9 Signs You Have A Powerful Personality That Makes Other People Respect You

Your inner strength makes you quite honorable.

smiling woman with a powerful personality Ground Picture | Shutterstock

We'd all like to think that we are powerful, that our personalities shine through, and that we have a tenacious attitude. 

But not everyone is like this. In reality, only a select few have a powerful personality that commands respect.

Here are 9 signs you have a powerful personality that makes other people respect you

1. You're not easily swayed

woman crossing arms while smiling Ground Picture | Shutterstock

If you're not the type to be easily swayed, you likely have a powerful personality. People with strong personalities stand tall in their opinions and refuse to change their minds just because it's convenient.

Not only does this make them powerful, but it makes them more convincing. According to research, "People are confident when they know they are right, and their confidence makes them persuasive."

On the surface, this might sound exhausting. After all, shouldn't you be willing to grow and change and be willing to compromise? While growth is important, certain things aren't compromisable, your morals and values being one of them.

When we choose to stand on business and refuse to compromise who we are, that easily earns the respect of those around us.

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2. You don't fear confrontation

two men arguing over a fence New Africa | Shutterstock

When someone negatively approaches you, it can feel intimidating to stand up for yourself. If you're like most, you likely fear coming off as rude or ignorant. Yet, people with powerful personalities don't shy away from confrontation — they embrace it.

Though this might seem unimpressive, most people aren't like this. Research indicates that social anxiety is on the rise. And because of that, people might find it harder to stand up for themselves and confront situations head-on.

If you find yourself speaking your mind with little fear, be proud of yourself. You're a rarity in this world and the people around you will respect you for that. 


3. You're empathetic

younger woman comforting older woman Chay_Tee | Shutterstock

Having a powerful personality is much more than just speaking your mind. It's also about how you treat others. People who command respect treat others the same way they want to be treated, showing empathy and understanding. But this doesn't just benefit those around them — it can benefit themselves, too.

According to one study, expressing empathy showed a decrease in depressive symptoms. Although this is great news, another more chilling study shows the reality of our modern world, finding that empathetic concern is actually dropping among college students.

If you're one of the few who actively expresses empathy and understanding, not only do you have a powerful personality, but you're likely highly respected.

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4. You're an excellent listener

therapist writing down notes while patient stares at therapist YURII MASLAK | Shutterstock

Have you been told by your friends and family that you're a good listener? If so, you're a powerful person who easily receives respect from others.

If there's one thing powerful people have in common, it's that they listen and understand others. It creates respect and trust in any relationship. And, according to research, people who are good listeners build both of those skills in their personal and work relationships. 


5. You set clear boundaries

two women arguing MDV Edwards / Shutterstock

People with a strong, powerful personality are prepared to set clear-cut boundaries. These individuals don't allow themselves to be stepped all over. They don't bend to others and they certainly don't allow others to intimate them or make them uncomfortable.

Powerful people set boundaries and have consequences if their boundaries aren't respected. And this, in turn, earns them that respect.

Licensed social worker Leah Aguirre says, "Words are just words until they are backed by action," so whether you're working on developing a powerful personality or not, be sure to reinforce those boundaries. Aguirre admits that doing so might be hard, but, she adds, "if there is pushback, this is normal and can actually signal that the boundary is very much needed and can benefit your mental health."

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6. You're not a people-pleaser

woman explaining something to man fizkes | Shutterstock

The biggest sign you have a powerful personality is if you're not a people-pleaser. As it turns out, most people are people-pleasers, with one poll finding that 49% of adults identified as people-pleasers; for women, that number goes up to 56%.

But people with strong personalities don't struggle with this. Due to their independent nature, they don't care enough to let other people's opinions get to them. This might explain why they're so highly respected. 


7. You're self-assured

confident woman walking and posing Look Studio | Shutterstock

Being self-assured shows competency in yourself and your ability to get things done. But this confidence doesn't just boost your self-esteem.

According to research, overconfident people are perceived as more competent than individuals with accurate self-perceptions of competence, meaning that the latter perceive themselves to be competent versus outside insight.

Through this, you're not only seen as more skilled, but you're more likely to be respected by those around you.

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8. You're not scared of failure

woman walking with notebook in hand smiling PeopleImages.com - Yuri A | Shutterstock

It's all too normal to feel concerned for our future. For instance, a survey from Chapman University found that 48% of people fear not having enough money for the future. Yet, the biggest issue with this fear is its potential to hold us back from success. Especially, when you fear failure itself.

According to research, people who have a fear of the future tend to experience higher levels of self-doubt, anxiety, and lower self-esteem. And all of these can cause us to make decisions that go against our best interests, losing the respect of those around us.

For people who have powerful personalities, this isn't a problem. Unlike most, they understand that failure is the greatest tool for success, teaching us to improve ourselves and grow.


9. You respect others

older man handing older woman flowers Evergeny Atamanenko | Shutterstock

Having respect for others is the basis of a strong personality. These people don't feel intimidated by others' successes or opinions, and understand that the most powerful thing you can do is be graceful. Because of that, they like to keep things classy in any situation.

Even in the face of disrespect, powerful people stay in control to maintain their power. They stand up for themselves in a way that respects not just others, but themselves as well.

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Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology topics.
