3 Signs You're Spiritually Blessed And Exude Rare Angel Energy, According To Renowned Medium
The most spiritual people exhibit these special signs.

As a grief coach, energy worker, and human being, I am continually intrigued by a potential connection between mental and emotional health and a person’s spirituality.
We’ve all met individuals who have a deep innate trust and a knowing that whatever is thrown their way — even if they don’t like it, and even if it’s difficult, or beyond challenging — they will manage to march forward with grace and support of a higher power.
Do you ever wonder how they arrived at that space? And how can you know if you are spiritually blessed and have rare angel energy inside of you?
Here are three signs you're spiritually blessed and exude rare angel energy:
1. You hope, rather than wish
Not so much that they’re sitting and waiting for and wondering when things will change for the better, but rather an expectation — a full-on belief that things will and are on their way to getting better.
Hope is not the same as wishing. Wishing is just that — there is no substance to wishing. Wishing offers no real foundation to set your sights on.
The type of hope referenced by spiritual individuals is a trust or expectation that things will work out. There is no faltering. Their hope is rock solid – their belief that what they seek exists and that it will come their way in perfect timing.
2. You live from the heart
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These individuals aren’t afraid to show their faith. They’re not afraid to share loving sentiments — regardless of their environments. They know love is what the world needs most, and they share love in various ways. They uplift you with a kind word at work or shopping.
They’re rooting you on from the sidelines, being a cheerleader for your success. They’re mentoring you up close and from afar, seeing the Light and Joy within you, even when you can’t.
Their heartfulness becomes contagious — it redirects your thoughts and possibly your actions so you can live from your heart, too. The responsibility of such power to carefully choose your words, actions, reactions, and responses is crucial to life's overall outcome.
A 2021 report published by Frontiers in Psychology concluded heartfulness meditation indicates positive effects on stress reduction, improved well-being, decreased anxiety, increased mindfulness, and potential benefits for emotional regulation. Heartfulness incorporates mental cleaning, releasing negative emotions and impressions.
3. You take time to feel your emotions
Deeply spiritual people do not ignore their feelings. They take the time to understand their lows and highs. They pray for clarity from their higher power.
On some level, deeply spiritual people learn or know what their emotions are telling them. To attain this understanding, they get comfortable with their uncomfortable feelings. With this practice, they reach a point where they can gloss over typical emotional responses and dive straight into acceptance or another positive result.
When we think of spirituality, thoughts of living a pious life engulfed in prayer, fasting, regular attendance at church, turning the other cheek, and helping others less fortunate may surface. Yet, we can be spiritual and not go to church or pray and not necessarily help our fellow man.
Spirituality can be a state of mind or intent, a set of beliefs and guidelines we choose to live by and invoke when needed. Spirituality is a faith that reaches far beyond religious context or denomination, a spirituality we possess and exhibit can be perceived as a choice.
Spiritual people take responsibility to collaborate with their beliefs and inner knowing to step forward with a higher perspective awareness. Spirituality means different things to different people.
Spirituality can be quite personal – and it’s different from yet can be related to religion. One can be spiritual without a strong religious conviction. From the list above, we see that spirituality can be considered part of the human condition – if we allow it to develop as such.
If you’re looking to deepen your spirituality, stay hopeful in the true sense of the word, live from your heart by sharing loving thoughts, and become friends with your emotions and walk with them towards peace.
Pamela Aloia is a certified grief coach, intuitive/medium, and author of inspirational books. Pamela supports people through change and helps them enhance their lives and experiences via energy awareness, meditation, and mindfulness.