11 Subtle Signs A Woman Has High Self-Worth And Won't Put Up With Mediocrity

Learning to love yourself is just that — learning.

Woman holding her head high, high self worth. Lia Bekyan | Canva

We often hear how important it is to value ourselves. Still, in a world of filtered images, double standards, disrespectful dates, and messaging consistently pointing out what needs ”fixing,” the pursuit of self-worth can sometimes feel daunting. But experts say that, while learning to value yourself may admittedly take work, it’s not a lofty ideal but a tangible, practical journey that begins with small, actionable steps you can begin taking today.


“Learning to love yourself is just that — learning,” says Jeanine Estes, MFT and co-author of Help for High-Conflict Couples: Using Emotionally Focused Therapy and the Science of Attachment to Build Lasting Connection. Estes says that most people struggle with their self-worth, and building a stronger foundation requires commitment and consistency. 

As with anything else, the more you do it, the better you become, she explains. In her practice, she focuses on a mix of self-awareness and compassion, underscoring that the journey of self-worth requires a daily practice of acceptance, even when one is not entirely happy with oneself. 


Here are 11 subtle signs a woman thinks highly of herself and won't put up with mediocrity:

1. They cultivate a great relationship with themselves

As Estes mentioned earlier, everyone has “off” days, deals with an inner critic, and feels insecure from time to time, but women with high self-worth choose to comfort, console, and believe in themselves the way they would a good friend. Instead of beating themselves up for saying the wrong thing, ignoring their intuition, or convincing themselves they aren’t deserving of what they want, they trust themselves, acknowledge their strengths, and remind themselves that they’re easy to bet on.

2. They don’t place their happiness on hold

smiling young woman Hông Xuân Viên | Pexels

While they know it’s nice to share their time, love, and interests with others, women with high self-worth know their happiness starts with them. Instead of placing their lives on hold until they find a partner (or a friend with space in their schedule), they get out and live their lives.


You’ll see them reading a book on a solo picnic in a park, enjoying a beloved cocktail at their favorite bar, and booking a table for one at the new restaurant they have been dying to try. These women learned not to wait for others long ago, which is why they savor the experience — with or without a plus one.

RELATED: 8 Signs You Have Higher Self-Esteem Than The Average Person, According To Psychology

3. They don’t chase anyone

Though it might not seem fair when their kindness, invitations, and texts aren’t reciprocated, women with high self-worth understand that not everyone is meant to be their friend, partner, or family member. Instead of campaigning for likes or allowing themselves to become fixated on ‘winning’ someone over, they allow relationships to unfold organically, confident in what they bring to the table. 

If someone isn’t feeling a connection, they allow them to disengage the same way they like to when someone isn’t passing their own vibe check. Finally, they refuse to allow disinterest to rock their self-confidence, reminding themselves that Dita Von Teese was onto something when she proclaimed, “You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, but there will always be someone who hates peaches.”


4. They invest in themselves

Instead of lamenting about what they should have done in the past, refusing to change with the times, or convincing themselves that ‘it’s too late,’ women with high self-worth continuously look for new ways to flourish. Whether it’s signing up for a masterclass, enrolling in a certification program, prioritizing wellness, and/or finding a qualified therapist to help you let go of thoughts and habits that are holding you back, these women are committed to leveling up and moving forward. They know their future happiness depends on the choices they make today, and they are eager to get going.

5. They see transparency as a strength

two happy women embracing Amie Roussel | Pexels

Saying ‘yes’ when you mean ‘no’? Smiling when you want to set a boundary? Sure, they could do these things again, but at what cost?


Though they might worry about coming off ‘rude’ or shy away from conflict, these women know that it is much kinder to provide clear communication and address situations head-on than to leave someone on read or pretend they are ok with something you’re not. On the flip side, they appreciate it when people in their lives let them know how they truly think and feel — as long as it’s said respectfully, they know that being open and honest is a great way to build a better bond.

RELATED: 6 Little Behaviors Very Common In People With Low Self-Esteem

6. They don’t waste their time being jealous

While it’s perfectly normal to feel a tinge of melancholy when someone achieves something they ache to have, these women quickly remind themselves there is plenty to go around, and someone else’s achievement doesn’t have anything to do with them. This is why they will happily cheer on others and see their achievement as proof what they want to achieve can be done.

7. They accept compliments graciously

How many times have you responded to a compliment with a negative comment? Instead of deflecting and redirecting kind words, these women have learned to appreciate when their efforts are being seen and accept compliments with the grace they have been given.


RELATED: How I Finally Rebuilt My Self Esteem Through Complete And Total Radical Acceptance

8. They see disrespect as a dealbreaker

Several things can fall into this category (e.g., a friend who constantly bails last minute, a partner who invalidates your feelings, a boss who takes credit for your work), and women with high self-worth have crossed a line through it all. When someone disrespects them, they are quick to call it out and take note. They may forgive you once, but they don’t forget, and they don’t give third chances.

9. They are passionate about self-advocacy

smiling young woman sitting in a low chair luizclas | Pexels


Though it isn’t always easy to share your wants and needs with partners, friends, and employers, these ladies have learned that the only person who can effectively speak up for them is them. 

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10. They don’t shy away from making hard decisions

Whether it’s choosing a path that doesn’t align with someone else’s narrative, ending a relationship that has run its course, or walking away from a long-term friendship that has turned toxic, women with high self-worth know the ability to make tough decisions is an important life skill and will choose short term pain for long-term happiness without apology.


11. They protect their peace at all costs

While most people can understand the appeal of a juicy piece of gossip and the excitement of an on-again/off-again love affair, there is nothing more satisfying than living a harmonious life with plenty of space for clear thinking. Instead of allowing daily dramas to throw them into a tailspin or engaging in situations that leave them feeling drained, they disengage and use their values as a compass and their boundaries to keep themselves feeling steady and calm.

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Brenda Della Casa is a self-development coach, writer, author, ghostwriter, and speaker. Her articles and advice have been featured in Allure, Glamour, Men's Health, Huff Post, Cosmopolitan, and Elite Daily, among many others.
