone won't won’t hang out with you without your wallet being a factor, those people aren’t true friends. According to a 2020 study from the University of Buffalo, money can't buy friendships and can be detrimental to one's self-worth.
8. Their friends don’t really want to talk to them, seem to ignore them, and might even talk over them
Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels
Yeah, this is disrespectful and pretty hurtful. I know that feeling well. Sadly, this is a sign that they aren’t with people who are good to them. They might need to consider just bailing on them ... even if they are annoying.
9. Their friends buy gifts for each other, but not them
Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels
It’s not that they really forgot to give them a gift, it’s that they weren’t important enough for them to even consider it. Research from the University of Arizona confirms that people give gifts because they appreciate people, and it even makes them feel good, so if none ever come your way in a group of friends where gift-giving is common, it might be a bad sign.
10. They feel pushed out
cottonbro studio / Pexels
People rush every interaction they have with them and are ultimately holding back information that they probably should know. That’s a pretty good indicator that these people just tolerate them rather than like them.
11. People tell them that they’re the friend nobody likes
Alena Darmel / Pexels
It can't get more obvious than this. If someone is told they are the friend no one wants around, it's time to make new friends.
12. People sigh a lot when they're around them
Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels
Sighing is a big red flag that someone is annoying. If they are around people and they sign often, they may find them difficult to be around.
People sigh when they are irritated, annoyed, and frustrated, psychology confirms. When people sigh in social situations, it's a subtle sign of annoyance.
13. People lock eyes with one another to silently commiserate about their presence
Ivan Samkov / Pexels
Annoying people can talk a lot and others will often communicate this silently. According to research from the University of Texas, 90% of communication is non-verbal.
14. No one asks them about their life
Andrew Neel / Pexels
If no one seems to be interested in what they have going on in their life, they may not care about getting to know them better because they find them to be annoying. People also may be avoiding a topic so the annoying person won't brag or talk about themself. According to research from The University of Georgia, people often brag because they have low self-esteem.
15. Awkward silence follows them like a plague
Liza Summer / Pexels
If all of their conversations feel forced and have stretches of awkward silence, it's a sign they may be annoying. If people aren't jumping to have a talk with them or try to change the subject, they don't want to be around them. Research from 2023 confirms that silence is more awkward for strangers than friends.
Alex Alexander is a pseudonym. The author of this article is known to YourTango but is choosing to remain anonymous.