11 Signs You’re A Highly Perceptive Person — And See The World Differently From Everyone Else
A highly perceptive person has traits that make them especially sensitive to their surroundings and other people.

A perceptive person is someone who is keenly aware of what’s going on in their given environment. They’re sensitive to their surroundings and in tune with people nearby. Highly perceptive people might be more easily stressed out by outside stimuli, but they’re also incredibly intuitive and see the world differently from everyone else.
Here are 11 signs that you’re a highly perceptive person:
1. You pick up on other people’s vibes.
When a highly perceptive person meets someone new, they get either a good or bad feeling about that person, possibly faster than others do. Highly perceptive people have strong intuitions and are often affected by other people’s moods. They know to listen to their gut and are very tuned into how they feel about other people.
2. You notice when someone’s expression changes.
This trait of highly perceptive people is connected to having strong intuition and noticing little details other people might miss. Microexpressions are small, involuntary expressions people make without realizing they’re doing so. Examples of microexpressions include flared nostrils when angry or a fleeting look of surprise that comes before the person lands on whatever expression they want to convey to those around them.
3. You understand people’s body language.
Body language is a subtle language, but it’s one we all speak. Highly perceptive people can tell if another person is feeling open or more closed off, due to how they hold themselves. Are their arms crossed over their chest? Are they turned away from you slightly? Or are they leaning in close, as though their attention is really focused on you? If you pick up on these traits quickly, without thinking about it too hard, you might be a highly perceptive person.
4. You hear what people don’t say in conversations.
A highly perceptive person is keenly aware of other people, which extends into noticing what they bring up in conversation— and what they don’t. If it seems like someone is avoiding a certain topic, it could mean that they’re avoiding the issues that might arise due to broaching a particular subject.
5. You pick up on people’s speech patterns.
Not only do highly perceptive people pick up on what’s missing in conversation, but they also pick up on repeated words or themes that come up when someone is speaking to them. They take note of what someone is focused on, as a way to understand what’s important to that person.
6. You may deal with depression.
According to a 2005 study, people who are "mildly depressed" tend to be more perceptive than others. This may be because those who are dealing with a mild level of depression have a heightened awareness of their surroundings as they monitor the emotions of others. “People with mild levels of depression may initially experience feelings of helplessness, and a desire to regain control of their social world,” lead researcher Kate Harkness explained. “They might be specially motivated to scan their environment in a very detailed way, to find subtle social cues indicating what others are thinking and feeling.”
7. You can tell what matters to other people.
A person who’s highly perceptive reacts to outside stimuli strongly, and therefore, they notice the quiet parts of people’s personalities that they might not want to be known. You might be well aware of how the people around you treat each other, which gives you a window into the kind of person that they are. Part of being a highly perceptive person is seeing what people value, in terms of how they present themselves to the world. You’re aware of someone’s attention to detail with their hairstyle or what their fashion choices are, and you use those clues to deduce what’s important to them.
8. You aren’t easily manipulated.
As a person who pays attention to what their intuition is telling you, you’re hard to manipulate or gaslight. Because you can sense people’s vibes, you’re aware of whether they’re telling you the truth or not, and you aren’t easily swayed by outside sources.
9. You can tell what someone’s scared of.
Your high sense of perception means that you can sense subtle shifts when someone feels nervous or scared, even if they say they’re not. You can tell when their tone of voice changes, and if they tense up, or seem on edge.
10. You can tell when someone’s into you.
Because you’re so good at interpreting body language, you’re pretty well aware when someone likes you, based on how they act around you. You’re also good at knowing when someone doesn’t like you, and therefore, you might not rush into a romantic situation without having some kind of guarantee.
11. You can tell when someone’s not okay, even when they’re pretending to be fine.
In other words, highly perceptive people pick up on other people’s true emotional states. If someone tells you they’re fine, but they seem to be holding a lot of tension, you’re able to feel what their real emotions are, despite what they’re telling you.
Highly perceptive people are very sensitive people.
According to psychologist Elaine Aron, a highly sensitive person, or HSP, has high sensory-processing sensitivity. People who are highly perceptive and sensitive have increased emotional sensitivities and react strongly to outside surroundings and their interior landscapes, making it so they experience the world in an intense and vividly felt way.
Alexandra Blogier is a writer on YourTango's news and entertainment team. She covers relationships, pop culture analysis and all things to do with the entertainment industry.